
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Sandrine Piau

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sandrine_Piau&diff=24257354&oldid=24255893&rcid=24252670
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
Nouveau total : -10
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -11, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -11, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Discuter:AnglaisFirefoxHTML\Shell\Open\Command

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discuter:AnglaisFirefoxHTML%5CShell%5COpen%5CCommand&rcid=24253066
Détection du contenu:

<nowiki><nowiki>Entrez le texte non formate ici</nowiki><nowiki>Entrez le texte non formate ici</nowiki></nowiki>
erreur: -25 /Entrez le texte non formate ici/

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, -25
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1

Score final: vandalisme = -1, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Aasimar

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aasimar&rcid=24254319
Détection du contenu:

-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

/EZ\b/, score=-6
-1 /\b(ma|mon|mes|moi)\b/ # "ma, mon, mes, moi" dans un article

/\b(MA|MON|MES|MOI)\b/, score=-6
-5 /\bmerci\b/

/\bMERCI\b/, score=-10
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

_CONTENT_ -30, 0, 0
Gros ajout : +1
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
Nouveau total : -30

Score final: vandalisme = -30, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Protéine N du SRAS CoV

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Prot%C3%A9ine_N_du_SRAS_CoV&diff=24259516&oldid=24259241&rcid=24254843
Détection du contenu:

][Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

][Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

][Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner
erreur: -25 /\[Remplacez cette mention/

-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

possible spam: [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17881296&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum]
Spam: +5 /\.gov/;

Spam: +10 /site.*=/; # infobox

_CONTENT_ -3, 14, -25

Score final: vandalisme = -3, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Patapon

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Patapon&rcid=24256887
Détection du contenu:

Patapon est un jeu en 2d, tres beau et tres original. Je vous interdis de supprimer cette page, sinon je vous poursuis en justice! Merci de votre comprehension, et je vous recommande d'ajouter des informations sur ce jeu.
-1 /\b(je|j')\b/i; # "je" dans un article (erreur possible : titre de chanson)

Patapon est un jeu en 2d, tres beau et tres original. Je vous interdis de supprimer cette page, sinon je vous poursuis en justice! Merci de votre comprehension, et je vous recommande d'ajouter des informations sur ce jeu.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Patapon est un jeu en 2d, tres beau et tres original. Je vous interdis de supprimer cette page, sinon je vous poursuis en justice! Merci de votre comprehension, et je vous recommande d'ajouter des informations sur ce jeu.
-5 /\bmerci\b/

_CONTENT_ -7, 0, 0
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
Nouveau total : -8
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -9, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -9, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Viking

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Viking&diff=24262593&oldid=24209069&rcid=24257940
Détection du contenu:

-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

de merde 
-10 /\bm[ae]+rde/

de merde 
-30 /(de|de la|dla|grosses?) m[ae]+r+de\b/

ont suces le cul de st marie la mere de jesus qui crit en voyant sa mere se faire defoncer le cul 
-1 /\bculs?\b/

_CONTENT_ -46, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -46

Score final: vandalisme = -46, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Wal-Mart

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wal-Mart&diff=24263522&oldid=24250838&rcid=24258882
Détection du contenu:

Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
-1 /\b(je|j')\b/i; # "je" dans un article (erreur possible : titre de chanson)

Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/; # Plein de "!" dans un article

Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
/!{5,}/, score=-15
Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

Je pensais que l'on vivait dans une democratie sur Wikipedia, et que l'on pouvait creer une nouvelle page si elle contenait assez d'information. Mais vous ne voulez pas uniquement parce que je suis un NOIR! Je vais vous poursuivre pour RACISME !!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/ # Way too many !'s

_CONTENT_ -39, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -32
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -33, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -33, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Octet

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Octet&diff=24263590&oldid=24011600&rcid=24258950
Détection du contenu:

-5 /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{10,}/i; # No vowels

_CONTENT_ -5, 0, 0
Total précédent : -32
Nouveau total : -37
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -38, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -38, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Utilisateur:Salebot

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Utilisateur:Salebot&diff=24263609&oldid=24022026&rcid=24258969
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ -1, 0, 0
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -102, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -102, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Optimates

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Optimates&diff=24263627&oldid=23976668&rcid=24258988
Détection du contenu:

+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

[[Titre du lien]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

[[Titre du lien]]
erreur: -25 /\[\[Titre du lien\]\]/

_CONTENT_ 2, 0, -25

Score final: vandalisme = 2, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Discussion Utilisateur:Gribeco/Janvier 2007

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discussion_Utilisateur:Gribeco/Janvier_2007&diff=24263665&oldid=20606165&rcid=24259026
Détection du contenu:

-10 /\bm[ae]+rde/

/\bM[AE]+RDE/, score=-15
-10 /\bencule/

/\bENCULE/, score=-15
-10 /[A-Z\s]{40,}/ # Too many caps + whitespace

_CONTENT_ -60, 0, 0
Total précédent : -37
Nouveau total : -97
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -98, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -98, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Discussion Utilisateur:

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discussion_Utilisateur:
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Total précédent : -97
Nouveau total : -117
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -118, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -118, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Discussion Utilisateur:

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discussion_Utilisateur:
Détection du contenu:

{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
-3 /\btabarna/

{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
/\bTABARNA/, score=-8
{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
-10 /\bosti/

{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
/\bOSTI/, score=-15
{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

{{((}}deblocage{{Je vous est poses plusieurs questions importantes, et vous ne m'avez jamais repondu! Comment pensez-vous que les gens reagissent quand on les bloques sans repondres a leurs questions? Ils recommencent, evidemment! Alors, S-V-P, repondez a mes TABARNAK DE QUESTIONS! Pourquoi vous m'avez bloques lorsque j'ai tente de creer la page sur le jeu "patapon"? J'avais tout mis ce qu'il fallait! Alors j'attend votre reponse CHRIST D'OSTIE DE TABARNAK!!! Merci d'avance.}}
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

_CONTENT_ -31, 0, 0
Gros ajout : +1
Total précédent : -117
Nouveau total : -147
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -148, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -148, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Ahmed Bahnini

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ahmed_Bahnini&diff=24266629&oldid=23342368&rcid=24261998
Détection du contenu:

--[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|d]]) 24 decembre 2007 a 09:20 (CET)
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

--[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|d]]) 24 decembre 2007 a 09:20 (CET)
erreur: -25 /\[\[Special:Contributions/ 

_CONTENT_ 1, 0, -25

Score final: vandalisme = 1, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Bernard Tricot

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bernard_Tricot&rcid=24264285
Détection du contenu:

Vous pouvez utiliser la couleur pour mieux :
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Vous pouvez utiliser la couleur pour mieux :
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

mettre en evidence une suggestion ou un avertissement. 
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

Ceci nous conduit a mettre en garde les concepteurs qui font un usage abusif des couleurs en fond d'ecran ou en police de caracteres.
-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

Si vous concevez un site ou l'utilisateur est fortement sollicite (site d'apprentissage ou d'enseignement) vous n'aurez pas les memes contraintes, exigences ou necessites que pour un site ludique ou plus commercial ou vous pourrez vous autoriser un peu plus de fantaisie. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Si vous concevez un site ou l'utilisateur est fortement sollicite (site d'apprentissage ou d'enseignement) vous n'aurez pas les memes contraintes, exigences ou necessites que pour un site ludique ou plus commercial ou vous pourrez vous autoriser un peu plus de fantaisie. 
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Preferez le mode positif, a savoir un fond clair avec des caracteres fonces. Cela permet d'obtenir un meilleur contraste. Ceci etant, pour un site (type site"musee") presentant des peintures, des sculptures, ou tout autre objet d'art, un fond noir sera plus adapte dans la mesure ou il favorisera le contraste et permettra la mise en valeur des oeuvres. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Concevez l' interface en noir et blanc et ajoutez la couleur seulement apres. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

La litterature ergonomique recommande pour un codage par la couleur, de limiter le nombre de couleurs. Limitez vous a un nombre de 3 a 4 couleurs differentes. Le nombre optimal de couleurs a utiliser est un compromis entre les exigences de la tache et les caracteristiques de l'affichage, ce qui signifie bien sur que dans certains cas vous pourrez aller au-dela. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

La litterature ergonomique recommande pour un codage par la couleur, de limiter le nombre de couleurs. Limitez vous a un nombre de 3 a 4 couleurs differentes. Le nombre optimal de couleurs a utiliser est un compromis entre les exigences de la tache et les caracteristiques de l'affichage, ce qui signifie bien sur que dans certains cas vous pourrez aller au-dela. 
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Preservez l' information : l'emploi abusif de couleurs peut egarer l'utilisateur et l'inciter a interpreter des liens relationnels inexistants entre les donnees. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

L’utilisation de couleur est plus adequate pour des taches de recherche de cibles parmi des informations non pertinentes que pour des taches qui requierent l’identification ou la categorisation d’information. 
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

Utilisez des couleurs saturees et lumineuses uniquement pour des informations critiques qui ont une faible probabilite d'apparition. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Evitez de distinguer uniquement les informations par la couleur, distinguez-les les aussi par la forme, la texture etc... 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Evitez d'utiliser la couleur de maniere arbitraire. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Concevez l ’interface dans les conditions de luminosite ambiante dans laquelle elle sera probablement utilisee. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Conservez tout le temps les memes couleurs pour les memes types d ’information. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Evitez les couleurs saturees. Les blancs et les gris devraient alors etre purs, sans utilisation de filtres ou de motifs. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Utilisez des couleurs pastels donnant une signification (on doit avoir une redondance par rapport a un texte / localisation sur l’ecran...). 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Groupez les elements qui sont en rapport avec un fond ayant les memes caracteristiques de texture ou de couleur. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Pour le choix de la couleur de fond evitez les teintes de rouge et ses derives (exemple : le vert, l'orange...). 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Evitez le bleu pur pour les details, les lignes fines ou les motifs. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Preferez Evitez 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Combinaisons de couleurs recommandees pour l'affichage de texte en fonction de la couleur du fond (LaLomia & Happ, 1987).(in l'ergonome http://www.lergonome.com)
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

possible spam: Combinaisons de couleurs recommandees pour l'affichage de texte en fonction de la couleur du fond (LaLomia & Happ, 1987).(in l'ergonome http://www.lergonome.com)
La difficulte quand on conçoit un site internet c'est de respecter ces differents stereotypes afin de ne pas induire des erreurs chez les differents utilisateurs mais aussi afin de ne pas les heurter ou les choquer. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

La difficulte quand on conçoit un site internet c'est de respecter ces differents stereotypes afin de ne pas induire des erreurs chez les differents utilisateurs mais aussi afin de ne pas les heurter ou les choquer. 
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

La sensibilite individuelle aux couleurs, les gouts, les valeurs symboliques constituent un langage social, les codes et les ideologies different et dependent de l'evolution des structures sociales. Dans le tableau ci-apres vous trouverez quelques associations recommandees en fonction des significations induites . 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

La sensibilite individuelle aux couleurs, les gouts, les valeurs symboliques constituent un langage social, les codes et les ideologies different et dependent de l'evolution des structures sociales. Dans le tableau ci-apres vous trouverez quelques associations recommandees en fonction des significations induites . 
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Pour conclure, un petit message adresse aux apprentis coloristes qui meurent d ’envie de reveler leurs talents artistiques, le choix, l'agencement des graphismes et couleurs choisis relevent de competences metiers qui sont celles de l'infographiste. Si vous ne possedez pas ces competences il est alors de loin preferable de rester modeste et de faire le plus simple possible.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Pour conclure, un petit message adresse aux apprentis coloristes qui meurent d ’envie de reveler leurs talents artistiques, le choix, l'agencement des graphismes et couleurs choisis relevent de competences metiers qui sont celles de l'infographiste. Si vous ne possedez pas ces competences il est alors de loin preferable de rester modeste et de faire le plus simple possible.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

_CONTENT_ -28, -1, 0
Gros ajout : +5
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
Nouveau total : -24

Score final: vandalisme = -24, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Procambium

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Procambium&diff=24269187&oldid=9420215&rcid=24264637
Détection du contenu:

'''Inserez un texte a mettre en gras a la place de celui-ci'''
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

'''Inserez un texte a mettre en gras a la place de celui-ci'''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

'''Inserez un texte a mettre en gras a la place de celui-ci'''
erreur: -25 /Inserez (le|un) texte a mettre/

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, -25
Gros ajout : +1

Score final: vandalisme = 1, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Le 30 janvier 1992

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Le_30_janvier_1992&rcid=24264882
Détection du contenu:

+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

Image:Exemple1.jpg|[[La Joconde]]
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Image:Exemple1.jpg|[[La Joconde]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Image:Exemple1.jpg|[[La Joconde]]
erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

Image:Exemple2.jpg|Un [[hamster]]
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Image:Exemple2.jpg|Un [[hamster]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Image:Exemple2.jpg|Un [[hamster]]
erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

Il s'agit de Monsieur le futur president algerin hy le plus grand personnage qui boulversera le monde bye les amigo!!!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/; # Plein de "!" dans un article

Il s'agit de Monsieur le futur president algerin hy le plus grand personnage qui boulversera le monde bye les amigo!!!!!!!!!
/!{5,}/, score=-15
Il s'agit de Monsieur le futur president algerin hy le plus grand personnage qui boulversera le monde bye les amigo!!!!!!!!!
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

Il s'agit de Monsieur le futur president algerin hy le plus grand personnage qui boulversera le monde bye les amigo!!!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/ # Way too many !'s

_CONTENT_ -30, 0, -75
Gros ajout : +1
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
Nouveau total : -30

Score final: vandalisme = -30, erreurs = -75

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Discussion Image:IntelCore2DuoE6600.jpg

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discussion_Image:IntelCore2DuoE6600.jpg&rcid=24265248
Détection du contenu:

== '''Texte de sous-titre'''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

== [[Media:Texte de sous-titre]]<math>Entrez votre formule ici</math> ==
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

== [[Media:Texte de sous-titre]]<math>Entrez votre formule ici</math> ==
erreur: -25 /Entrez votre formule ici/

_CONTENT_ 2, 0, -25
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1

Score final: vandalisme = 1, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Lapin nain

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lapin_nain&diff=24269908&oldid=23564972&rcid=24265367
Détection du contenu:

-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

/\bNOUS\b/, score=-6
-10 /[A-Z\s]{40,}/ # Too many caps + whitespace

_CONTENT_ -17, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -4
Nouveau total : -21

Score final: vandalisme = -21, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Encyclopédie

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Encyclop%C3%A9die&diff=24270303&oldid=23989017&rcid=24265762
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Nouveau total : -20

Score final: vandalisme = -20, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Sarcophage

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sarcophage&diff=24270704&oldid=24265533&rcid=24266175
Détection du contenu:

''== Texte de sous-titre ==
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

== ''Texte de sous-titre'' ==''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

_CONTENT_ 5, 0, -75

Score final: vandalisme = 5, erreurs = -75

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kingdom_Hearts_II_Final_Mix%2B&diff=24273936&oldid=23881535&rcid=24269540
Détection du contenu:

-10 /([g-zG-Z])\1{5}/ # même lettre 5 fois de suite

-10 /([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4})\1{10}/ # même séquence de lettres 10 fois de suite

-10 /\b[A-Z]{20,}\b/ # Too many caps

-10 /[A-Z\s]{40,}/ # Too many caps + whitespace

_CONTENT_ -40, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -1
Nouveau total : -41

Score final: vandalisme = -41, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Rob Lowe

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rob_Lowe&diff=24274948&oldid=23448988&rcid=24270565
Détection du contenu:

'''( parce qu'il faut le dire: il est magnifique !!!!!!!)
-10 /!{5,}/; # Plein de "!" dans un article

'''( parce qu'il faut le dire: il est magnifique !!!!!!!)
/!{5,}/, score=-15
'''( parce qu'il faut le dire: il est magnifique !!!!!!!)
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

'''( parce qu'il faut le dire: il est magnifique !!!!!!!)
-10 /!{5,}/ # Way too many !'s

'''( parce qu'il faut le dire: il est magnifique !!!!!!!)
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

+1 /''/ # Markup is good

_CONTENT_ -34, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -34

Score final: vandalisme = -34, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2006

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Coupe_du_Monde_de_la_FIFA_2006&rcid=24270812
Détection du contenu:

'''Electronic Arts donne le coup d'envoi virtuel de la Coupe du Monde 2006 aujourd'hui avec son titre exclusivement consacre a l'edition allemande qui se deroulera dans quelques semaines. Comme en 98 et en 2002, EA Sports n'hesite pas a doubler la dose de FIFA pour nous proposer un titre davantage oriente vers l'ambiance propre de la plus grande competition footballistique que vers une veritable evolution en terme de gameplay.
-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

'''Electronic Arts donne le coup d'envoi virtuel de la Coupe du Monde 2006 aujourd'hui avec son titre exclusivement consacre a l'edition allemande qui se deroulera dans quelques semaines. Comme en 98 et en 2002, EA Sports n'hesite pas a doubler la dose de FIFA pour nous proposer un titre davantage oriente vers l'ambiance propre de la plus grande competition footballistique que vers une veritable evolution en terme de gameplay.
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

'''Electronic Arts donne le coup d'envoi virtuel de la Coupe du Monde 2006 aujourd'hui avec son titre exclusivement consacre a l'edition allemande qui se deroulera dans quelques semaines. Comme en 98 et en 2002, EA Sports n'hesite pas a doubler la dose de FIFA pour nous proposer un titre davantage oriente vers l'ambiance propre de la plus grande competition footballistique que vers une veritable evolution en terme de gameplay.
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, prendre part aux eliminatoires qui ont debute il y a deux ans et reprendre un a un les matchs d'une des 126 selections nationales presentes dans le jeu en suivant le calendrier officiel. 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, prendre part aux eliminatoires qui ont debute il y a deux ans et reprendre un a un les matchs d'une des 126 selections nationales presentes dans le jeu en suivant le calendrier officiel. 
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, prendre part aux eliminatoires qui ont debute il y a deux ans et reprendre un a un les matchs d'une des 126 selections nationales presentes dans le jeu en suivant le calendrier officiel. 
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

Par exemple, si vous choisissez de revivre l'aventure française, il vous faudra en decoudre avec la Suisse, l'Eire, Israel, Chypre et les Iles Feroe.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Par exemple, si vous choisissez de revivre l'aventure française, il vous faudra en decoudre avec la Suisse, l'Eire, Israel, Chypre et les Iles Feroe.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

 Bien evidemment, vous pouvez toujours choisir d'etablir un nouveau tirage au sort dans les groupes afin d'evoluer dans un calendrier inedit. Enfin, pour ceux qui sont presses d'en decoudre, 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

 Bien evidemment, vous pouvez toujours choisir d'etablir un nouveau tirage au sort dans les groupes afin d'evoluer dans un calendrier inedit. Enfin, pour ceux qui sont presses d'en decoudre, 
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Coupe Du Monde De La FIFA 2006 vous permet de vous projeter directement le 9 juin sans passer par la case qualification.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Cinq modes de jeu sont a denombrer : Match Amical, Seance de tirs au but, Entrainement, Coupe du Monde ou Defi Mondial. Si les trois premiers n'ont rien de vraiment original, on pourra davantage s'arreter sur les deux suivants, principaux interets du protege d'EA Sports. Concernant la Coupe du Monde, quelques ajouts font leur apparition pour rendre l'epopee plus interessante et interactive qu'elle n'etait jusque-la. Pour commencer, l'ecran principal de ce mode precis contient pas mal d'informations a prendre en compte. On peut ainsi connaitre la forme de l'equipe que l'on va affronter, son systeme tactique preferentiel, sa mentalite, son style de jeu et ses joueurs cles. De plus, un bilan de ses meilleurs buteurs et des joueurs absents pour la rencontre (pour cause de blessure ou suspension) est etabli afin que l'on soit informe de la situation contextuelle de la rencontre. Pour continuer dans l'interactif, quelques phrases de selectionneurs apparaissent en bas de la page, nous informant sur le moral de telle ou telle equipe. Pas tres utile mais sympathique tout de meme. Toujours dans cette optique, un magazine virtuel de la Coupe du Monde recense l'actualite des eliminatoires et resume ce qu'il faut retenir des dernieres confrontations. Enfin, on dispose d'un passeport EA dans lequel on pourra retrouver nos performances passees, une sorte de galerie qu'il faut remplir en decrochant la qualification dans chacune des six zones (Europe, Afrique, Asie, Oceanie, Amsud et Concacaf). Le reste est somme toute classique avec des tonnes de statistiques dans chacun des autres groupes. Une bonne habitude que n'a pas perdue EA.
-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

Le Defi Mondial quant a lui effectue un bref retour en arriere. Vous pourrez par son intermediaire, revivre certains matchs des Coupes du Monde passees. Alors la, les nostalgiques s'enflammeront en se disant qu'ils pourront jouer avec les Blanc, Deschamps et compagnie afin de se rememorer de bons souvenirs... Eh bien non ! En realite, ces defis se disputent avec les joueurs actuels. Difficile de se motiver quand vous revivez le France-Croatie de 98 (les deux seuls buts marques par Thuram en selection nationale) avec des Malouda, Dhorasoo, Gallas, Boumsong et compagnie alors que les Blanc, Desailly, Lizarazu ou Deschamps ne sont pas sur la pelouse. Changer le cours de l'histoire oui, inverser la situation d'une rencontre alors qu'il ne reste que quelques minutes a jouer oui, mais avec des joueurs qui n'etaient meme pas internationaux a l'epoque non. Cela est vraiment paradoxal et d'un illogisme total puisque le vrai plaisir a revivre ce genre de rencontre decoule du fait que l'on evolue avec d'anciennes gloires qui sont aujourd'hui retraitees ou qui officient en tant qu'entraineur. Imaginez une finale de Coupe du Monde 86 sans Diego Maradona... Ceci est dommage car l'idee est sympathique d'autant que l'on a deux objectifs a remplir a chaque defi : un principal (gagner le match la plupart du temps) nous offrant une medaille de bronze et un secondaire (accentuer l'ecart de but, marquer un certain nombre de fois) qui donne acces a une recompense superieure.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Le Defi Mondial quant a lui effectue un bref retour en arriere. Vous pourrez par son intermediaire, revivre certains matchs des Coupes du Monde passees. Alors la, les nostalgiques s'enflammeront en se disant qu'ils pourront jouer avec les Blanc, Deschamps et compagnie afin de se rememorer de bons souvenirs... Eh bien non ! En realite, ces defis se disputent avec les joueurs actuels. Difficile de se motiver quand vous revivez le France-Croatie de 98 (les deux seuls buts marques par Thuram en selection nationale) avec des Malouda, Dhorasoo, Gallas, Boumsong et compagnie alors que les Blanc, Desailly, Lizarazu ou Deschamps ne sont pas sur la pelouse. Changer le cours de l'histoire oui, inverser la situation d'une rencontre alors qu'il ne reste que quelques minutes a jouer oui, mais avec des joueurs qui n'etaient meme pas internationaux a l'epoque non. Cela est vraiment paradoxal et d'un illogisme total puisque le vrai plaisir a revivre ce genre de rencontre decoule du fait que l'on evolue avec d'anciennes gloires qui sont aujourd'hui retraitees ou qui officient en tant qu'entraineur. Imaginez une finale de Coupe du Monde 86 sans Diego Maradona... Ceci est dommage car l'idee est sympathique d'autant que l'on a deux objectifs a remplir a chaque defi : un principal (gagner le match la plupart du temps) nous offrant une medaille de bronze et un secondaire (accentuer l'ecart de but, marquer un certain nombre de fois) qui donne acces a une recompense superieure.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Le Defi Mondial quant a lui effectue un bref retour en arriere. Vous pourrez par son intermediaire, revivre certains matchs des Coupes du Monde passees. Alors la, les nostalgiques s'enflammeront en se disant qu'ils pourront jouer avec les Blanc, Deschamps et compagnie afin de se rememorer de bons souvenirs... Eh bien non ! En realite, ces defis se disputent avec les joueurs actuels. Difficile de se motiver quand vous revivez le France-Croatie de 98 (les deux seuls buts marques par Thuram en selection nationale) avec des Malouda, Dhorasoo, Gallas, Boumsong et compagnie alors que les Blanc, Desailly, Lizarazu ou Deschamps ne sont pas sur la pelouse. Changer le cours de l'histoire oui, inverser la situation d'une rencontre alors qu'il ne reste que quelques minutes a jouer oui, mais avec des joueurs qui n'etaient meme pas internationaux a l'epoque non. Cela est vraiment paradoxal et d'un illogisme total puisque le vrai plaisir a revivre ce genre de rencontre decoule du fait que l'on evolue avec d'anciennes gloires qui sont aujourd'hui retraitees ou qui officient en tant qu'entraineur. Imaginez une finale de Coupe du Monde 86 sans Diego Maradona... Ceci est dommage car l'idee est sympathique d'autant que l'on a deux objectifs a remplir a chaque defi : un principal (gagner le match la plupart du temps) nous offrant une medaille de bronze et un secondaire (accentuer l'ecart de but, marquer un certain nombre de fois) qui donne acces a une recompense superieure.
-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

Le Defi Mondial quant a lui effectue un bref retour en arriere. Vous pourrez par son intermediaire, revivre certains matchs des Coupes du Monde passees. Alors la, les nostalgiques s'enflammeront en se disant qu'ils pourront jouer avec les Blanc, Deschamps et compagnie afin de se rememorer de bons souvenirs... Eh bien non ! En realite, ces defis se disputent avec les joueurs actuels. Difficile de se motiver quand vous revivez le France-Croatie de 98 (les deux seuls buts marques par Thuram en selection nationale) avec des Malouda, Dhorasoo, Gallas, Boumsong et compagnie alors que les Blanc, Desailly, Lizarazu ou Deschamps ne sont pas sur la pelouse. Changer le cours de l'histoire oui, inverser la situation d'une rencontre alors qu'il ne reste que quelques minutes a jouer oui, mais avec des joueurs qui n'etaient meme pas internationaux a l'epoque non. Cela est vraiment paradoxal et d'un illogisme total puisque le vrai plaisir a revivre ce genre de rencontre decoule du fait que l'on evolue avec d'anciennes gloires qui sont aujourd'hui retraitees ou qui officient en tant qu'entraineur. Imaginez une finale de Coupe du Monde 86 sans Diego Maradona... Ceci est dommage car l'idee est sympathique d'autant que l'on a deux objectifs a remplir a chaque defi : un principal (gagner le match la plupart du temps) nous offrant une medaille de bronze et un secondaire (accentuer l'ecart de but, marquer un certain nombre de fois) qui donne acces a une recompense superieure.
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

Pour en finir avec les differents modes de jeux, on appreciera vraiment les seances de tirs au but new look. Tout d'abord, on dispose d'une vue de camera legerement decalee sur la droite (derriere le joueur) qui n'est pas pour deplaire meme si elle se revele assez deconcertante dans un premier temps. Il est vrai que le coup tente par EA pour rendre cette epreuve plus cruelle et stressante qu'elle n'est deja est plutot reussi puisqu'on a la possibilite, en tant que tireur ou gardien, de destabiliser l'adversaire. Si vous etes gardien, vous pouvez vous deplacer sur la ligne, ecarter les bras ou sautiller sur place. Le tireur peut egalement gruger un peu en tardant a shooter ou en enchainant de petits sauts a son tour. Enfin, lors du tir au but decisif, on ressent les battements du coeur de son joueur augmenter de cadence afin d'elever un peu plus la tension qui regne sur le terrain.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Pour en finir avec les differents modes de jeux, on appreciera vraiment les seances de tirs au but new look. Tout d'abord, on dispose d'une vue de camera legerement decalee sur la droite (derriere le joueur) qui n'est pas pour deplaire meme si elle se revele assez deconcertante dans un premier temps. Il est vrai que le coup tente par EA pour rendre cette epreuve plus cruelle et stressante qu'elle n'est deja est plutot reussi puisqu'on a la possibilite, en tant que tireur ou gardien, de destabiliser l'adversaire. Si vous etes gardien, vous pouvez vous deplacer sur la ligne, ecarter les bras ou sautiller sur place. Le tireur peut egalement gruger un peu en tardant a shooter ou en enchainant de petits sauts a son tour. Enfin, lors du tir au but decisif, on ressent les battements du coeur de son joueur augmenter de cadence afin d'elever un peu plus la tension qui regne sur le terrain.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

 Sortie de buts pour un gardien qui va passer une sale soiree.
-1 /\bsales?\b/

Au niveau de la gestion d'equipe, on dispose toujours d'aussi peu d'options differentes. On doit choisir son schema parmi une quinzaine pre-etablis. Le seul impact que l'on peut vraiment avoir se situe dans le choix des tireurs de coups de pied arretes. En revanche, chaque equipe dispose d'une trentaine ou d'une quarantaine de joueurs selectionnables. Malheureusement, parmi eux, on notera pour l'Equipe de France l'absence de Ribery, Micoud (boudes par le selectionneur jusqu'alors donc c'est comprehensible), Frey Armand, Toulalan et Anelka (alors que Debuchy est la (!)). Ne comptez donc pas inclure ces hommes-la dans vos 23. Pourtant ces derniers ont tous ete a un moment appeles chez les bleus meme si seul Anelka est entre en jeu. On a en revanche acces a un editeur qui propose d'apporter des modifications aux joueurs deja listes ou d'en creer nous-meme. Celui-ci tres complet nous aide a creer un joueur de toutes pieces, que ce soit sur son physique ou ses qualites intrinseques. Il s'avere au final indispensable et vraiment utile pour mettre au point notre equipe nationale et ajouter tous les joueurs qui gagneront leur place en selection dans les mois suivants. Mine de rien, ce gros detail rallonge incontestablement la duree de vie.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Au niveau de la gestion d'equipe, on dispose toujours d'aussi peu d'options differentes. On doit choisir son schema parmi une quinzaine pre-etablis. Le seul impact que l'on peut vraiment avoir se situe dans le choix des tireurs de coups de pied arretes. En revanche, chaque equipe dispose d'une trentaine ou d'une quarantaine de joueurs selectionnables. Malheureusement, parmi eux, on notera pour l'Equipe de France l'absence de Ribery, Micoud (boudes par le selectionneur jusqu'alors donc c'est comprehensible), Frey Armand, Toulalan et Anelka (alors que Debuchy est la (!)). Ne comptez donc pas inclure ces hommes-la dans vos 23. Pourtant ces derniers ont tous ete a un moment appeles chez les bleus meme si seul Anelka est entre en jeu. On a en revanche acces a un editeur qui propose d'apporter des modifications aux joueurs deja listes ou d'en creer nous-meme. Celui-ci tres complet nous aide a creer un joueur de toutes pieces, que ce soit sur son physique ou ses qualites intrinseques. Il s'avere au final indispensable et vraiment utile pour mettre au point notre equipe nationale et ajouter tous les joueurs qui gagneront leur place en selection dans les mois suivants. Mine de rien, ce gros detail rallonge incontestablement la duree de vie.
-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

Le gameplay de son cote n'a pas connu de veritable evolution. C'est toujours tres simple a prendre en main, tres rapide, tres arcade mais surtout tres repetitif. On ragera notamment sur le fait que 90 % de nos frappes trouvent systematiquement le cadre sans que l'on n'ait a jouer plus que de rigueur avec le dosage du tir. Les gardiens sont assez irreguliers, sortant parade sur parade a certains moments et se trouant 4 fois sur 5 a d'autres. A ce propos, les portiers doivent tous souffrir d'une surcharge ponderale car ils ne parviennent que tres rarement a s'envoler pour aller chercher un ballon dont la course est destinee a s'achever sous la barre transversale. A moins que ce ne soit leurs reflexes qui aient ete mal calibres par les developpeurs... Leur pied d'appui ne quitte quasiment jamais le sol, ce qui fait qu'ils sont tres souvent battu par des frappes qui depassent la mi-hauteur. L'impression que le ballon nous colle au pied n'a pas disparu et la plupart des tirs que l'on effectuent ne prennent que peu ou pas en compte la position dans laquelle on se trouve. Autrement dit, meme dans un angle ferme, sur notre mauvais pied et marque de pres par un defenseur physiquement superieur, on parviendra la plupart du temps a decocher une frappe qui, dans le pire des cas, frolera le poteau, obligeant le gardien a plonger ou dans le meilleur des cas finira sa course au fond des filets. Un autre point qui ne fera pas l'unanimite concerne les passes en profondeur. Celles-ci sont une veritable arme fatale. Les defenseurs centraux ont un mal fou a anticiper la course de nos attaquants et mettent beaucoup de temps a comprendre que la balle va aller dans l'espace, dans leur dos et non pas dans les pieds de son destinataire.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Le gameplay de son cote n'a pas connu de veritable evolution. C'est toujours tres simple a prendre en main, tres rapide, tres arcade mais surtout tres repetitif. On ragera notamment sur le fait que 90 % de nos frappes trouvent systematiquement le cadre sans que l'on n'ait a jouer plus que de rigueur avec le dosage du tir. Les gardiens sont assez irreguliers, sortant parade sur parade a certains moments et se trouant 4 fois sur 5 a d'autres. A ce propos, les portiers doivent tous souffrir d'une surcharge ponderale car ils ne parviennent que tres rarement a s'envoler pour aller chercher un ballon dont la course est destinee a s'achever sous la barre transversale. A moins que ce ne soit leurs reflexes qui aient ete mal calibres par les developpeurs... Leur pied d'appui ne quitte quasiment jamais le sol, ce qui fait qu'ils sont tres souvent battu par des frappes qui depassent la mi-hauteur. L'impression que le ballon nous colle au pied n'a pas disparu et la plupart des tirs que l'on effectuent ne prennent que peu ou pas en compte la position dans laquelle on se trouve. Autrement dit, meme dans un angle ferme, sur notre mauvais pied et marque de pres par un defenseur physiquement superieur, on parviendra la plupart du temps a decocher une frappe qui, dans le pire des cas, frolera le poteau, obligeant le gardien a plonger ou dans le meilleur des cas finira sa course au fond des filets. Un autre point qui ne fera pas l'unanimite concerne les passes en profondeur. Celles-ci sont une veritable arme fatale. Les defenseurs centraux ont un mal fou a anticiper la course de nos attaquants et mettent beaucoup de temps a comprendre que la balle va aller dans l'espace, dans leur dos et non pas dans les pieds de son destinataire.
-1 /\bnous\b/ # "nous" dans un article

Le gameplay de son cote n'a pas connu de veritable evolution. C'est toujours tres simple a prendre en main, tres rapide, tres arcade mais surtout tres repetitif. On ragera notamment sur le fait que 90 % de nos frappes trouvent systematiquement le cadre sans que l'on n'ait a jouer plus que de rigueur avec le dosage du tir. Les gardiens sont assez irreguliers, sortant parade sur parade a certains moments et se trouant 4 fois sur 5 a d'autres. A ce propos, les portiers doivent tous souffrir d'une surcharge ponderale car ils ne parviennent que tres rarement a s'envoler pour aller chercher un ballon dont la course est destinee a s'achever sous la barre transversale. A moins que ce ne soit leurs reflexes qui aient ete mal calibres par les developpeurs... Leur pied d'appui ne quitte quasiment jamais le sol, ce qui fait qu'ils sont tres souvent battu par des frappes qui depassent la mi-hauteur. L'impression que le ballon nous colle au pied n'a pas disparu et la plupart des tirs que l'on effectuent ne prennent que peu ou pas en compte la position dans laquelle on se trouve. Autrement dit, meme dans un angle ferme, sur notre mauvais pied et marque de pres par un defenseur physiquement superieur, on parviendra la plupart du temps a decocher une frappe qui, dans le pire des cas, frolera le poteau, obligeant le gardien a plonger ou dans le meilleur des cas finira sa course au fond des filets. Un autre point qui ne fera pas l'unanimite concerne les passes en profondeur. Celles-ci sont une veritable arme fatale. Les defenseurs centraux ont un mal fou a anticiper la course de nos attaquants et mettent beaucoup de temps a comprendre que la balle va aller dans l'espace, dans leur dos et non pas dans les pieds de son destinataire.
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

Concernant l'ambiance a proprement parler des rencontres, on retrouve la patte d'Electronic Arts sans que celle-ci ne parvienne vraiment a convaincre. Entre les hymnes nationaux bizarrement jouees a la fin des rencontres, les confettis qui tombent de nulle part a chaque but inscrit et les cameras (pourtant en grand nombre) trop eloignees des joueurs, on constate que tout n'est pas franchement au point et que nombre de petits details importants sont a revoir. Dommage car la bande-son est vraiment bonne et les commentaires de Paul Le Guen et Herve Mathoux plutot seduisants, meme si ce dernier a tendance a en faire beaucoup trop. Enfin, sachez que vous pourrez debloquer pas mal de contenu pour varier les plaisirs, allant des joueurs de legende aux maillots des equipes qui ont marque l'histoire ou a differentes couleurs de chaussures en passant par les nombreux ballons specialement conçus pour cet evenement. Pour cela, il faudra avoir accumule un maximum de points durant les defis et les rencontres (de competition ou non). D'ailleurs, en parlant de joueurs de legende, on constate un bug recurrent dans la composition des equipes. Par moment, lorsqu'un joueur est suspendu et qu'il ne peut pas participer a la prochaine rencontre de son equipe, il est tout simplement impossible de choisir celui qui tiendra sa place. On demarre donc un match dans l'incertitude la plus totale et on s'aperçoit que c'est un joueur de legende qui a pris sa place. Il m'est arrive de voir Marius Tresor s'accaparer la place habituellement tenue par Jean-Alain Boumsong en defense centrale... En bref, FIFA n'a pas change au niveau du gameplay, ce qui n'est pas vraiment une surprise. Les amateurs de la serie le loueront, les fans de simulation ne s'arreteront que quelques minutes dessus afin d'etre sur de ne pas passer a cote d'une bonne surprise.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Concernant l'ambiance a proprement parler des rencontres, on retrouve la patte d'Electronic Arts sans que celle-ci ne parvienne vraiment a convaincre. Entre les hymnes nationaux bizarrement jouees a la fin des rencontres, les confettis qui tombent de nulle part a chaque but inscrit et les cameras (pourtant en grand nombre) trop eloignees des joueurs, on constate que tout n'est pas franchement au point et que nombre de petits details importants sont a revoir. Dommage car la bande-son est vraiment bonne et les commentaires de Paul Le Guen et Herve Mathoux plutot seduisants, meme si ce dernier a tendance a en faire beaucoup trop. Enfin, sachez que vous pourrez debloquer pas mal de contenu pour varier les plaisirs, allant des joueurs de legende aux maillots des equipes qui ont marque l'histoire ou a differentes couleurs de chaussures en passant par les nombreux ballons specialement conçus pour cet evenement. Pour cela, il faudra avoir accumule un maximum de points durant les defis et les rencontres (de competition ou non). D'ailleurs, en parlant de joueurs de legende, on constate un bug recurrent dans la composition des equipes. Par moment, lorsqu'un joueur est suspendu et qu'il ne peut pas participer a la prochaine rencontre de son equipe, il est tout simplement impossible de choisir celui qui tiendra sa place. On demarre donc un match dans l'incertitude la plus totale et on s'aperçoit que c'est un joueur de legende qui a pris sa place. Il m'est arrive de voir Marius Tresor s'accaparer la place habituellement tenue par Jean-Alain Boumsong en defense centrale... En bref, FIFA n'a pas change au niveau du gameplay, ce qui n'est pas vraiment une surprise. Les amateurs de la serie le loueront, les fans de simulation ne s'arreteront que quelques minutes dessus afin d'etre sur de ne pas passer a cote d'une bonne surprise.
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

[[''' En Bref...''']] 
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

[[''' En Bref...''']] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

La demo n'avait pas convaincu, la version finale n'est pas parfaite non plus. Si certaines animations sont plutot jolies, on ne peut qu'etre deçu devant la pauvrete des graphismes qui, meme boostes a fond en 1280 x 1024 ne sont pas dignes des meilleures realisations PC. L'ensemble s'avere tout de meme correct puisque le jeu est bien anime, le public assez reussi et les ralentis tout simplement somptueux.
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Agreable a jouer pendant quelques heures, ce nouveau FIFA deviendra un peu lassant lorsque vous aurez fait le tour des cinq modes de jeu. Si son gameplay n'a pas evolue et donc deçoit une fois de plus, ses principaux atouts que sont la duree de vie et la bande-son sont une nouvelle fois au rendez-vous. On progresse toujours trop rapidement sur le terrain et le systeme de tir doit etre entierement revu pour contenter tous les types de joueurs. A conseiller aux fans de la serie uniquement.'''
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Agreable a jouer pendant quelques heures, ce nouveau FIFA deviendra un peu lassant lorsque vous aurez fait le tour des cinq modes de jeu. Si son gameplay n'a pas evolue et donc deçoit une fois de plus, ses principaux atouts que sont la duree de vie et la bande-son sont une nouvelle fois au rendez-vous. On progresse toujours trop rapidement sur le terrain et le systeme de tir doit etre entierement revu pour contenter tous les types de joueurs. A conseiller aux fans de la serie uniquement.'''
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

Agreable a jouer pendant quelques heures, ce nouveau FIFA deviendra un peu lassant lorsque vous aurez fait le tour des cinq modes de jeu. Si son gameplay n'a pas evolue et donc deçoit une fois de plus, ses principaux atouts que sont la duree de vie et la bande-son sont une nouvelle fois au rendez-vous. On progresse toujours trop rapidement sur le terrain et le systeme de tir doit etre entierement revu pour contenter tous les types de joueurs. A conseiller aux fans de la serie uniquement.'''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

_CONTENT_ -24, 0, 0
Gros ajout : +5
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
Total précédent : -14
Nouveau total : -34

Score final: vandalisme = -34, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Messagerie instantanée

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Messagerie_instantan%C3%A9e&diff=24276716&oldid=24237623&rcid=24272341
Détection du contenu:

[Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner]
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

[Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner]
-1 /\bvous\b/ # "vous" dans un article

[Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner]
erreur: -25 /\[Remplacez cette mention/

_CONTENT_ -2, 0, -25

Score final: vandalisme = -2, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Le Petit Poucet

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Le_Petit_Poucet&diff=24277545&oldid=24046898&rcid=24273176
Détection du contenu:

un con 
-1 /\bcon\b/ # Could be Spanish

_CONTENT_ -1, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Nouveau total : -21

Score final: vandalisme = -21, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur 1993

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1993&diff=24278334&oldid=24136215&rcid=24273977
Détection du contenu:

* element A
erreur: -25 /\* element [A-C]\b/

* element B
erreur: -25 /\* element [A-C]\b/

* element C davit i. = [[:Categorie:Naissance en 1993|Naissances en 1993]] ==
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

* element C davit i. = [[:Categorie:Naissance en 1993|Naissances en 1993]] ==
erreur: -25 /\* element [A-C]\b/

_CONTENT_ 1, 0, -75

Score final: vandalisme = 1, erreurs = -75

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Panneau signalant un passage à niveau muni de barrières (France)

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Panneau_signalant_un_passage_%C3%A0_niveau_muni_de_barri%C3%A8res_%28France%29&diff=24280099&oldid=23718771&rcid=24275753
Détection du contenu:

TA MERE§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
-10 /\bta mere\b/

TA MERE§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
/\bTA MERE\b/, score=-15
_CONTENT_ -25, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -25

Score final: vandalisme = -25, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Langage SMS

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Langage_SMS&diff=24280103&oldid=24254402&rcid=24275757
Détection du contenu:

-10 /([g-zG-Z])\1{5}/ # même lettre 5 fois de suite

-10 /([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4})\1{10}/ # même séquence de lettres 10 fois de suite

-10 /\b[A-Z]{20,}\b/ # Too many caps

-10 /[A-Z\s]{40,}/ # Too many caps + whitespace

+1 /''/ # Markup is good

_CONTENT_ -39, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -39

Score final: vandalisme = -39, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Le maître-verrier Cesare Toffolo de Murano

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Le_ma%C3%AEtre-verrier_Cesare_Toffolo_de_Murano&diff=24281310&oldid=24281222&rcid=24277133
Détection du contenu:

--[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|d]]) 24 decembre 2007 a 16:36 (CET)Association venise1.com
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

--[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|d]]) 24 decembre 2007 a 16:36 (CET)Association venise1.com
erreur: -25 /\[\[Special:Contributions/ 

_CONTENT_ 1, 0, -25

Score final: vandalisme = 1, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Cesare Toffolo

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cesare_Toffolo&diff=24281608&oldid=24281498&rcid=24277507
Détection du contenu:

--[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|d]]) 24 decembre 2007 a 16:44 (CET)Association italie1.com / venise1.com
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

--[[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|d]]) 24 decembre 2007 a 16:44 (CET)Association italie1.com / venise1.com
erreur: -25 /\[\[Special:Contributions/ 

_CONTENT_ 1, 0, -25

Score final: vandalisme = 1, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%C3%89glise_de_J%C3%A9sus-Christ_des_Saints_des_Derniers_Jours&diff=24281836&oldid=24008852&rcid=24277751
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Nouveau total : -20

Score final: vandalisme = -20, erreurs = 0
[Remplacez cette mention par le lien avec http suivi d'un espace et du titre que vous voulez lui donner]

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Kirikou et la sorcière

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kirikou_et_la_sorci%C3%A8re&diff=24282116&oldid=24006960&rcid=24278031
Détection du contenu:

+1 /''/ # Markup is good

Inserez le texte a mettre en italique a 
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

Inserez le texte a mettre en italique a 
erreur: -25 /Inserez (le|un) texte a mettre/

== [[Texte de sous-titre]]hp^lolr)aiiuu_')cikiti'''u(eyzyitiuo_-uj(eye[[Media:yeoiohk(<math>hji-i'hh_o'''ktyyiut'''</math>]] ==yokpuyrtukl, hgjiee_
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

== [[Texte de sous-titre]]hp^lolr)aiiuu_')cikiti'''u(eyzyitiuo_-uj(eye[[Media:yeoiohk(<math>hji-i'hh_o'''ktyyiut'''</math>]] ==yokpuyrtukl, hgjiee_
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

+1 /''/ # Markup is good

_CONTENT_ 3, 0, -25
Grosse suppression : -1

Score final: vandalisme = 2, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Olympique lyonnais

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Olympique_lyonnais&diff=24282318&oldid=24243527&rcid=24278235
Détection du contenu:

-10 /\bencule/

/\bENCULE/, score=-15
_CONTENT_ -25, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -2
Nouveau total : -27

Score final: vandalisme = -27, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Djibril Cissé

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Djibril_Ciss%C3%A9&diff=24284883&oldid=24270939&rcid=24280828
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -7
Total précédent : -28
Nouveau total : -35
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -36, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -36, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Infrarouge

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Infrarouge&diff=24284992&oldid=24126609&rcid=24280939
Détection du contenu:

C ue connerie a 
-5 /\bcon+erie/

pus finir"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/; # Plein de "!" dans un article

pus finir"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/!{5,}/, score=-15
pus finir"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

pus finir"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/ # Way too many !'s

pus finir"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

_CONTENT_ -40, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Nouveau total : -60

Score final: vandalisme = -60, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Ornithorynque

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ornithorynque&diff=24285040&oldid=24285022&rcid=24280990
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
Total précédent : -10
Nouveau total : -20
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -21, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -21, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Discussion Utilisateur:

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discussion_Utilisateur:
Détection du contenu:

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -8
Total précédent : -20
Nouveau total : -28
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -29, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -29, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Roméo et Juliette

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rom%C3%A9o_et_Juliette&diff=24285640&oldid=24051182&rcid=24281603
Détection du contenu:

'''Inserez un texte a mettre en gras a la place de celui-ci'''
-1 /ez\b/ # 2e personne pluriel dans un article

'''Inserez un texte a mettre en gras a la place de celui-ci'''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

'''Inserez un texte a mettre en gras a la place de celui-ci'''
erreur: -25 /Inserez (le|un) texte a mettre/

_CONTENT_ 0, 0, -25

Score final: vandalisme = 0, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Brigade anticriminalité

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brigade_anticriminalit%C3%A9&diff=24286394&oldid=24246190&rcid=24282367
Détection du contenu:

se mettre en string et ne plus etre un gros naze bon a ri1
-30 /gros (naze|caca)/

_CONTENT_ -30, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -30

Score final: vandalisme = -30, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Vladimir Poutine

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vladimir_Poutine&diff=24287958&oldid=24263508&rcid=24283946
Détection du contenu:

Vladimirovich Putin<br><small>Владимир Владимирович Путин<small>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

| primeminister = [[Mikhail Kasyanov]]<br>[[Viktor Khristenko]]<br>[[Mikhail Fradkov]]<br>[[Viktor Zubkov]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| term_start = [[31 December]] [[1999]]<br>Acting until [[07 May]] [[2000]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| predecessor = [[Boris Yeltsin]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

[[Prime Minister of Russia|Prime Minister of the Russian Federation]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| president2 = [[Boris Yeltsin]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| term_start2 = [[08 August]] [[1999]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| term_end2 = [[07 May]] [[2008]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| predecessor2 = [[Sergei Stepashin]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| successor2 = [[Mikhail Kasyanov]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

birth_date = {{birth date and age|1952|10|07|df=y}}
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

| birth_place = [[Leningrad]], [[Russian SFSR]], [[Union of Soviet Socialist Republics|Soviet Union]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| spouse = [[Lyudmila Putina]]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

| spouse = [[Lyudmila Putina]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| party = formally independent<ref>[http://www.gzt.ru/politics/2007/10/01/180923.html Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Gzt.ru</ref><ref>[http://www.prime-tass.ru/news/show.asp?id=722637&ct=news Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Prime-tass.ru</ref>, but supports [[United Russia]]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

| party = formally independent<ref>[http://www.gzt.ru/politics/2007/10/01/180923.html Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Gzt.ru</ref><ref>[http://www.prime-tass.ru/news/show.asp?id=722637&ct=news Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Prime-tass.ru</ref>, but supports [[United Russia]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

| party = formally independent<ref>[http://www.gzt.ru/politics/2007/10/01/180923.html Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Gzt.ru</ref><ref>[http://www.prime-tass.ru/news/show.asp?id=722637&ct=news Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Prime-tass.ru</ref>, but supports [[United Russia]]
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: | party = formally independent<ref>[http://www.gzt.ru/politics/2007/10/01/180923.html Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Gzt.ru</ref><ref>[http://www.prime-tass.ru/news/show.asp?id=722637&ct=news Putin Refused to Become a Member of "United Russia"], October 1, 2007, Prime-tass.ru</ref>, but supports [[United Russia]]
>> pas d'accents
|religion = [[Russian Orthodox Church|Russian Orthodox]]<ref>[http://www.payer.de/arbeitkapital/arbeitkapital0307012.htm#5. Fig.: Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila] during the celebration of Pascha, the Russian Orthodox Easter service, at the [[Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Moscow)|Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow]], April 2001. (source of picture: http://vladimirputin.4u.ru/ -- Access to 09.12.2005.) Retrieved on 2007-[[June 27|06-27]]</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

|religion = [[Russian Orthodox Church|Russian Orthodox]]<ref>[http://www.payer.de/arbeitkapital/arbeitkapital0307012.htm#5. Fig.: Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila] during the celebration of Pascha, the Russian Orthodox Easter service, at the [[Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Moscow)|Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow]], April 2001. (source of picture: http://vladimirputin.4u.ru/ -- Access to 09.12.2005.) Retrieved on 2007-[[June 27|06-27]]</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: |religion = [[Russian Orthodox Church|Russian Orthodox]]<ref>[http://www.payer.de/arbeitkapital/arbeitkapital0307012.htm#5. Fig.: Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila] during the celebration of Pascha, the Russian Orthodox Easter service, at the [[Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Moscow)|Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow]], April 2001. (source of picture: http://vladimirputin.4u.ru/ -- Access to 09.12.2005.) Retrieved on 2007-[[June 27|06-27]]</ref>
| signature = Putin signature.svg
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

>> pas d'accents
'''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

'''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

'''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

'''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

'''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: '''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
'''Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin''' ({{audio-ru|Владимир Владимирович Путин|ru-Putin.ogg}}) (born [[October 7]], [[1952]]) is the current President of the [[Russia|Russian Federation]]. He became acting President on [[December 31]], [[1999]], succeeding [[Boris Yeltsin]], and was sworn in as President following the elections on [[May 7]], [[2000]]. In 2004, he was re-elected for a second term, which expires in May [[2008]]. He is [[Time (magazine)|Time Magazine's]] [[Person of the Year]] for 2007, given the title for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability".<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5giPpGOm3eUzCj6KUfXpxa36kD1bgD8TKHD280 Putin Named Time "Person of the Year"] Google News</ref>
Spam: +5 /google\./;

>> pas d'accents
Putin was born in [[Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]) on [[October 7]], [[1952]].<ref> Some biographers speculate that he was born somewhere in Southern Russia in 1950 and later lived at Metekhi, [[Georgia (country)|Georgian SSR]], [[USSR]], from 1953 to 1960, see [http://www.subbota.com/2004/03/04/li030.html Who is Mr. Putin] (in Russian) by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yury Felshtinsky]], Subbota, No 10, [[March 4]], [[2004]]; [http://www.polit.ru/bbs/2006/06/13/gp.html Georgian relatives of the President] (in Russian) by I. Bobrova, [[Moskovskiy Komsomolets]], [[June 13]][[2006]].</ref> A book, ''От Первого Лица''<ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin was born in [[Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]) on [[October 7]], [[1952]].<ref> Some biographers speculate that he was born somewhere in Southern Russia in 1950 and later lived at Metekhi, [[Georgia (country)|Georgian SSR]], [[USSR]], from 1953 to 1960, see [http://www.subbota.com/2004/03/04/li030.html Who is Mr. Putin] (in Russian) by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yury Felshtinsky]], Subbota, No 10, [[March 4]], [[2004]]; [http://www.polit.ru/bbs/2006/06/13/gp.html Georgian relatives of the President] (in Russian) by I. Bobrova, [[Moskovskiy Komsomolets]], [[June 13]][[2006]].</ref> A book, ''От Первого Лица''<ref>{{cite web
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Putin was born in [[Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]) on [[October 7]], [[1952]].<ref> Some biographers speculate that he was born somewhere in Southern Russia in 1950 and later lived at Metekhi, [[Georgia (country)|Georgian SSR]], [[USSR]], from 1953 to 1960, see [http://www.subbota.com/2004/03/04/li030.html Who is Mr. Putin] (in Russian) by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yury Felshtinsky]], Subbota, No 10, [[March 4]], [[2004]]; [http://www.polit.ru/bbs/2006/06/13/gp.html Georgian relatives of the President] (in Russian) by I. Bobrova, [[Moskovskiy Komsomolets]], [[June 13]][[2006]].</ref> A book, ''От Первого Лица''<ref>{{cite web
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

Putin was born in [[Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]) on [[October 7]], [[1952]].<ref> Some biographers speculate that he was born somewhere in Southern Russia in 1950 and later lived at Metekhi, [[Georgia (country)|Georgian SSR]], [[USSR]], from 1953 to 1960, see [http://www.subbota.com/2004/03/04/li030.html Who is Mr. Putin] (in Russian) by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yury Felshtinsky]], Subbota, No 10, [[March 4]], [[2004]]; [http://www.polit.ru/bbs/2006/06/13/gp.html Georgian relatives of the President] (in Russian) by I. Bobrova, [[Moskovskiy Komsomolets]], [[June 13]][[2006]].</ref> A book, ''От Первого Лица''<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: Putin was born in [[Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]) on [[October 7]], [[1952]].<ref> Some biographers speculate that he was born somewhere in Southern Russia in 1950 and later lived at Metekhi, [[Georgia (country)|Georgian SSR]], [[USSR]], from 1953 to 1960, see [http://www.subbota.com/2004/03/04/li030.html Who is Mr. Putin] (in Russian) by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yury Felshtinsky]], Subbota, No 10, [[March 4]], [[2004]]; [http://www.polit.ru/bbs/2006/06/13/gp.html Georgian relatives of the President] (in Russian) by I. Bobrova, [[Moskovskiy Komsomolets]], [[June 13]][[2006]].</ref> A book, ''От Первого Лица''<ref>{{cite web
possible spam: |url=http://www.kremlin.ru/articles/bookintro1.shtml
>> pas d'accents
}}</ref> (Romanization: ''Ot Pervovo Litsa'', translation: ''From the First Person''), based on his interviews, translated into [[English language|English]] in 2000 and paid for by his election campaign, speaks of humble beginnings, including early years in a communal apartment. According to him, in his youth he was eager to emulate the intelligence officer characters played on the [[Cinema of the Soviet Union|Soviet screen]] by actors such as [[Vyacheslav Tikhonov]] and [[Georgiy Zhzhonov]].
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

}}</ref> (Romanization: ''Ot Pervovo Litsa'', translation: ''From the First Person''), based on his interviews, translated into [[English language|English]] in 2000 and paid for by his election campaign, speaks of humble beginnings, including early years in a communal apartment. According to him, in his youth he was eager to emulate the intelligence officer characters played on the [[Cinema of the Soviet Union|Soviet screen]] by actors such as [[Vyacheslav Tikhonov]] and [[Georgiy Zhzhonov]].
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Maria Ivanovna Putina, was a factory worker and his father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, was 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

where he served in the [[submarine]] fleet in the early 1930s
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: in a sabotage group [http://www
nytimes.com/books/first/p/putin-first.html] during the 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

1930s; one died within a few months of birth; the second succumbed to [[diphtheria]] during the [[siege of Leningrad]]. His paternal grandfather
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Spiridon Putin, had been [[Vladimir Lenin]]'s and [[Joseph Stalin]]'s personal cook
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Spiridon Putin, had been [[Vladimir Lenin]]'s and [[Joseph Stalin]]'s personal cook
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

<ref>Peter Baker and Susan Glasser. ''Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin and the End of Revolution,''p. 40. New York, Scribner, 2005. ISBN 0-7432-6431-2</ref>
-1 /\bpete?r?s?\b/

<ref>Peter Baker and Susan Glasser. ''Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin and the End of Revolution,''p. 40. New York, Scribner, 2005. ISBN 0-7432-6431-2</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

<ref>Peter Baker and Susan Glasser. ''Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin and the End of Revolution,''p. 40. New York, Scribner, 2005. ISBN 0-7432-6431-2</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

>> pas d'accents
Putin graduated from the International Branch of the Law Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] in 1975. His final thesis was Принцип наиболее благоприятствующей нации в международном праве.[http://www.anticompromat.ru/putin/putinbio.html] Then he was recruited into the [[KGB]]. At the University he also became a member of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union]], and has never formally resigned from it.<ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin graduated from the International Branch of the Law Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] in 1975. His final thesis was Принцип наиболее благоприятствующей нации в международном праве.[http://www.anticompromat.ru/putin/putinbio.html] Then he was recruited into the [[KGB]]. At the University he also became a member of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union]], and has never formally resigned from it.<ref name
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Putin graduated from the International Branch of the Law Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] in 1975. His final thesis was Принцип наиболее благоприятствующей нации в международном праве.[http://www.anticompromat.ru/putin/putinbio.html] Then he was recruited into the [[KGB]]. At the University he also became a member of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union]], and has never formally resigned from it.<ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: Putin graduated from the International Branch of the Law Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] in 1975. His final thesis was Принцип наиболее благоприятствующей нации в международном праве.[http://www.anticompromat.ru/putin/putinbio.html] Then he was recruited into the [[KGB]]. At the University he also became a member of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union]], and has never formally resigned from it.<ref name
"ac_putinbio"/><ref>Владимир Путин. 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

'От Первого Лица''. [http://www.kremlin.ru/articles/bookchapter6.shtml Chapter 6]</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

possible spam: 'От Первого Лица''. [http://www.kremlin.ru/articles/bookchapter6.shtml Chapter 6]</ref>
<ref name="ivan01bio">{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |url=http://www.anticompromat.ru/ivanov01/ivan01bio.html
retraining courses. In 1978 he entered other foreign intelligence in 
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

1984 he studied at the KGB High School in Moscow. In 1984 Putin was promoted to 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

From 1985 to 1990 the KGB stationed Putin in 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

[[East Germany]],<ref>[http://www.mk.ru/newshop/bask.asp?artid=10360 Seven Moments of the Successor's Life] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: [[East Germany]],<ref>[http://www.mk.ru/newshop/bask.asp?artid=10360 Seven Moments of the Successor's Life] 
Putin was recalled to the Soviet Union and returned to Leningrad, where in June 1991 he assumed a position with the International Affairs section of Leningrad State University, reporting to Vice-Rector 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin grew reacquainted with [[Anatoly Sobchak]], then mayor of Leningrad
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin grew reacquainted with [[Anatoly Sobchak]], then mayor of Leningrad
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Sobchak served as an Assistant Professor during Putin's university years and was one of Putin's lecturers. Putin formally resigned from the state security services on [[August 20]], [[1991]], during the KGB-supported abortive [[Soviet coup attempt of 1991|putsch]] against Soviet President 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Sobchak served as an Assistant Professor during Putin's university years and was one of Putin's lecturers. Putin formally resigned from the state security services on [[August 20]], [[1991]], during the KGB-supported abortive [[Soviet coup attempt of 1991|putsch]] against Soviet President 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

>> pas d'accents
In May 1990 Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's adviser on international affairs. On [[June 28]], [[1991]], he was appointed head of the [http://www.kvs.spb.ru/en/ Committee for External Relations] of the [[Saint Petersburg City Administration|St. Petersburg Mayor's Office]], with responsibility for promoting international relations and foreign investments. The Committee was also used to register business ventures in St. Petersburg.<ref name="arppo">{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In May 1990 Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's adviser on international affairs. On [[June 28]], [[1991]], he was appointed head of the [http://www.kvs.spb.ru/en/ Committee for External Relations] of the [[Saint Petersburg City Administration|St. Petersburg Mayor's Office]], with responsibility for promoting international relations and foreign investments. The Committee was also used to register business ventures in St. Petersburg.<ref name="arppo">{{cite web
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

In May 1990 Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's adviser on international affairs. On [[June 28]], [[1991]], he was appointed head of the [http://www.kvs.spb.ru/en/ Committee for External Relations] of the [[Saint Petersburg City Administration|St. Petersburg Mayor's Office]], with responsibility for promoting international relations and foreign investments. The Committee was also used to register business ventures in St. Petersburg.<ref name="arppo">{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

In May 1990 Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's adviser on international affairs. On [[June 28]], [[1991]], he was appointed head of the [http://www.kvs.spb.ru/en/ Committee for External Relations] of the [[Saint Petersburg City Administration|St. Petersburg Mayor's Office]], with responsibility for promoting international relations and foreign investments. The Committee was also used to register business ventures in St. Petersburg.<ref name="arppo">{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: In May 1990 Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's adviser on international affairs. On [[June 28]], [[1991]], he was appointed head of the [http://www.kvs.spb.ru/en/ Committee for External Relations] of the [[Saint Petersburg City Administration|St. Petersburg Mayor's Office]], with responsibility for promoting international relations and foreign investments. The Committee was also used to register business ventures in St. Petersburg.<ref name="arppo">{{cite web
possible spam: |url=http://anticompromat.ru/oligarhi/ppo.html
|title=Происхождение путинской олигархии (The Origin of Putin's Oligarchy)
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref> During the time Putin led this Committee, [[Alexei Miller]], the current [[Chief executive officer|CEO]] of [[Gazprom]], also served on it from ([[December 15]], [[1991]]–1996), as well as [[political groups during Vladimir Putin's presidency|a number of other prominent politicians and businesspeople]], and was a deputy head of the Committee from 1992-1996.<ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref> During the time Putin led this Committee, [[Alexei Miller]], the current [[Chief executive officer|CEO]] of [[Gazprom]], also served on it from ([[December 15]], [[1991]]–1996), as well as [[political groups during Vladimir Putin's presidency|a number of other prominent politicians and businesspeople]], and was a deputy head of the Committee from 1992-1996.<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: |url=http://www.anticompromat.ru/miller/millbio.html
>> pas d'accents
}}</ref> Less than one year after taking control of the committee, Putin was investigated by a commission of the city legislative council. Commission deputies [[Marina Salye]] and [[Yury Gladkov]] concluded that Putin understated prices and issued licenses permitting the export of non-ferrous metals valued at a total of $93 million in exchange for food aid from abroad that never came to the city.<ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref> Less than one year after taking control of the committee, Putin was investigated by a commission of the city legislative council. Commission deputies [[Marina Salye]] and [[Yury Gladkov]] concluded that Putin understated prices and issued licenses permitting the export of non-ferrous metals valued at a total of $93 million in exchange for food aid from abroad that never came to the city.<ref>{{cite web
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

}}</ref> Less than one year after taking control of the committee, Putin was investigated by a commission of the city legislative council. Commission deputies [[Marina Salye]] and [[Yury Gladkov]] concluded that Putin understated prices and issued licenses permitting the export of non-ferrous metals valued at a total of $93 million in exchange for food aid from abroad that never came to the city.<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: |url=http://www.hrvc.net/west/12-8-04.html
|title=Uproar At Honor For Putin
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: |url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/russiagov/putin.htm
|title=Putin's Career Rooted in Russia's KGB
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: |url=http://www.afpc.org/rrm/rrm755.htm
|title=Russia Reform Monitor No. 755: U.S. Seen Helping Putin's Presidential Campaign; Documents, Ex-Investigators, Link Putin to St. Petersburg Corruption
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: |url=http://www.kommersant.com/p398799/r_1/New_Repartition_/
possible spam: |url=http://www.sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=297
|title=Putin Should Settle Doubts About His Past Conduct
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref><ref name="ac_putinbio">{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: |url=http://www.anticompromat.ru/putin/putinbio.html
>> pas d'accents
}}</ref> The commission recommended Putin be fired, but there were no immediate consequences. Putin remained head of the Committee for External Relations until 1996. While heading the Committee for External Relations, from 1992 to March 2000 Putin was also on the advisory board of the [[Germany|German]] [[real estate]] holding St. Petersburg Immobilien und Beteiligungs AG (SPAG) which has been investigated by German prosecutors for money laundering.<ref>Roth, Jurgen. Die Gangster aus dem Osten. Hamburg: Europa Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3203815265</ref><ref>Duparc, Agathe et Vladimir Ivanidze. Le nom de M. Poutine apparait en marge des affaires de blanchiment au Liechtenstein. Le Monde, 26.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://russianlaw.org/newsweek090301.htm A Stain on Mr. Clean] by Mark Hosenball and Christian Karyl, [[Newsweek]], 3.09.2001</ref><ref>[http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2000/05/30/006.htm Le Monde Says Putin Linked To Crime] Moscow Times, 30.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://www.rusnet.nl/news/2003/05/19/print/report03.shtml Putin’s Name Surfaces in German Probe] by Catherine Belton</ref><ref>[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,11913,1157033,00.html The Man Who Wasn't There] by Nick Paton Walsh. The Observer, 29.02.2004.</ref><ref name="arppo" />
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref> The commission recommended Putin be fired, but there were no immediate consequences. Putin remained head of the Committee for External Relations until 1996. While heading the Committee for External Relations, from 1992 to March 2000 Putin was also on the advisory board of the [[Germany|German]] [[real estate]] holding St. Petersburg Immobilien und Beteiligungs AG (SPAG) which has been investigated by German prosecutors for money laundering.<ref>Roth, Jurgen. Die Gangster aus dem Osten. Hamburg: Europa Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3203815265</ref><ref>Duparc, Agathe et Vladimir Ivanidze. Le nom de M. Poutine apparait en marge des affaires de blanchiment au Liechtenstein. Le Monde, 26.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://russianlaw.org/newsweek090301.htm A Stain on Mr. Clean] by Mark Hosenball and Christian Karyl, [[Newsweek]], 3.09.2001</ref><ref>[http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2000/05/30/006.htm Le Monde Says Putin Linked To Crime] Moscow Times, 30.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://www.rusnet.nl/news/2003/05/19/print/report03.shtml Putin’s Name Surfaces in German Probe] by Catherine Belton</ref><ref>[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,11913,1157033,00.html The Man Who Wasn't There] by Nick Paton Walsh. The Observer, 29.02.2004.</ref><ref name="arppo" />
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

}}</ref> The commission recommended Putin be fired, but there were no immediate consequences. Putin remained head of the Committee for External Relations until 1996. While heading the Committee for External Relations, from 1992 to March 2000 Putin was also on the advisory board of the [[Germany|German]] [[real estate]] holding St. Petersburg Immobilien und Beteiligungs AG (SPAG) which has been investigated by German prosecutors for money laundering.<ref>Roth, Jurgen. Die Gangster aus dem Osten. Hamburg: Europa Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3203815265</ref><ref>Duparc, Agathe et Vladimir Ivanidze. Le nom de M. Poutine apparait en marge des affaires de blanchiment au Liechtenstein. Le Monde, 26.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://russianlaw.org/newsweek090301.htm A Stain on Mr. Clean] by Mark Hosenball and Christian Karyl, [[Newsweek]], 3.09.2001</ref><ref>[http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2000/05/30/006.htm Le Monde Says Putin Linked To Crime] Moscow Times, 30.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://www.rusnet.nl/news/2003/05/19/print/report03.shtml Putin’s Name Surfaces in German Probe] by Catherine Belton</ref><ref>[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,11913,1157033,00.html The Man Who Wasn't There] by Nick Paton Walsh. The Observer, 29.02.2004.</ref><ref name="arppo" />
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: }}</ref> The commission recommended Putin be fired, but there were no immediate consequences. Putin remained head of the Committee for External Relations until 1996. While heading the Committee for External Relations, from 1992 to March 2000 Putin was also on the advisory board of the [[Germany|German]] [[real estate]] holding St. Petersburg Immobilien und Beteiligungs AG (SPAG) which has been investigated by German prosecutors for money laundering.<ref>Roth, Jurgen. Die Gangster aus dem Osten. Hamburg: Europa Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3203815265</ref><ref>Duparc, Agathe et Vladimir Ivanidze. Le nom de M. Poutine apparait en marge des affaires de blanchiment au Liechtenstein. Le Monde, 26.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://russianlaw.org/newsweek090301.htm A Stain on Mr. Clean] by Mark Hosenball and Christian Karyl, [[Newsweek]], 3.09.2001</ref><ref>[http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2000/05/30/006.htm Le Monde Says Putin Linked To Crime] Moscow Times, 30.05.2000.</ref><ref>[http://www.rusnet.nl/news/2003/05/19/print/report03.shtml Putin’s Name Surfaces in German Probe] by Catherine Belton</ref><ref>[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,11913,1157033,00.html The Man Who Wasn't There] by Nick Paton Walsh. The Observer, 29.02.2004.</ref><ref name="arppo" />
Putin was appointed to additional positions in the St
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin led the St
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |url= http://gazeta.lenta.ru/daynews/09-08-1999/30bio.htm
}}</ref><ref name="ac_putinbio"/> During this same period from 1995 through June 1997 he was also the head of the Advisory Board of the JSC Newspaper [[Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti]].<ref name="arppo" /><ref name="30bio" />
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

}}</ref><ref name="ac_putinbio"/> During this same period from 1995 through June 1997 he was also the head of the Advisory Board of the JSC Newspaper [[Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti]].<ref name="arppo" /><ref name="30bio" />
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

. Putin was called to Moscow and in June 1996 assumed position of a Deputy Chief of the 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

1997]] President [[Boris Yeltsin]] appointed Putin deputy chief of [[Russian presidential administration|Presidential Staff
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

1997]] President [[Boris Yeltsin]] appointed Putin deputy chief of [[Russian presidential administration|Presidential Staff
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On [[June 27]], [[1997]], at the [[Saint Petersburg Mining Institute]] Putin defended his [[Candidate of Science]] dissertation in economics titled "The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of Market Relations".<ref>{{cite web
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On [[June 27]], [[1997]], at the [[Saint Petersburg Mining Institute]] Putin defended his [[Candidate of Science]] dissertation in economics titled "The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of Market Relations".<ref>{{cite web
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On [[June 27]], [[1997]], at the [[Saint Petersburg Mining Institute]] Putin defended his [[Candidate of Science]] dissertation in economics titled "The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of Market Relations".<ref>{{cite web
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possible spam: |url=http://www.zavtra.ru/cgi/veil/data/zavtra/00/338/32.html
>> pas d'accents
}}</ref> According to [[Clifford G Gaddy]], a senior fellow at The [[Brookings Institute]], 16 of the 20 pages that open a key section of Putin’s work were copied either word for word or with minute alterations from a management study, Strategic Planning and Policy, written by US professors William King and David Cleland and translated into Russian by a KGB-related institute in the early 1990s.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-2101607,00.html Tony Allen-Mills ''Putin accused of plagiarising his PhD thesis''] [[The Sunday Times (UK)|The Sunday Times]] [[March 26]] [[2006]]</ref>
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}}</ref> According to [[Clifford G Gaddy]], a senior fellow at The [[Brookings Institute]], 16 of the 20 pages that open a key section of Putin’s work were copied either word for word or with minute alterations from a management study, Strategic Planning and Policy, written by US professors William King and David Cleland and translated into Russian by a KGB-related institute in the early 1990s.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-2101607,00.html Tony Allen-Mills ''Putin accused of plagiarising his PhD thesis''] [[The Sunday Times (UK)|The Sunday Times]] [[March 26]] [[2006]]</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

}}</ref> According to [[Clifford G Gaddy]], a senior fellow at The [[Brookings Institute]], 16 of the 20 pages that open a key section of Putin’s work were copied either word for word or with minute alterations from a management study, Strategic Planning and Policy, written by US professors William King and David Cleland and translated into Russian by a KGB-related institute in the early 1990s.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-2101607,00.html Tony Allen-Mills ''Putin accused of plagiarising his PhD thesis''] [[The Sunday Times (UK)|The Sunday Times]] [[March 26]] [[2006]]</ref>
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possible spam: }}</ref> According to [[Clifford G Gaddy]], a senior fellow at The [[Brookings Institute]], 16 of the 20 pages that open a key section of Putin’s work were copied either word for word or with minute alterations from a management study, Strategic Planning and Policy, written by US professors William King and David Cleland and translated into Russian by a KGB-related institute in the early 1990s.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-2101607,00.html Tony Allen-Mills ''Putin accused of plagiarising his PhD thesis''] [[The Sunday Times (UK)|The Sunday Times]] [[March 26]] [[2006]]</ref>
Vladimir Putin was appointed First Deputy Chief of 
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). After Putin's appointment
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On [[July 25]][[1998]] Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin Head of the [[Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti|FSB]] (one of the successor agencies to the KGB)
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On [[July 25]][[1998]] Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin Head of the [[Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti|FSB]] (one of the successor agencies to the KGB)
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the position Putin occupied until August 1999. He became a permanent member of the [[Security Council of the Russian Federation]] on [[October 1]][[1998]] and its Secretary on [[March 29]][[1999]]. In April 1999, FSB Chief Vladimir Putin and Interior Minister [[Sergei Stepashin]] held a televised press conference in which they discussed a video that had aired nationwide [[March 17]] on the state
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

the position Putin occupied until August 1999. He became a permanent member of the [[Security Council of the Russian Federation]] on [[October 1]][[1998]] and its Secretary on [[March 29]][[1999]]. In April 1999, FSB Chief Vladimir Putin and Interior Minister [[Sergei Stepashin]] held a televised press conference in which they discussed a video that had aired nationwide [[March 17]] on the state
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

the position Putin occupied until August 1999. He became a permanent member of the [[Security Council of the Russian Federation]] on [[October 1]][[1998]] and its Secretary on [[March 29]][[1999]]. In April 1999, FSB Chief Vladimir Putin and Interior Minister [[Sergei Stepashin]] held a televised press conference in which they discussed a video that had aired nationwide [[March 17]] on the state
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

controlled [[Russia TV channel]] which showed a naked man very similar to the [[Prosecutor General of Russia]]
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[[Yury Skuratov]]
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in bed with two young women. Putin claimed that expert FSB analysis proved the man on the tape to be Skuratov and that the orgy had been paid for by persons investigated for criminal offences.<ref>[http://www.psan.org/document519.html The Security Organs of the Russian Federation. A Brief History 1991
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

in bed with two young women. Putin claimed that expert FSB analysis proved the man on the tape to be Skuratov and that the orgy had been paid for by persons investigated for criminal offences.<ref>[http://www.psan.org/document519.html The Security Organs of the Russian Federation. A Brief History 1991
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

possible spam: in bed with two young women. Putin claimed that expert FSB analysis proved the man on the tape to be Skuratov and that the orgy had been paid for by persons investigated for criminal offences.<ref>[http://www.psan.org/document519.html The Security Organs of the Russian Federation. A Brief History 1991
possible spam: 2004] by Jonathan Littell.</ref><ref> [http://www.lib.ru/HISTORY/FELSHTINSKY/naslednik.txt The Operation 
Successor"] by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yuriy Felshtinsky]] (in Russian).</ref> Skuratov had been adversarial toward President Yeltsin and had been aggressively investigating government corruption<ref name=Satter-rfl> [http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sp/2003/sp.080803.asp Interview] with [[David Satter]] on [[Radio Liberty]] [[August 8]] [[2003]] {{ru icon}}</ref>
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Successor"] by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yuriy Felshtinsky]] (in Russian).</ref> Skuratov had been adversarial toward President Yeltsin and had been aggressively investigating government corruption<ref name=Satter-rfl> [http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sp/2003/sp.080803.asp Interview] with [[David Satter]] on [[Radio Liberty]] [[August 8]] [[2003]] {{ru icon}}</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Successor"] by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yuriy Felshtinsky]] (in Russian).</ref> Skuratov had been adversarial toward President Yeltsin and had been aggressively investigating government corruption<ref name=Satter-rfl> [http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sp/2003/sp.080803.asp Interview] with [[David Satter]] on [[Radio Liberty]] [[August 8]] [[2003]] {{ru icon}}</ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

Successor"] by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yuriy Felshtinsky]] (in Russian).</ref> Skuratov had been adversarial toward President Yeltsin and had been aggressively investigating government corruption<ref name=Satter-rfl> [http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sp/2003/sp.080803.asp Interview] with [[David Satter]] on [[Radio Liberty]] [[August 8]] [[2003]] {{ru icon}}</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: Successor"] by [[Vladimir Pribylovsky]] and [[Yuriy Felshtinsky]] (in Russian).</ref> Skuratov had been adversarial toward President Yeltsin and had been aggressively investigating government corruption<ref name=Satter-rfl> [http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sp/2003/sp.080803.asp Interview] with [[David Satter]] on [[Radio Liberty]] [[August 8]] [[2003]] {{ru icon}}</ref>
reported that [[Spain|Spanish]] police discovered that Putin had secretly visited a villa in Spain belonging to the oligarch [[Boris Berezovsky]] on up to five different occasions in 1999.
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reported that [[Spain|Spanish]] police discovered that Putin had secretly visited a villa in Spain belonging to the oligarch [[Boris Berezovsky]] on up to five different occasions in 1999.
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[June 15]] [[2000]] | publisher =[[The Times]] | url=
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>> pas d'accents
On [[July 28]], [[1983]] Putin married [[Lyudmila Putina|Lyudmila Shkrebneva]], at that time an undergraduate student of the Spanish branch of the [[Philology]] Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] and a former airline stewardess, who had been born in [[Kaliningrad]] on [[January 6]][[1958]]. They have two daughters, [[Maria Putina]] (born 1985) and [[Yekaterina Putina|Yekaterina "Katya" Putina]] (born 1986 in [[Dresden]]). The daughters attended the [[German School in Moscow]] (Deutsche Schule Moskau) until his appointment as prime minister.
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On [[July 28]], [[1983]] Putin married [[Lyudmila Putina|Lyudmila Shkrebneva]], at that time an undergraduate student of the Spanish branch of the [[Philology]] Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] and a former airline stewardess, who had been born in [[Kaliningrad]] on [[January 6]][[1958]]. They have two daughters, [[Maria Putina]] (born 1985) and [[Yekaterina Putina|Yekaterina "Katya" Putina]] (born 1986 in [[Dresden]]). The daughters attended the [[German School in Moscow]] (Deutsche Schule Moskau) until his appointment as prime minister.
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On [[July 28]], [[1983]] Putin married [[Lyudmila Putina|Lyudmila Shkrebneva]], at that time an undergraduate student of the Spanish branch of the [[Philology]] Department of the [[Saint Petersburg State University|Leningrad State University]] and a former airline stewardess, who had been born in [[Kaliningrad]] on [[January 6]][[1958]]. They have two daughters, [[Maria Putina]] (born 1985) and [[Yekaterina Putina|Yekaterina "Katya" Putina]] (born 1986 in [[Dresden]]). The daughters attended the [[German School in Moscow]] (Deutsche Schule Moskau) until his appointment as prime minister.
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Since 1992, Putin had owned a 
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skoye lake on the [[Karelian Isthmus]] near St
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His neighbours there are [[Vladimir Yakunin]]
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[[Andrei Aleksandrovich Fursenko|Andrei Fursenko]]
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[[Sergey Fursenko]]
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[[Yuriy Kovalchuk]]
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[[Viktor Myachin]], [[Vladimir Alexeyevich Smirnov|Vladimir Smirnov]] and [[Nikolay Shamalov]]
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On [[November 10]]
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together they instituted the co-operative society [[Ozero]] (the Lake) which united their properties. This was confirmed by Putin
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together they instituted the co-operative society [[Ozero]] (the Lake) which united their properties. This was confirmed by Putin
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together they instituted the co-operative society [[Ozero]] (the Lake) which united their properties. This was confirmed by Putin
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name="arppo" /
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Putin's father was "a model communist, genuinely believing in its ideals while trying to put them into practice in his own life.".<ref name
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Putin's father was "a model communist, genuinely believing in its ideals while trying to put them into practice in his own life.".<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

"Choice">{{cite book|title
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

Putin: Russia's Choice|author
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>> pas d'accents
London}}</ref> With this dedication he became secretary of the Party cell in his workshop and then after taking night classes joined the factory’s Party bureau.<ref name="Choice"/> Though his father was a "militant atheist",<ref name="Colton">{{cite book|title=Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: the Russian elections of 1999 and 2000|author=Timothy J. Colton, Michael MacFaul|date=2003|publisher=The Brookings Institution|location=Washington DC}}</ref> Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer".<ref name="Choice"/> Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.<ref name="Choice"/> His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.<ref name="Choice"/> Putin himself is a practicing member of the [[Russian Orthodox Church]]. His religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.<ref name="Colton"/><ref>[http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs] [[Larry King Live]], [[September 8]][[2000]].</ref> Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since.”<ref name="Choice"/>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

London}}</ref> With this dedication he became secretary of the Party cell in his workshop and then after taking night classes joined the factory’s Party bureau.<ref name="Choice"/> Though his father was a "militant atheist",<ref name="Colton">{{cite book|title=Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: the Russian elections of 1999 and 2000|author=Timothy J. Colton, Michael MacFaul|date=2003|publisher=The Brookings Institution|location=Washington DC}}</ref> Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer".<ref name="Choice"/> Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.<ref name="Choice"/> His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.<ref name="Choice"/> Putin himself is a practicing member of the [[Russian Orthodox Church]]. His religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.<ref name="Colton"/><ref>[http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs] [[Larry King Live]], [[September 8]][[2000]].</ref> Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since.”<ref name="Choice"/>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

London}}</ref> With this dedication he became secretary of the Party cell in his workshop and then after taking night classes joined the factory’s Party bureau.<ref name="Choice"/> Though his father was a "militant atheist",<ref name="Colton">{{cite book|title=Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: the Russian elections of 1999 and 2000|author=Timothy J. Colton, Michael MacFaul|date=2003|publisher=The Brookings Institution|location=Washington DC}}</ref> Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer".<ref name="Choice"/> Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.<ref name="Choice"/> His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.<ref name="Choice"/> Putin himself is a practicing member of the [[Russian Orthodox Church]]. His religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.<ref name="Colton"/><ref>[http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs] [[Larry King Live]], [[September 8]][[2000]].</ref> Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since.”<ref name="Choice"/>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

London}}</ref> With this dedication he became secretary of the Party cell in his workshop and then after taking night classes joined the factory’s Party bureau.<ref name="Choice"/> Though his father was a "militant atheist",<ref name="Colton">{{cite book|title=Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: the Russian elections of 1999 and 2000|author=Timothy J. Colton, Michael MacFaul|date=2003|publisher=The Brookings Institution|location=Washington DC}}</ref> Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer".<ref name="Choice"/> Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.<ref name="Choice"/> His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.<ref name="Choice"/> Putin himself is a practicing member of the [[Russian Orthodox Church]]. His religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.<ref name="Colton"/><ref>[http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs] [[Larry King Live]], [[September 8]][[2000]].</ref> Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since.”<ref name="Choice"/>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

London}}</ref> With this dedication he became secretary of the Party cell in his workshop and then after taking night classes joined the factory’s Party bureau.<ref name="Choice"/> Though his father was a "militant atheist",<ref name="Colton">{{cite book|title=Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: the Russian elections of 1999 and 2000|author=Timothy J. Colton, Michael MacFaul|date=2003|publisher=The Brookings Institution|location=Washington DC}}</ref> Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer".<ref name="Choice"/> Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.<ref name="Choice"/> His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.<ref name="Choice"/> Putin himself is a practicing member of the [[Russian Orthodox Church]]. His religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.<ref name="Colton"/><ref>[http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs] [[Larry King Live]], [[September 8]][[2000]].</ref> Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since.”<ref name="Choice"/>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: London}}</ref> With this dedication he became secretary of the Party cell in his workshop and then after taking night classes joined the factory’s Party bureau.<ref name="Choice"/> Though his father was a "militant atheist",<ref name="Colton">{{cite book|title=Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: the Russian elections of 1999 and 2000|author=Timothy J. Colton, Michael MacFaul|date=2003|publisher=The Brookings Institution|location=Washington DC}}</ref> Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer".<ref name="Choice"/> Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.<ref name="Choice"/> His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.<ref name="Choice"/> Putin himself is a practicing member of the [[Russian Orthodox Church]]. His religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.<ref name="Colton"/><ref>[http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs] [[Larry King Live]], [[September 8]][[2000]].</ref> Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since.”<ref name="Choice"/>
Putin has been hailed by 
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Putin speaks 
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with near-native fluency. His family used to speak German at home as well.<ref>{{cite web | last=Wagner |first=Hans | url=http://www.eurasischesmagazin
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

possible spam: with near-native fluency. His family used to speak German at home as well.<ref>{{cite web | last=Wagner |first=Hans | url=http://www.eurasischesmagazin
but he continues to use interpreters for formal talks. Putin spoke English in public for the first time during the state dinner in 
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but he continues to use interpreters for formal talks. Putin spoke English in public for the first time during the state dinner in 
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ai_n11400868 Putin treated royally on historic London visit
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He made a full English speech while addressing delegates at the 119th International Olympic Committee Session in Guatemala City on behalf of the successful bid of Sochi for the [[2014 Winter Olympics]]
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

He made a full English speech while addressing delegates at the 119th International Olympic Committee Session in Guatemala City on behalf of the successful bid of Sochi for the [[2014 Winter Olympics]]
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possible spam: [http://media.kremlin.ru/2007_07_04_01_01.wmv]
{{see also|Second Chechen War}}
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On [[August 9]][[1999]], Vladimir Putin was appointed one of three First Deputy Prime Ministers, which enabled him later on that day, as the previous government led by [[Sergei Stepashin]] had been sacked, to be appointed acting Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President [[Boris Yeltsin]].<ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On [[August 9]][[1999]], Vladimir Putin was appointed one of three First Deputy Prime Ministers, which enabled him later on that day, as the previous government led by [[Sergei Stepashin]] had been sacked, to be appointed acting Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President [[Boris Yeltsin]].<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: |url= http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/not_in_website/syndication/monitoring/415278.stm
>> pas d'accents
}}</ref> Yeltsin also announced that he wanted to see Putin as his successor. Later, that same day, Putin agreed to run for the presidency.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/415087.stm Yeltsin redraws political map] BBC, August 10, 1999</ref> On [[August 16]], the [[State Duma]] approved his appointment as Prime Minister with 233 votes in favour (vs. 84 against, 17 abstained),<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/422001.stm Yeltsin's man wins approval] BBC, August 16, 1999.</ref> while a simple majority of 226 was required, making him Russia's fifth PM in less than eighteen months. On his appointment, few expected Putin, virtually unknown to the general public, to last any longer than his predecessors. Yeltsin's main opponents and would-be successors, Moscow Mayor [[Yuriy Luzhkov]] and former Chairman of the Russian Government [[Yevgeniy Primakov]], were already campaigning to replace the ailing president, and they fought hard to prevent Putin's emergence as a potential successor. Putin's [[Law and order (politics)|law-and-order]] image and his unrelenting approach to the [[Second Chechen War|renewed crisis in Chechnya]] soon combined to raise his popularity and allowed him to overtake all rivals. 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref> Yeltsin also announced that he wanted to see Putin as his successor. Later, that same day, Putin agreed to run for the presidency.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/415087.stm Yeltsin redraws political map] BBC, August 10, 1999</ref> On [[August 16]], the [[State Duma]] approved his appointment as Prime Minister with 233 votes in favour (vs. 84 against, 17 abstained),<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/422001.stm Yeltsin's man wins approval] BBC, August 16, 1999.</ref> while a simple majority of 226 was required, making him Russia's fifth PM in less than eighteen months. On his appointment, few expected Putin, virtually unknown to the general public, to last any longer than his predecessors. Yeltsin's main opponents and would-be successors, Moscow Mayor [[Yuriy Luzhkov]] and former Chairman of the Russian Government [[Yevgeniy Primakov]], were already campaigning to replace the ailing president, and they fought hard to prevent Putin's emergence as a potential successor. Putin's [[Law and order (politics)|law-and-order]] image and his unrelenting approach to the [[Second Chechen War|renewed crisis in Chechnya]] soon combined to raise his popularity and allowed him to overtake all rivals. 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: }}</ref> Yeltsin also announced that he wanted to see Putin as his successor. Later, that same day, Putin agreed to run for the presidency.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/415087.stm Yeltsin redraws political map] BBC, August 10, 1999</ref> On [[August 16]], the [[State Duma]] approved his appointment as Prime Minister with 233 votes in favour (vs. 84 against, 17 abstained),<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/422001.stm Yeltsin's man wins approval] BBC, August 16, 1999.</ref> while a simple majority of 226 was required, making him Russia's fifth PM in less than eighteen months. On his appointment, few expected Putin, virtually unknown to the general public, to last any longer than his predecessors. Yeltsin's main opponents and would-be successors, Moscow Mayor [[Yuriy Luzhkov]] and former Chairman of the Russian Government [[Yevgeniy Primakov]], were already campaigning to replace the ailing president, and they fought hard to prevent Putin's emergence as a potential successor. Putin's [[Law and order (politics)|law-and-order]] image and his unrelenting approach to the [[Second Chechen War|renewed crisis in Chechnya]] soon combined to raise his popularity and allowed him to overtake all rivals. 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

s rise to public office in August 1999 coincided with an aggressive resurgence of the near-dormant conflict in the North Caucasus, when [[Chechnya|Chechen]] separatists regrouped and invaded neighboring [[Dagestan]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Both in Russia and abroad, Putin
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s public image was forged by his tough handling of the war. On assuming the role of acting President on [[December 31]]
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s public image was forged by his tough handling of the war. On assuming the role of acting President on [[December 31]]
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+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Putin went on a previously scheduled visit to Russian troops in Chechnya
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Putin has distanced himself from the management of the continuing conflict. In 2003
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a referendum was held in Chechnya adopting a new constitution which declares the Republic as a part of Russia. The situation has been gradually stabilized with the parliamentary elections and the establishment of a regional government.<ref>
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

possible spam: http://www.chechnyafree.ru/index.php?lng=eng&section=historyeng&row=12 Analysis of Chechen Crisis] from 
possible spam: http://www.chechnyafree.ru/index.php?lng=eng ChechnyaFree.Ru
possible spam: </ref><ref>[http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2331993.ece Can Grozny be groovy?
>> pas d'accents
, March 13, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/russia/chechnya/ Human Rights Watch Reports], on human rights abuses in Chechnya. Retrieved [[November 22]], [[2006]]</ref><ref>[http://sasisa.ru/2006/11/29/print:page,1,a_vot_tak_vyglyadit_chechnya_segodnya___30_foto__.html Views of today Chechnya, published in [[November 29]], [[2006]].]</ref><ref>[http://kunstkamera.livejournal.com/156555.html Views of Grozny], 2007, [http://kunstkamera.livejournal.com/160625.html#cutid1 Views of Chechen schools], 2007
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possible spam: , March 13, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/russia/chechnya/ Human Rights Watch Reports], on human rights abuses in Chechnya. Retrieved [[November 22]], [[2006]]</ref><ref>[http://sasisa.ru/2006/11/29/print:page,1,a_vot_tak_vyglyadit_chechnya_segodnya___30_foto__.html Views of today Chechnya, published in [[November 29]], [[2006]].]</ref><ref>[http://kunstkamera.livejournal.com/156555.html Views of Grozny], 2007, [http://kunstkamera.livejournal.com/160625.html#cutid1 Views of Chechen schools], 2007
While not formally associated with any party, Putin pledged his support to the newly formed 
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possible spam: http://www.nupi.no/cgi
exe?Unity Political groups and parties: Unity
mangled utf-8
elections, and in turn he was supported by it. Putin appeared to be ideally positioned to win the presidency in elections due the following summer
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

elections, and in turn he was supported by it. Putin appeared to be ideally positioned to win the presidency in elections due the following summer
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{{see also|Vladimir Putin legislation and program}}
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{{see also|Vladimir Putin legislation and program}}
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[[Image:Rumsfeld Putin.jpg|thumb|President Putin receives [[Donald Rumsfeld]] at the Kremlin in November 2001.]]
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[[Image:Rumsfeld Putin.jpg|thumb|President Putin receives [[Donald Rumsfeld]] at the Kremlin in November 2001.]]
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His rise to Russia's highest office ended up being even more rapid: on [[December 31]], [[1999]], Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned and, according to the constitution, Putin became ([[acting (law)|acting]]) President of the Russian Federation.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

His rise to Russia's highest office ended up being even more rapid: on [[December 31]], [[1999]], Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned and, according to the constitution, Putin became ([[acting (law)|acting]]) President of the Russian Federation.
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

The first Decree that Putin signed December 31
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was the one "On guarantees for former president of the Russian Federation and members of his family". <ref>
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

was the one "On guarantees for former president of the Russian Federation and members of his family". <ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: http://www
] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] </ref><ref>[http://www.newizv.ru/news/?n_id=5273&curdate=2004-03-18 «Развращение» первого лица. Госдума не решилась покуситься на неприкосновенность экс-президента.] www.newizv.ru March 18, 2004.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] </ref><ref>[http://www.newizv.ru/news/?n_id=5273&curdate=2004-03-18 «Развращение» первого лица. Госдума не решилась покуситься на неприкосновенность экс-президента.] www.newizv.ru March 18, 2004.</ref>
+2 /«/ # Guillemets français, bon signe

] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] </ref><ref>[http://www.newizv.ru/news/?n_id=5273&curdate=2004-03-18 «Развращение» первого лица. Госдума не решилась покуситься на неприкосновенность экс-президента.] www.newizv.ru March 18, 2004.</ref>
+2 /»/ # Guillemets français, bon signe

possible spam: ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] </ref><ref>[http://www.newizv.ru/news/?n_id=5273&curdate=2004-03-18 «Развращение» первого лица. Госдума не решилась покуситься на неприкосновенность экс-президента.] www.newizv.ru March 18, 2004.</ref>
>> pas d'accents
While his opponents had been preparing for an election later that year in June, Yeltsin's resignation resulted in the elections being held within three months, in March. This put all of his opponents at a disadvantage, giving him the element of surprise and an eventual victory. [[Russian presidential election, 2000|Presidential elections]] were held on [[March 26]], [[2000]]; Putin won in the first round.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

While his opponents had been preparing for an election later that year in June, Yeltsin's resignation resulted in the elections being held within three months, in March. This put all of his opponents at a disadvantage, giving him the element of surprise and an eventual victory. [[Russian presidential election, 2000|Presidential elections]] were held on [[March 26]], [[2000]]; Putin won in the first round.
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Vladimir Putin was inaugurated president on 
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[[2000]]. Having announced his intention to consolidate power in the country into a strict vertical
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Putin also gained the right to dismiss heads of the federal subjects
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In December 2000 Putin sanctioned the law to change the [[National Anthem of Russia]]. At the time the Anthem had music by [[Mikhail Glinka|Glinka]] and no words. The change was to restore (with a minor modification) the music of the post
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In December 2000 Putin sanctioned the law to change the [[National Anthem of Russia]]. At the time the Anthem had music by [[Mikhail Glinka|Glinka]] and no words. The change was to restore (with a minor modification) the music of the post
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

>> pas d'accents
1944 Soviet anthem by [[Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov|Alexandrov]], while the new text was composed by [[Sergey Mikhalkov|Mikhalkov]].<ref>[http://edition.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/12/08/russia.anthem/ Duma approves old Soviet anthem] CNN, December 8, 2000.</ref> <ref>[http://www.statesymbol.ru/russymbols/symbols/20050407/39593449.html National anthem of Russian Federation], StateSymbol.Ru</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: 1944 Soviet anthem by [[Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov|Alexandrov]], while the new text was composed by [[Sergey Mikhalkov|Mikhalkov]].<ref>[http://edition.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/12/08/russia.anthem/ Duma approves old Soviet anthem] CNN, December 8, 2000.</ref> <ref>[http://www.statesymbol.ru/russymbols/symbols/20050407/39593449.html National anthem of Russian Federation], StateSymbol.Ru</ref>
On February 12 2001, Putin signed a federal law on guarantees for former presidents and their families (See [[Vladimir Putin legislation and program]]), which replaced the similar decree. In 1999 Yeltsin and his family were under scrutiny for charges related to money-laundering by the Russian and Swiss authorities.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On February 12 2001, Putin signed a federal law on guarantees for former presidents and their families (See [[Vladimir Putin legislation and program]]), which replaced the similar decree. In 1999 Yeltsin and his family were under scrutiny for charges related to money-laundering by the Russian and Swiss authorities.
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

The [[arrest]] in early July [[2003]] of [[Platon Lebedev]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

a [[Mikhail Khodorkovsky]] partner and second largest shareholder in [[Yukos]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

on suspicion of illegally acquiring a stake in a state-owned [[fertiliser]] firm
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+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

{{see also|National Priority Projects}}
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

>> pas d'accents
On [[March 14]], [[2004]], [[Russian presidential election, 2004|Putin was re-elected]] to the presidency for a second term, earning 71 percent of the vote. During the term, Putin has been widely criticized in the West for what many observers consider a wide-scale crackdown on [[Media freedom in Russia|media freedoms]]. At the same time, according to 2005 research by [[VCIOM]], the share of Russians approving [[censorship]] on TV has grown in a year from 63% to 82%; sociologists believe that Russians are not voting in favor of press freedom suppression, but rather for expulsion of ethically doubtful material (such as scenes of violence and sex).
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On [[March 14]], [[2004]], [[Russian presidential election, 2004|Putin was re-elected]] to the presidency for a second term, earning 71 percent of the vote. During the term, Putin has been widely criticized in the West for what many observers consider a wide-scale crackdown on [[Media freedom in Russia|media freedoms]]. At the same time, according to 2005 research by [[VCIOM]], the share of Russians approving [[censorship]] on TV has grown in a year from 63% to 82%; sociologists believe that Russians are not voting in favor of press freedom suppression, but rather for expulsion of ethically doubtful material (such as scenes of violence and sex).
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

Putin suggested the creation of a [[Public Chamber of Russia]] and launched an initiative to replace the direct election of the governors and presidents of [[Federal subjects of Russia]] with a system whereby they would be proposed by the President and approved or disapproved by regional [[legislature]]s.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin suggested the creation of a [[Public Chamber of Russia]] and launched an initiative to replace the direct election of the governors and presidents of [[Federal subjects of Russia]] with a system whereby they would be proposed by the President and approved or disapproved by regional [[legislature]]s.
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

Putin suggested the creation of a [[Public Chamber of Russia]] and launched an initiative to replace the direct election of the governors and presidents of [[Federal subjects of Russia]] with a system whereby they would be proposed by the President and approved or disapproved by regional [[legislature]]s.
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2346.2005.00442.x "The enemy is at the gate": Russia after Beslan]. ''[[International Affairs]]'' 81 
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2346.2005.00442.x "The enemy is at the gate": Russia after Beslan]. ''[[International Affairs]]'' 81 
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2346.2005.00442.x "The enemy is at the gate": Russia after Beslan]. ''[[International Affairs]]'' 81 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3650966.stm Putin tightens grip on security], [[BBC News]], [[September 13]][[2004]]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3650966.stm Putin tightens grip on security], [[BBC News]], [[September 13]][[2004]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

According to various Russian and western media reports, one of the major domestic issues concerns for President Putin has been the problems arising from the ongoing demographic and social trends in Russia, such as the death rate being higher than the birth rate, cyclical poverty, and housing concerns within the Russian Federation. In 2005
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

four "national projects"
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
were launched in the fields of health care, education, housing and agriculture. In his May 2006 annual speech, Putin proposed increasing maternity benefits and prenatal care for women. Putin has also been quite strident about the need to reform the judiciary. He considers the present federal judiciary as "Sovietesque" and prefers a judiciary that interprets and implements the code to the current situation, where many of the judges hand down the same verdicts as they would have under the old Soviet judiciary structure. In 2005, responsibility for federal prisons was transferred from the Interior Ministry to the Ministry of Justice. 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

were launched in the fields of health care, education, housing and agriculture. In his May 2006 annual speech, Putin proposed increasing maternity benefits and prenatal care for women. Putin has also been quite strident about the need to reform the judiciary. He considers the present federal judiciary as "Sovietesque" and prefers a judiciary that interprets and implements the code to the current situation, where many of the judges hand down the same verdicts as they would have under the old Soviet judiciary structure. In 2005, responsibility for federal prisons was transferred from the Interior Ministry to the Ministry of Justice. 
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

were launched in the fields of health care, education, housing and agriculture. In his May 2006 annual speech, Putin proposed increasing maternity benefits and prenatal care for women. Putin has also been quite strident about the need to reform the judiciary. He considers the present federal judiciary as "Sovietesque" and prefers a judiciary that interprets and implements the code to the current situation, where many of the judges hand down the same verdicts as they would have under the old Soviet judiciary structure. In 2005, responsibility for federal prisons was transferred from the Interior Ministry to the Ministry of Justice. 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

One of the most controversial aspects of Putin's second term was the continuation of the criminal prosecution of one of Russia's richest men, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, President of 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

>> pas d'accents
YUKOS|Yukos]] oil company, for fraud and tax evasion. While much of the international press saw this as a reaction against a man who was funding political opponents of the Kremlin, both liberal and communist, the Russian government has argued that Khodorkovsky was engaged in corrupting a large segment of the Duma to prevent changes in the tax code aimed at taxing windfall profits and closing offshore tax evasion vehicles. Many of the initial privatizations, including that of Yukos, are widely believed to have been fraudulent (Yukos, valued at some $30bn in 2004, had been privatized for $110 million), and like other oligarchic groups, the Yukos-Menatep name has been frequently tarred with accusations of links to criminal organizations. The subsequent fate of Yukos was seen by commentators as a sign of a broader shift toward a system normally described as [[state capitalism]].<ref>[http
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

YUKOS|Yukos]] oil company, for fraud and tax evasion. While much of the international press saw this as a reaction against a man who was funding political opponents of the Kremlin, both liberal and communist, the Russian government has argued that Khodorkovsky was engaged in corrupting a large segment of the Duma to prevent changes in the tax code aimed at taxing windfall profits and closing offshore tax evasion vehicles. Many of the initial privatizations, including that of Yukos, are widely believed to have been fraudulent (Yukos, valued at some $30bn in 2004, had been privatized for $110 million), and like other oligarchic groups, the Yukos-Menatep name has been frequently tarred with accusations of links to criminal organizations. The subsequent fate of Yukos was seen by commentators as a sign of a broader shift toward a system normally described as [[state capitalism]].<ref>[http
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

nationalreview.com/comment/gvosdev200311050739.asp ''Putin’s Gamble. Where Russia is headed''.] by [[Nikolas Gvosdev]] www.nationalreview.com November 05, 2003.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37580-2004Jul8.html ''Putin's Kremlin Asserting More Control of Economy. Yukos Case Reflects Shift on Owning Assets, Notably in Energy.'' ] by [[Peter Baker (author)
-1 /\bpete?r?s?\b/

nationalreview.com/comment/gvosdev200311050739.asp ''Putin’s Gamble. Where Russia is headed''.] by [[Nikolas Gvosdev]] www.nationalreview.com November 05, 2003.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37580-2004Jul8.html ''Putin's Kremlin Asserting More Control of Economy. Yukos Case Reflects Shift on Owning Assets, Notably in Energy.'' ] by [[Peter Baker (author)
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

nationalreview.com/comment/gvosdev200311050739.asp ''Putin’s Gamble. Where Russia is headed''.] by [[Nikolas Gvosdev]] www.nationalreview.com November 05, 2003.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37580-2004Jul8.html ''Putin's Kremlin Asserting More Control of Economy. Yukos Case Reflects Shift on Owning Assets, Notably in Energy.'' ] by [[Peter Baker (author)
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

nationalreview.com/comment/gvosdev200311050739.asp ''Putin’s Gamble. Where Russia is headed''.] by [[Nikolas Gvosdev]] www.nationalreview.com November 05, 2003.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37580-2004Jul8.html ''Putin's Kremlin Asserting More Control of Economy. Yukos Case Reflects Shift on Owning Assets, Notably in Energy.'' ] by [[Peter Baker (author)
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

nationalreview.com/comment/gvosdev200311050739.asp ''Putin’s Gamble. Where Russia is headed''.] by [[Nikolas Gvosdev]] www.nationalreview.com November 05, 2003.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37580-2004Jul8.html ''Putin's Kremlin Asserting More Control of Economy. Yukos Case Reflects Shift on Owning Assets, Notably in Energy.'' ] by [[Peter Baker (author)
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: nationalreview.com/comment/gvosdev200311050739.asp ''Putin’s Gamble. Where Russia is headed''.] by [[Nikolas Gvosdev]] www.nationalreview.com November 05, 2003.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37580-2004Jul8.html ''Putin's Kremlin Asserting More Control of Economy. Yukos Case Reflects Shift on Owning Assets, Notably in Energy.'' ] by [[Peter Baker (author)
Peter Baker
-1 /\bpete?r?s?\b/

>> pas d'accents
Since February [[2006]], the political philosophy of Putin's administration has often been described as [[:ru:Суверенная демократия|"sovereign democracy"]], the term being used both with positive and pejorative [[connotation]]s. The term quickly gained currency within Russia and arguably unified various political elites around it. According to its proponents' interpretation, the government's actions and policies ought above all to enjoy popular support within Russia itself and not be determined from outside the country.<ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Since February [[2006]], the political philosophy of Putin's administration has often been described as [[:ru:Суверенная демократия|"sovereign democracy"]], the term being used both with positive and pejorative [[connotation]]s. The term quickly gained currency within Russia and arguably unified various political elites around it. According to its proponents' interpretation, the government's actions and policies ought above all to enjoy popular support within Russia itself and not be determined from outside the country.<ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Since February [[2006]], the political philosophy of Putin's administration has often been described as [[:ru:Суверенная демократия|"sovereign democracy"]], the term being used both with positive and pejorative [[connotation]]s. The term quickly gained currency within Russia and arguably unified various political elites around it. According to its proponents' interpretation, the government's actions and policies ought above all to enjoy popular support within Russia itself and not be determined from outside the country.<ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Since February [[2006]], the political philosophy of Putin's administration has often been described as [[:ru:Суверенная демократия|"sovereign democracy"]], the term being used both with positive and pejorative [[connotation]]s. The term quickly gained currency within Russia and arguably unified various political elites around it. According to its proponents' interpretation, the government's actions and policies ought above all to enjoy popular support within Russia itself and not be determined from outside the country.<ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: Since February [[2006]], the political philosophy of Putin's administration has often been described as [[:ru:Суверенная демократия|"sovereign democracy"]], the term being used both with positive and pejorative [[connotation]]s. The term quickly gained currency within Russia and arguably unified various political elites around it. According to its proponents' interpretation, the government's actions and policies ought above all to enjoy popular support within Russia itself and not be determined from outside the country.<ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
111148 Sovereignty is a Political Synonym of Competitiveness] [[Vladislav Surkov]], public appear, 7 February 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: 111148 Sovereignty is a Political Synonym of Competitiveness] [[Vladislav Surkov]], public appear, 7 February 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.edinros.ru/news.html?id
>> pas d'accents
114108 Our Russian Model of Democracy is Titled «Sovereign Democracy»] [[Vladislav Surkov]], briefing, 28 June 2006.</ref> Most observers outside Russia derided the term as a subterfuge to mask what is otherwise known as [[dictatorship]].<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17876775/ ''Putin’s ‘sovereign democracy’ looks familiar. Putin’s near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponents.''] By Jim Maceda [[NBC News]] [[March 30]], 2007.</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

114108 Our Russian Model of Democracy is Titled «Sovereign Democracy»] [[Vladislav Surkov]], briefing, 28 June 2006.</ref> Most observers outside Russia derided the term as a subterfuge to mask what is otherwise known as [[dictatorship]].<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17876775/ ''Putin’s ‘sovereign democracy’ looks familiar. Putin’s near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponents.''] By Jim Maceda [[NBC News]] [[March 30]], 2007.</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

114108 Our Russian Model of Democracy is Titled «Sovereign Democracy»] [[Vladislav Surkov]], briefing, 28 June 2006.</ref> Most observers outside Russia derided the term as a subterfuge to mask what is otherwise known as [[dictatorship]].<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17876775/ ''Putin’s ‘sovereign democracy’ looks familiar. Putin’s near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponents.''] By Jim Maceda [[NBC News]] [[March 30]], 2007.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

114108 Our Russian Model of Democracy is Titled «Sovereign Democracy»] [[Vladislav Surkov]], briefing, 28 June 2006.</ref> Most observers outside Russia derided the term as a subterfuge to mask what is otherwise known as [[dictatorship]].<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17876775/ ''Putin’s ‘sovereign democracy’ looks familiar. Putin’s near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponents.''] By Jim Maceda [[NBC News]] [[March 30]], 2007.</ref>
+2 /«/ # Guillemets français, bon signe

114108 Our Russian Model of Democracy is Titled «Sovereign Democracy»] [[Vladislav Surkov]], briefing, 28 June 2006.</ref> Most observers outside Russia derided the term as a subterfuge to mask what is otherwise known as [[dictatorship]].<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17876775/ ''Putin’s ‘sovereign democracy’ looks familiar. Putin’s near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponents.''] By Jim Maceda [[NBC News]] [[March 30]], 2007.</ref>
+2 /»/ # Guillemets français, bon signe

possible spam: 114108 Our Russian Model of Democracy is Titled «Sovereign Democracy»] [[Vladislav Surkov]], briefing, 28 June 2006.</ref> Most observers outside Russia derided the term as a subterfuge to mask what is otherwise known as [[dictatorship]].<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17876775/ ''Putin’s ‘sovereign democracy’ looks familiar. Putin’s near-autocratic power resembles the old Soviet Union to opponents.''] By Jim Maceda [[NBC News]] [[March 30]], 2007.</ref>
In a 2007 interview with newspaper journalists from G8 countries Putin spoke out in favor of a longer presidential term in Russia, saying "a term of five, six or seven years in office would be entirely acceptable"
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In a 2007 interview with newspaper journalists from G8 countries Putin spoke out in favor of a longer presidential term in Russia, saying "a term of five, six or seven years in office would be entirely acceptable"
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

<ref name="Int_G8_2007">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/06/04/2149_type82916_132716.shtml Interview with Newspaper Journalists from G8 Member Countries]
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: <ref name="Int_G8_2007">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/06/04/2149_type82916_132716.shtml Interview with Newspaper Journalists from G8 Member Countries]
2007, full official transcript.</ref><ref name="Guardian_G8_2007">
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6683118,00.html Putin: I Am the World's Only 'Pure Democrat
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6683118,00.html Putin: I Am the World's Only 'Pure Democrat
[[2007]].</ref> According to the constitution of Russia
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Russian news agencies reported that Putin [[Dissolution of parliament|dissolved the government]] upon the request of Prime Minister [[Mikhail Fradkov]]. Fradkov commented that it was to give the President a "free hand" to make decisions in the run-up to the parliamentary election.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Russian news agencies reported that Putin [[Dissolution of parliament|dissolved the government]] upon the request of Prime Minister [[Mikhail Fradkov]]. Fradkov commented that it was to give the President a "free hand" to make decisions in the run-up to the parliamentary election.
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Russian news agencies reported that Putin [[Dissolution of parliament|dissolved the government]] upon the request of Prime Minister [[Mikhail Fradkov]]. Fradkov commented that it was to give the President a "free hand" to make decisions in the run-up to the parliamentary election.
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

[[Viktor Zubkov]] was appointed the new prime minister
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: ] according to election preliminary results.<ref>[http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews.shtml?/20071204122205.shtml Election Preliminary Results for United Russia
possible spam: won approximately 12% of votes.<ref>[http://www.cikrf.ru/eng/elect_duma/results/index.jsp Preliminary results of voting]
http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3110945/ Russians Voted In Favour of Putin
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3110945/ Russians Voted In Favour of Putin
possible spam: , December 4, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref><ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3110880/ Assenters
saw what both Russian and Western analysts view as an increasingly bitter infighting between various factions of the 
-5 /\bbi+t+e/

that make up a significant part of Putin's inner circle
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: |url= http://www
|publisher= [[Newsweek]] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

 | title = ''The secret policeman's election''.
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

 | publisher = [[The Economist]] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam:  | url = http://www.economist.com/world/europe/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10268185
possible spam: |url= http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7ed8b2ba-a855-11dc-9485-0000779fd2ac.html
|title= An apparatchik president? Why Russia expects Putin to stay on at Medvedev’s side
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|publisher= [[Financial Times]] 
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>> pas d'accents
}}</ref><ref>[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/988e00b0-ae9b-11dc-97aa-0000779fd2ac.html ''The man who wants to buy back Russia''.] by Catherine Belton [[Financial Times]] December 20, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/12/03/focus/306494 Виктор Ядуха. ''Сеанс с разоблачением. Борьба кремлевских группировок переходит в новую стадию''.] РБК Daily Dec 3, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.iamik.ru/?op=full&what=content&ident=38443 Сергей Баймухаметов. ''Шварцман выдал тайну''] ''Маркетинг и консалтинг'' News Agency 07 декабря 2007.</ref><ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/93/11.html Роман Шлейнов. ''Явление Шварцмана народу''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] № 93 Dec 6, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/russia/14dec2007/sk_chaika.html В поисках нарушений: Генпрокуратура проверит Следственный комитет.] [[Newsru|NEWSru.com]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
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}}</ref><ref>[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/988e00b0-ae9b-11dc-97aa-0000779fd2ac.html ''The man who wants to buy back Russia''.] by Catherine Belton [[Financial Times]] December 20, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/12/03/focus/306494 Виктор Ядуха. ''Сеанс с разоблачением. Борьба кремлевских группировок переходит в новую стадию''.] РБК Daily Dec 3, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.iamik.ru/?op=full&what=content&ident=38443 Сергей Баймухаметов. ''Шварцман выдал тайну''] ''Маркетинг и консалтинг'' News Agency 07 декабря 2007.</ref><ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/93/11.html Роман Шлейнов. ''Явление Шварцмана народу''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] № 93 Dec 6, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/russia/14dec2007/sk_chaika.html В поисках нарушений: Генпрокуратура проверит Следственный комитет.] [[Newsru|NEWSru.com]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
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possible spam: }}</ref><ref>[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/988e00b0-ae9b-11dc-97aa-0000779fd2ac.html ''The man who wants to buy back Russia''.] by Catherine Belton [[Financial Times]] December 20, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/12/03/focus/306494 Виктор Ядуха. ''Сеанс с разоблачением. Борьба кремлевских группировок переходит в новую стадию''.] РБК Daily Dec 3, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.iamik.ru/?op=full&what=content&ident=38443 Сергей Баймухаметов. ''Шварцман выдал тайну''] ''Маркетинг и консалтинг'' News Agency 07 декабря 2007.</ref><ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/93/11.html Роман Шлейнов. ''Явление Шварцмана народу''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] № 93 Dec 6, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/russia/14dec2007/sk_chaika.html В поисках нарушений: Генпрокуратура проверит Следственный комитет.] [[Newsru|NEWSru.com]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
{{main|Foreign relations of Russia}}
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>> pas d'accents
In international affairs, Putin has been publicly increasingly critical of the [[US]]' and other Western countries' foreign policies. In February, [[2007]], at the annual [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]], he criticised what he calls the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and pointed out that the United States displayed an "almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations". He said the result of it is that "no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that [[international law]] is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race."<ref name="Munich">43rd [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]]. [http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/10/0138_type82912type82914type82917type84779_118123.shtml Putin's speech in English], February 10, 2007.</ref> 
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In international affairs, Putin has been publicly increasingly critical of the [[US]]' and other Western countries' foreign policies. In February, [[2007]], at the annual [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]], he criticised what he calls the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and pointed out that the United States displayed an "almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations". He said the result of it is that "no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that [[international law]] is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race."<ref name="Munich">43rd [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]]. [http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/10/0138_type82912type82914type82917type84779_118123.shtml Putin's speech in English], February 10, 2007.</ref> 
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In international affairs, Putin has been publicly increasingly critical of the [[US]]' and other Western countries' foreign policies. In February, [[2007]], at the annual [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]], he criticised what he calls the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and pointed out that the United States displayed an "almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations". He said the result of it is that "no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that [[international law]] is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race."<ref name="Munich">43rd [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]]. [http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/10/0138_type82912type82914type82917type84779_118123.shtml Putin's speech in English], February 10, 2007.</ref> 
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In international affairs, Putin has been publicly increasingly critical of the [[US]]' and other Western countries' foreign policies. In February, [[2007]], at the annual [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]], he criticised what he calls the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and pointed out that the United States displayed an "almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations". He said the result of it is that "no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that [[international law]] is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race."<ref name="Munich">43rd [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]]. [http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/10/0138_type82912type82914type82917type84779_118123.shtml Putin's speech in English], February 10, 2007.</ref> 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: In international affairs, Putin has been publicly increasingly critical of the [[US]]' and other Western countries' foreign policies. In February, [[2007]], at the annual [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]], he criticised what he calls the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and pointed out that the United States displayed an "almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations". He said the result of it is that "no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that [[international law]] is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race."<ref name="Munich">43rd [[Munich Conference on Security Policy]]. [http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/10/0138_type82912type82914type82917type84779_118123.shtml Putin's speech in English], February 10, 2007.</ref> 
He called for a "fair and democratic world order that would ensure security and prosperity not only for a select few, but for all". He proposed certain initiatives such as establishing international centres for the [[enrichment of uranium]] and prevention of deploying weapons in outer space.<ref name
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He called for a "fair and democratic world order that would ensure security and prosperity not only for a select few, but for all". He proposed certain initiatives such as establishing international centres for the [[enrichment of uranium]] and prevention of deploying weapons in outer space.<ref name
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"Munich"/> In his January 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

interview Putin said Russia is in favour of a democratic multipolar world and of strengthening the system of international law.<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/01/18/0726_type82916_117121.shtml Interview] for Indian Television Channel Doordarshan and Press Trust of India News Agency, January 18, 2007. </ref>
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interview Putin said Russia is in favour of a democratic multipolar world and of strengthening the system of international law.<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/01/18/0726_type82916_117121.shtml Interview] for Indian Television Channel Doordarshan and Press Trust of India News Agency, January 18, 2007. </ref>
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possible spam: interview Putin said Russia is in favour of a democratic multipolar world and of strengthening the system of international law.<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/01/18/0726_type82916_117121.shtml Interview] for Indian Television Channel Doordarshan and Press Trust of India News Agency, January 18, 2007. </ref>
Image:George W Bush and Vladimir Putin by Limestone fireplace at Texas White House in Crawford Texas
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jpg|left|thumb|225px|Putin with 
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While Putin is often characterised as an [[autocrat]] by Western media and some politicians <ref>[
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While Putin is often characterised as an [[autocrat]] by Western media and some politicians <ref>[
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>> pas d'accents
articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
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articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: articles/A21853-2004Sep14.html ''Stand Up to Putin.'' by Robert Kagan] [[The Washington Post]] September 15, 2004</ref> <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/13/opinion/mcfaul.php ''The myth of Putin's success''. By Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss] [[International Herald Tribune|IHT]] December 13, 2007</ref>, his relationship with US President [[George W. Bush]], former British Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]], former [[Germany|German]] [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]] [[Gerhard Schroder]], former French President [[Jacques Chirac]], and former Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]] are reported to be personally friendly. Putin's relationship with Germany's new Chancellor, [[Angela Merkel]], is reported to be "cooler" and "more business-like" than his partnership with Gerhard Schroder<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world
>> pas d'accents
In the wake of the [[September 11, 2001 attacks|September 11 attacks]] on the United States, he agreed to the establishment of coalition military bases in Central Asia before and during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan. Russian nationalists objected to the establishment of any US military presence on the territory of the former Soviet Union, and had expected Putin to keep the US out of the Central Asian republics, or at the very least extract a commitment from Washington to withdraw from these bases as soon as the immediate military necessity had passed.
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In the wake of the [[September 11, 2001 attacks|September 11 attacks]] on the United States, he agreed to the establishment of coalition military bases in Central Asia before and during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan. Russian nationalists objected to the establishment of any US military presence on the territory of the former Soviet Union, and had expected Putin to keep the US out of the Central Asian republics, or at the very least extract a commitment from Washington to withdraw from these bases as soon as the immediate military necessity had passed.
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During the [[Iraq crisis of 2003]]
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Putin opposed Washington
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without the benefit of a [[United Nations Security Council]] resolution explicitly authorizing the use of military force
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Bush]] asked the United Nations to lift sanctions on [[Iraq]]
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Putin supported lifting of the sanctions in due course, arguing that the [[United Nations|UN
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Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder negotiated the construction of 
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Schroder also attended Putin
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The end of 2006 brought strained relations between Russia and Britain in the wake of the death of [[Alexander Litvinenko|a former FSB officer]] in London by poisoning.
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The [[Commonwealth of Independent States|CIS]]
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or the "near abroad", seen in Moscow as its traditional sphere of influence, became one of the foreign policy priorities under Putin, as the 
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or the "near abroad", seen in Moscow as its traditional sphere of influence, became one of the foreign policy priorities under Putin, as the 
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and [[NATO]] have grown to encompass much of [[Central Europe]] and
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the [[Baltic states]]
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[[Image:APEC gala dinner 2006-Nov-18.jpg|thumb|Putin (center) at the 2006 [[APEC]] gala dinner with [[Roh Moo-hyun]], Kwon Yang-sook, [[George W. Bush]] (right), and Laura Bush (far right)]]
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[[Image:APEC gala dinner 2006-Nov-18.jpg|thumb|Putin (center) at the 2006 [[APEC]] gala dinner with [[Roh Moo-hyun]], Kwon Yang-sook, [[George W. Bush]] (right), and Laura Bush (far right)]]
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>> pas d'accents
During the [[Ukrainian presidential election, 2004|2004 Ukrainian presidential election]], Putin twice visited Ukraine before the election to show his support for Ukrainian Prime Minister [[Viktor Yanukovych]], who was widely seen as a pro-Kremlin candidate, and he congratulated him on his anticipated victory before the official election returns had been in. Putin's personal support for Yanukovych was criticized as unwarranted interference in the affairs of a sovereign state (''See also [[Orange Revolution|The Orange revolution]]''). Crises also developed in Russia's relations with [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]] and [[Moldova]], both former Soviet republics accusing Moscow of supporting separatist entities in their territories. Moscow's policies under Putin towards these states are viewed by politicians in the West as "efforts to bully democratic neighbors".<ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

During the [[Ukrainian presidential election, 2004|2004 Ukrainian presidential election]], Putin twice visited Ukraine before the election to show his support for Ukrainian Prime Minister [[Viktor Yanukovych]], who was widely seen as a pro-Kremlin candidate, and he congratulated him on his anticipated victory before the official election returns had been in. Putin's personal support for Yanukovych was criticized as unwarranted interference in the affairs of a sovereign state (''See also [[Orange Revolution|The Orange revolution]]''). Crises also developed in Russia's relations with [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]] and [[Moldova]], both former Soviet republics accusing Moscow of supporting separatist entities in their territories. Moscow's policies under Putin towards these states are viewed by politicians in the West as "efforts to bully democratic neighbors".<ref>{{cite web
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

During the [[Ukrainian presidential election, 2004|2004 Ukrainian presidential election]], Putin twice visited Ukraine before the election to show his support for Ukrainian Prime Minister [[Viktor Yanukovych]], who was widely seen as a pro-Kremlin candidate, and he congratulated him on his anticipated victory before the official election returns had been in. Putin's personal support for Yanukovych was criticized as unwarranted interference in the affairs of a sovereign state (''See also [[Orange Revolution|The Orange revolution]]''). Crises also developed in Russia's relations with [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]] and [[Moldova]], both former Soviet republics accusing Moscow of supporting separatist entities in their territories. Moscow's policies under Putin towards these states are viewed by politicians in the West as "efforts to bully democratic neighbors".<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

During the [[Ukrainian presidential election, 2004|2004 Ukrainian presidential election]], Putin twice visited Ukraine before the election to show his support for Ukrainian Prime Minister [[Viktor Yanukovych]], who was widely seen as a pro-Kremlin candidate, and he congratulated him on his anticipated victory before the official election returns had been in. Putin's personal support for Yanukovych was criticized as unwarranted interference in the affairs of a sovereign state (''See also [[Orange Revolution|The Orange revolution]]''). Crises also developed in Russia's relations with [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]] and [[Moldova]], both former Soviet republics accusing Moscow of supporting separatist entities in their territories. Moscow's policies under Putin towards these states are viewed by politicians in the West as "efforts to bully democratic neighbors".<ref>{{cite web
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 | publisher = [[Council on Foreign Relations]]
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possible spam:  | url = http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20071101faessay86602-p30/john-mccain/an-enduring-peace-built-on-freedom.html
s relations with the Baltic states also remain tense. In 
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In this connection it is worth of mention that Putin
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s father, an [[NKVD]] officer, was nearly killed in Estonia, while on a sabotage mission during [[World War Two]]. The fact may have had some influence on Vladimir Putin
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s father, an [[NKVD]] officer, was nearly killed in Estonia, while on a sabotage mission during [[World War Two]]. The fact may have had some influence on Vladimir Putin
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

s father, an [[NKVD]] officer, was nearly killed in Estonia, while on a sabotage mission during [[World War Two]]. The fact may have had some influence on Vladimir Putin
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s attitudes, as suggested by Lynn Berry in the article “Behind Putin
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, [[May 25]], [[
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possible spam: ]]). Text [http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1839758/posts available at FreeRepublic.com]</ref> 
In his annual address to the Federal Assembly on April 26, 2007, Putin announced plans to declare a moratorium on the observance of the 
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>> pas d'accents
by Russia until all NATO members ratified it and started observing its provisions, as Russia had been doing on a unilateral basis.<ref name="annual_address_cfe"/> Putin argues that as new NATO members have not even signed the treaty so far, an imbalance in the presence of NATO and Russian armed forces in Europe creates a real threat and an unpredictable situation for Russia.<ref name="annual_address_cfe">
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by Russia until all NATO members ratified it and started observing its provisions, as Russia had been doing on a unilateral basis.<ref name="annual_address_cfe"/> Putin argues that as new NATO members have not even signed the treaty so far, an imbalance in the presence of NATO and Russian armed forces in Europe creates a real threat and an unpredictable situation for Russia.<ref name="annual_address_cfe">
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/
>> pas d'accents
Russian Foreign Minister [[Sergey Lavrov]] was quoted as saying in response that "Russia has long since fulfilled all its Istanbul obligations relevant to CFE".<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news156321 Lavrov Announced Conditions of Resuming CFE Observance], December 3, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref> Russia has suspended its participation in the CFE as of midnight Moscow time on December 11, 2007.<ref>{{cite web
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Russian Foreign Minister [[Sergey Lavrov]] was quoted as saying in response that "Russia has long since fulfilled all its Istanbul obligations relevant to CFE".<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news156321 Lavrov Announced Conditions of Resuming CFE Observance], December 3, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref> Russia has suspended its participation in the CFE as of midnight Moscow time on December 11, 2007.<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Russian Foreign Minister [[Sergey Lavrov]] was quoted as saying in response that "Russia has long since fulfilled all its Istanbul obligations relevant to CFE".<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news156321 Lavrov Announced Conditions of Resuming CFE Observance], December 3, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref> Russia has suspended its participation in the CFE as of midnight Moscow time on December 11, 2007.<ref>{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: Russian Foreign Minister [[Sergey Lavrov]] was quoted as saying in response that "Russia has long since fulfilled all its Istanbul obligations relevant to CFE".<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news156321 Lavrov Announced Conditions of Resuming CFE Observance], December 3, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref> Russia has suspended its participation in the CFE as of midnight Moscow time on December 11, 2007.<ref>{{cite web
 | publisher = [[Agence France-Presse|AFP]] via [[Yahoo! News]] 
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possible spam:  | url = http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20071212/ts_afp/russiausnatomilitarycfe_071212075936
 | url = http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20071212/ts_afp/russiausnatomilitarycfe_071212075936
Spam: -5 /yahoo/;

 | publisher = [[Radio Liberty]]
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possible spam:  | url = http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/12/b1d3648d-7728-4fbb-8c52-0d2d2ee65453.html
>> pas d'accents
 | accessdate = 2007-12-13}}</ref> On [[December 12]], 2007, the United States officially said it "deeply regretted the Russian Federation's decision to 'suspend' implementation of its obligations under the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)." State Department spokesman Sean McCormack in a written statement added that "Russia's conventional forces are the largest on the European continent, and its unilateral action damages this successful arms control regime." <ref>{{cite web
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 | accessdate = 2007-12-13}}</ref> On [[December 12]], 2007, the United States officially said it "deeply regretted the Russian Federation's decision to 'suspend' implementation of its obligations under the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)." State Department spokesman Sean McCormack in a written statement added that "Russia's conventional forces are the largest on the European continent, and its unilateral action damages this successful arms control regime." <ref>{{cite web
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 | publisher = [[Agence France-Presse|AFP]]
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possible spam:  | url = http://www.spacewar.com/reports/US_deeply_regrets_Russias_wrong_decision_on_CFE_999.html
 | accessdate = 2007-12-13}}</ref> NATO's primary concern arising from Russia's suspension is that Moscow could now accelerate its military presence in the [[North Caucasus|Northern Caucasus]].<ref>{{cite web
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 | title = Putin poised to freeze arms pact as assertiveness grows
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 | publisher = [[Financial Times]]
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possible spam:  | url = http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bf64d30e-a855-11dc-9485-0000779fd2ac.html
The months following Putin's 
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>> pas d'accents
speech<ref name="Munich"/> were marked by tension and a surge in rhetorics on both sides of the Atlantic. So, Vladimir Putin said at the anniversary of the Victory Day, "these threats are not becoming fewer but are only transforming and changing their appearance. These new threats, just as under the Third Reich, show the same contempt for human life and the same aspiration to establish an exclusive dictate over the world."
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speech<ref name="Munich"/> were marked by tension and a surge in rhetorics on both sides of the Atlantic. So, Vladimir Putin said at the anniversary of the Victory Day, "these threats are not becoming fewer but are only transforming and changing their appearance. These new threats, just as under the Third Reich, show the same contempt for human life and the same aspiration to establish an exclusive dictate over the world."
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speech<ref name="Munich"/> were marked by tension and a surge in rhetorics on both sides of the Atlantic. So, Vladimir Putin said at the anniversary of the Victory Day, "these threats are not becoming fewer but are only transforming and changing their appearance. These new threats, just as under the Third Reich, show the same contempt for human life and the same aspiration to establish an exclusive dictate over the world."
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

S. to [[Nazi Germany]]. On the eve of the 33rd Summit of the G8 in [[Heiligendamm]], American journalist [[Anne Applebaum]], who 
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wrote that "Whether by waging [[Cyberattacks on Estonia 2007|cyberwarfare on Estonia
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
], threatening the gas supplies of Lithuania, or boycotting [[2006 Russian ban of Moldovan and Georgian wines|Georgian wine]] and Polish meat, he [Putin] has, over the past few years, made it clear that he intends to reassert Russian influence in the former communist states of Europe, whether those states want Russian influence or not. At the same time, he has also made it clear that he no longer sees Western nations as mere benign trading partners, but rather as [[Cold War]]-style threats."
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

], threatening the gas supplies of Lithuania, or boycotting [[2006 Russian ban of Moldovan and Georgian wines|Georgian wine]] and Polish meat, he [Putin] has, over the past few years, made it clear that he intends to reassert Russian influence in the former communist states of Europe, whether those states want Russian influence or not. At the same time, he has also made it clear that he no longer sees Western nations as mere benign trading partners, but rather as [[Cold War]]-style threats."
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

], threatening the gas supplies of Lithuania, or boycotting [[2006 Russian ban of Moldovan and Georgian wines|Georgian wine]] and Polish meat, he [Putin] has, over the past few years, made it clear that he intends to reassert Russian influence in the former communist states of Europe, whether those states want Russian influence or not. At the same time, he has also made it clear that he no longer sees Western nations as mere benign trading partners, but rather as [[Cold War]]-style threats."
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: [http://www
telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2007/06/05/do0502.xml Putin is playing a dangerous game] By [[Anne Applebaum]], 05/06/2007 </ref>
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telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2007/06/05/do0502.xml Putin is playing a dangerous game] By [[Anne Applebaum]], 05/06/2007 </ref>
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telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2007/06/05/do0502.xml Putin is playing a dangerous game] By [[Anne Applebaum]], 05/06/2007 </ref>
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British historian [[Max Hastings]] described Putin as "[[Stalin]]'s spiritual heir" in his article "''Will we have to fight Russia in this Century?''".<ref name
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British historian [[Max Hastings]] described Putin as "[[Stalin]]'s spiritual heir" in his article "''Will we have to fight Russia in this Century?''".<ref name
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

British historian [[Max Hastings]] described Putin as "[[Stalin]]'s spiritual heir" in his article "''Will we have to fight Russia in this Century?''".<ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

British historian [[Max Hastings]] described Putin as "[[Stalin]]'s spiritual heir" in his article "''Will we have to fight Russia in this Century?''".<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

"hastings_cold_war"/> British academic [[Norman Stone]] in his article "''No wonder they like Putin''" compared Putin to General [[Charles de Gaulle]].<ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"hastings_cold_war"/> British academic [[Norman Stone]] in his article "''No wonder they like Putin''" compared Putin to General [[Charles de Gaulle]].<ref name
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

"hastings_cold_war"/> British academic [[Norman Stone]] in his article "''No wonder they like Putin''" compared Putin to General [[Charles de Gaulle]].<ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

"hastings_cold_war"/> British academic [[Norman Stone]] in his article "''No wonder they like Putin''" compared Putin to General [[Charles de Gaulle]].<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
"norman_stone_timesonline"/> Adi Ignatius argues that "Putin... is not a Stalin. There are no mass purges in Russia today, no broad climate of terror. But Putin is reconstituting a strong state, and anyone who stands in his way will pay for it."<ref>[http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/personoftheyear/article/0,28804,1690753_1690757_1690766-6,00.html Person of the Year 2007: A Tsar Is Born] by Adi Ignatius, Retrieved on December 19, 2007, Time.com</ref> In the same article, Hastings continues that although "a return to the direct military confrontation of the [[Cold War]] is unlikely", "the notion of Western friendship with Russia is a dead letter"<ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"norman_stone_timesonline"/> Adi Ignatius argues that "Putin... is not a Stalin. There are no mass purges in Russia today, no broad climate of terror. But Putin is reconstituting a strong state, and anyone who stands in his way will pay for it."<ref>[http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/personoftheyear/article/0,28804,1690753_1690757_1690766-6,00.html Person of the Year 2007: A Tsar Is Born] by Adi Ignatius, Retrieved on December 19, 2007, Time.com</ref> In the same article, Hastings continues that although "a return to the direct military confrontation of the [[Cold War]] is unlikely", "the notion of Western friendship with Russia is a dead letter"<ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

"norman_stone_timesonline"/> Adi Ignatius argues that "Putin... is not a Stalin. There are no mass purges in Russia today, no broad climate of terror. But Putin is reconstituting a strong state, and anyone who stands in his way will pay for it."<ref>[http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/personoftheyear/article/0,28804,1690753_1690757_1690766-6,00.html Person of the Year 2007: A Tsar Is Born] by Adi Ignatius, Retrieved on December 19, 2007, Time.com</ref> In the same article, Hastings continues that although "a return to the direct military confrontation of the [[Cold War]] is unlikely", "the notion of Western friendship with Russia is a dead letter"<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: "norman_stone_timesonline"/> Adi Ignatius argues that "Putin... is not a Stalin. There are no mass purges in Russia today, no broad climate of terror. But Putin is reconstituting a strong state, and anyone who stands in his way will pay for it."<ref>[http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/personoftheyear/article/0,28804,1690753_1690757_1690766-6,00.html Person of the Year 2007: A Tsar Is Born] by Adi Ignatius, Retrieved on December 19, 2007, Time.com</ref> In the same article, Hastings continues that although "a return to the direct military confrontation of the [[Cold War]] is unlikely", "the notion of Western friendship with Russia is a dead letter"<ref name
"hastings_cold_war"> [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: "hastings_cold_war"> [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id
>> pas d'accents
459919&in_page_id=1770 A blundering Bush, Tsar Putin, and the question: will we, in this century, have to fight Russia?] by [[Max Hastings]], June 5, 2007, Daily Mail</ref> Both Russian and American officials always denied the idea of a new Cold War. So, the US defence secretary [[Robert Gates]] said yet on the Munich Conference: "We all face many common problems and challenges that must be addressed in partnership with other countries, including Russia. ... One Cold War was quite enough."<ref>[http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1123]</ref> Vladimir Putin said prior to 33rd G8 Summit, on [[June 4]]: "we do not want confrontation; we want to engage in dialogue. However, we want a dialogue that acknowledges the equality of both parties’ interests."<ref name="Int_G8_2007"/>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

459919&in_page_id=1770 A blundering Bush, Tsar Putin, and the question: will we, in this century, have to fight Russia?] by [[Max Hastings]], June 5, 2007, Daily Mail</ref> Both Russian and American officials always denied the idea of a new Cold War. So, the US defence secretary [[Robert Gates]] said yet on the Munich Conference: "We all face many common problems and challenges that must be addressed in partnership with other countries, including Russia. ... One Cold War was quite enough."<ref>[http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1123]</ref> Vladimir Putin said prior to 33rd G8 Summit, on [[June 4]]: "we do not want confrontation; we want to engage in dialogue. However, we want a dialogue that acknowledges the equality of both parties’ interests."<ref name="Int_G8_2007"/>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

459919&in_page_id=1770 A blundering Bush, Tsar Putin, and the question: will we, in this century, have to fight Russia?] by [[Max Hastings]], June 5, 2007, Daily Mail</ref> Both Russian and American officials always denied the idea of a new Cold War. So, the US defence secretary [[Robert Gates]] said yet on the Munich Conference: "We all face many common problems and challenges that must be addressed in partnership with other countries, including Russia. ... One Cold War was quite enough."<ref>[http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1123]</ref> Vladimir Putin said prior to 33rd G8 Summit, on [[June 4]]: "we do not want confrontation; we want to engage in dialogue. However, we want a dialogue that acknowledges the equality of both parties’ interests."<ref name="Int_G8_2007"/>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: 459919&in_page_id=1770 A blundering Bush, Tsar Putin, and the question: will we, in this century, have to fight Russia?] by [[Max Hastings]], June 5, 2007, Daily Mail</ref> Both Russian and American officials always denied the idea of a new Cold War. So, the US defence secretary [[Robert Gates]] said yet on the Munich Conference: "We all face many common problems and challenges that must be addressed in partnership with other countries, including Russia. ... One Cold War was quite enough."<ref>[http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1123]</ref> Vladimir Putin said prior to 33rd G8 Summit, on [[June 4]]: "we do not want confrontation; we want to engage in dialogue. However, we want a dialogue that acknowledges the equality of both parties’ interests."<ref name="Int_G8_2007"/>
Putin publicly opposed to a [[National missile defense|U
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S. missile shield]] in [[Europe]]
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with a counterproposal on [[June 7]] [[2007]] of sharing the use of the Soviet-era radar system in [[Azerbaijan]] rather than building new system in the [[Czech Republic]]. Putin expressed readiness to modernize the [[Qabala|Gabala]] radar station
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

with a counterproposal on [[June 7]] [[2007]] of sharing the use of the Soviet-era radar system in [[Azerbaijan]] rather than building new system in the [[Czech Republic]]. Putin expressed readiness to modernize the [[Qabala|Gabala]] radar station
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

with a counterproposal on [[June 7]] [[2007]] of sharing the use of the Soviet-era radar system in [[Azerbaijan]] rather than building new system in the [[Czech Republic]]. Putin expressed readiness to modernize the [[Qabala|Gabala]] radar station
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

which has been in operation since 1986. Putin proposed it would not be necessary to place interceptor missiles in Poland then
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which has been in operation since 1986. Putin proposed it would not be necessary to place interceptor missiles in Poland then
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but interceptors could be placed in NATO member [[Turkey]] or [[Iraq]]
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Putin suggested also equal involvement of interested European countries in the project.<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/06/08/2251_type82914type82915_133552.shtml Press Conference following the end of the G8 Summit], June 8, 2007</ref>
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Putin suggested also equal involvement of interested European countries in the project.<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/06/08/2251_type82914type82915_133552.shtml Press Conference following the end of the G8 Summit], June 8, 2007</ref>
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possible spam: Putin suggested also equal involvement of interested European countries in the project.<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/06/08/2251_type82914type82915_133552.shtml Press Conference following the end of the G8 Summit], June 8, 2007</ref>
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1614.jpg|thumb|right|225px|Portraits of President Putin on display in a Moscow store
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>> pas d'accents
In June 4, 2007, interview to journalists of G8 countries, answering the question if Russian nuclear forces may be focused on European targets in case "the United States continues building a strategic shield in Poland and the Czech Republic", Putin admitted that "if part of the United States’ nuclear capability is situated in Europe and that our military experts consider that they represent a potential threat then we will have to take appropriate retaliatory steps. What steps? Of course we must have new targets in Europe." <ref name="Int_G8_2007"/> <ref>Doug Sanders, [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070602.wputin01/BNStory/International/home "Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles"], '
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In June 4, 2007, interview to journalists of G8 countries, answering the question if Russian nuclear forces may be focused on European targets in case "the United States continues building a strategic shield in Poland and the Czech Republic", Putin admitted that "if part of the United States’ nuclear capability is situated in Europe and that our military experts consider that they represent a potential threat then we will have to take appropriate retaliatory steps. What steps? Of course we must have new targets in Europe." <ref name="Int_G8_2007"/> <ref>Doug Sanders, [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070602.wputin01/BNStory/International/home "Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles"], '
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

In June 4, 2007, interview to journalists of G8 countries, answering the question if Russian nuclear forces may be focused on European targets in case "the United States continues building a strategic shield in Poland and the Czech Republic", Putin admitted that "if part of the United States’ nuclear capability is situated in Europe and that our military experts consider that they represent a potential threat then we will have to take appropriate retaliatory steps. What steps? Of course we must have new targets in Europe." <ref name="Int_G8_2007"/> <ref>Doug Sanders, [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070602.wputin01/BNStory/International/home "Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles"], '
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

In June 4, 2007, interview to journalists of G8 countries, answering the question if Russian nuclear forces may be focused on European targets in case "the United States continues building a strategic shield in Poland and the Czech Republic", Putin admitted that "if part of the United States’ nuclear capability is situated in Europe and that our military experts consider that they represent a potential threat then we will have to take appropriate retaliatory steps. What steps? Of course we must have new targets in Europe." <ref name="Int_G8_2007"/> <ref>Doug Sanders, [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070602.wputin01/BNStory/International/home "Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles"], '
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: In June 4, 2007, interview to journalists of G8 countries, answering the question if Russian nuclear forces may be focused on European targets in case "the United States continues building a strategic shield in Poland and the Czech Republic", Putin admitted that "if part of the United States’ nuclear capability is situated in Europe and that our military experts consider that they represent a potential threat then we will have to take appropriate retaliatory steps. What steps? Of course we must have new targets in Europe." <ref name="Int_G8_2007"/> <ref>Doug Sanders, [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070602.wputin01/BNStory/International/home "Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles"], '
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

>> pas d'accents
On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
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On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
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On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
On July 20, 2007 UK Prime Minister [[Gordon Brown]] expelled "four Russian envoys over Putin's refusal to extradite ex-KGB agent [[Andrei Lugovoi]], wanted in the UK for the murder of fellow former spy [[Alexander Litvinenko]] in London."<ref name="expul">{{cite news|title=Brown Defends Russian Expulsions, Decries Killings|author=Gonzalo Vina and Sebastian Alison|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=ajvS9NfMW2EE&refer=uk|publisher=Bloomberg News|date=July 20, 2007}}</ref> The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of Russian nationals to third countries. British Foreign Secretary [[David Miliband]] said that "this situation is not unique, and other countries have amended their constitutions, for example to give effect to the European Arrest Warrant".<ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029391629&
Spam: +5 /\.gov/;

possible spam: http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/8/29/104843.html Lugovoi Has Disclosed Next Martyr], August 29, 2007</ref><ref>
possible spam: http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article.shtml?2007/07/17/129351 London Proposes to Moscow Changing Constitution
, July 17, 2007</ref><ref name="john-lennon-revolution">[http://www.vzglyad.ru/columns/2007/8/17/101515.html John Lennon on Russian Constitution
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: , July 17, 2007</ref><ref name="john-lennon-revolution">[http://www.vzglyad.ru/columns/2007/8/17/101515.html John Lennon on Russian Constitution
>> pas d'accents
, August 17, 2007</ref> According to [[VCIOM]], 62% of Russians are against changing the Constitution in this respect.<ref>[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/21/08/2007/114260.shtml VCIOM: Russians Oppose Lugovoi Extradition to Brits], Rbc.ru, August 21, 2007</ref> The British Ambassador in Moscow Tony Brenton said that the UK is not asking Russia to break its Constitution, but rather interpret it in such a way that would make Lugovoi
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: , August 17, 2007</ref> According to [[VCIOM]], 62% of Russians are against changing the Constitution in this respect.<ref>[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/21/08/2007/114260.shtml VCIOM: Russians Oppose Lugovoi Extradition to Brits], Rbc.ru, August 21, 2007</ref> The British Ambassador in Moscow Tony Brenton said that the UK is not asking Russia to break its Constitution, but rather interpret it in such a way that would make Lugovoi
possible spam: s extradition possible.<ref>[http://www.gorod.lv/novosti/54959/britanskiy_posol_predlozhil_rossii_po_novomu_interpretirovat_svoyu_konstitutsiyu British Ambassador Suggests Russia Interprets Its Constitution In New Ways]
>> pas d'accents
Gorod.lv, July 23, 2007</ref> Putin in response advised British officials to "fix their heads" rather than propose changing the Russian constitution<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears/2007/07/138523.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In Russian</ref><ref name="john-lennon-revolution"/> and said that British proposals is "a relic of a colonial-era mindset".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/07/24/1048_type82917type84779_138687.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In English</ref> When Litvinenko was dying from radiation poisoning, he allegedly accused Putin of directing the assassination in a statement which was released shortly after his death by his friend [[Alexander Goldfarb 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Gorod.lv, July 23, 2007</ref> Putin in response advised British officials to "fix their heads" rather than propose changing the Russian constitution<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears/2007/07/138523.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In Russian</ref><ref name="john-lennon-revolution"/> and said that British proposals is "a relic of a colonial-era mindset".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/07/24/1048_type82917type84779_138687.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In English</ref> When Litvinenko was dying from radiation poisoning, he allegedly accused Putin of directing the assassination in a statement which was released shortly after his death by his friend [[Alexander Goldfarb 
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Gorod.lv, July 23, 2007</ref> Putin in response advised British officials to "fix their heads" rather than propose changing the Russian constitution<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears/2007/07/138523.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In Russian</ref><ref name="john-lennon-revolution"/> and said that British proposals is "a relic of a colonial-era mindset".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/07/24/1048_type82917type84779_138687.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In English</ref> When Litvinenko was dying from radiation poisoning, he allegedly accused Putin of directing the assassination in a statement which was released shortly after his death by his friend [[Alexander Goldfarb 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: Gorod.lv, July 23, 2007</ref> Putin in response advised British officials to "fix their heads" rather than propose changing the Russian constitution<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears/2007/07/138523.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In Russian</ref><ref name="john-lennon-revolution"/> and said that British proposals is "a relic of a colonial-era mindset".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/07/24/1048_type82917type84779_138687.shtml Excerpts from Transcript of Meeting with Members of Russian Youth Organisations], July 24, 2007, In English</ref> When Litvinenko was dying from radiation poisoning, he allegedly accused Putin of directing the assassination in a statement which was released shortly after his death by his friend [[Alexander Goldfarb 
>> pas d'accents
|Alex Goldfarb]].<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6180262.stm In full: Litvinenko statement], BBC News, November 24, 2006</ref> Critics have doubted that Litvinenko is the true author of the released statement.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/investigation/article3098756/?print Soviet Moonwalker is Guilty for Litvinenko Death? Strange Litvinenko Last Will], [[Izvestia]], November 27, 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/PatrickJBuchanan/2006/11/27/is_putin_being_set_up Is Putin being set up?], Townhall.com, November 27, 2006</ref> When asked about the Litvinenko accusations, Putin said that a statement released after death of its author "naturally deserves no comment".<ref name="ru-eu-summit-November-2006-conf">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/11/24/2355_type82914type82915_114506.shtml Joint Press Conference after Russia-EU Summit], Helsinki, Finland, November 24, 2006</ref> The expulsions is seen as "the biggest rift since the countries expelled each other's diplomats in 1996 after a spying dispute."<ref name="expul"/> In response to the situation Putin stated "I think we will overcome this mini-crisis. Russian-British relations will develop normally. On both the Russian side and the British side, we are interested in the development of those relations."<ref name="expul"/> Despite this British Ambassador [[Tony Brenton]] was told by the Russian Foreign Ministry that UK diplomats would be given 10 days before they were expelled in response. The Russian government also announced it would suspend issuing visas to UK officials and froze cooperation on counterterrorism in response to Britain suspending contacts with their Federal Security Service.<ref name="expul"/> Alexander Shokhin, president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs warned that British investors in Russia will "face greater scrutiny from tax and regulatory authorities. [And] They could also lose out in government tenders".<ref name="expul"/> Some see the crisis as originating with Britain's decision to grant Putin's former patron, Russian billionaire [[Boris Berezovsky]], political asylum in 2003.<ref name="expul"/> Earlier in 2007 Berezovsky called for the overthrow of Putin.<ref name="expul"/> On 10 December, 2007, Russia ordered the [[British Council]] to halt work at its regional offices in what was seen as the latest round of a dispute over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko; Britain said Russia's move was illegal
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

|Alex Goldfarb]].<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6180262.stm In full: Litvinenko statement], BBC News, November 24, 2006</ref> Critics have doubted that Litvinenko is the true author of the released statement.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/investigation/article3098756/?print Soviet Moonwalker is Guilty for Litvinenko Death? Strange Litvinenko Last Will], [[Izvestia]], November 27, 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/PatrickJBuchanan/2006/11/27/is_putin_being_set_up Is Putin being set up?], Townhall.com, November 27, 2006</ref> When asked about the Litvinenko accusations, Putin said that a statement released after death of its author "naturally deserves no comment".<ref name="ru-eu-summit-November-2006-conf">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/11/24/2355_type82914type82915_114506.shtml Joint Press Conference after Russia-EU Summit], Helsinki, Finland, November 24, 2006</ref> The expulsions is seen as "the biggest rift since the countries expelled each other's diplomats in 1996 after a spying dispute."<ref name="expul"/> In response to the situation Putin stated "I think we will overcome this mini-crisis. Russian-British relations will develop normally. On both the Russian side and the British side, we are interested in the development of those relations."<ref name="expul"/> Despite this British Ambassador [[Tony Brenton]] was told by the Russian Foreign Ministry that UK diplomats would be given 10 days before they were expelled in response. The Russian government also announced it would suspend issuing visas to UK officials and froze cooperation on counterterrorism in response to Britain suspending contacts with their Federal Security Service.<ref name="expul"/> Alexander Shokhin, president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs warned that British investors in Russia will "face greater scrutiny from tax and regulatory authorities. [And] They could also lose out in government tenders".<ref name="expul"/> Some see the crisis as originating with Britain's decision to grant Putin's former patron, Russian billionaire [[Boris Berezovsky]], political asylum in 2003.<ref name="expul"/> Earlier in 2007 Berezovsky called for the overthrow of Putin.<ref name="expul"/> On 10 December, 2007, Russia ordered the [[British Council]] to halt work at its regional offices in what was seen as the latest round of a dispute over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko; Britain said Russia's move was illegal
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

|Alex Goldfarb]].<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6180262.stm In full: Litvinenko statement], BBC News, November 24, 2006</ref> Critics have doubted that Litvinenko is the true author of the released statement.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/investigation/article3098756/?print Soviet Moonwalker is Guilty for Litvinenko Death? Strange Litvinenko Last Will], [[Izvestia]], November 27, 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/PatrickJBuchanan/2006/11/27/is_putin_being_set_up Is Putin being set up?], Townhall.com, November 27, 2006</ref> When asked about the Litvinenko accusations, Putin said that a statement released after death of its author "naturally deserves no comment".<ref name="ru-eu-summit-November-2006-conf">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/11/24/2355_type82914type82915_114506.shtml Joint Press Conference after Russia-EU Summit], Helsinki, Finland, November 24, 2006</ref> The expulsions is seen as "the biggest rift since the countries expelled each other's diplomats in 1996 after a spying dispute."<ref name="expul"/> In response to the situation Putin stated "I think we will overcome this mini-crisis. Russian-British relations will develop normally. On both the Russian side and the British side, we are interested in the development of those relations."<ref name="expul"/> Despite this British Ambassador [[Tony Brenton]] was told by the Russian Foreign Ministry that UK diplomats would be given 10 days before they were expelled in response. The Russian government also announced it would suspend issuing visas to UK officials and froze cooperation on counterterrorism in response to Britain suspending contacts with their Federal Security Service.<ref name="expul"/> Alexander Shokhin, president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs warned that British investors in Russia will "face greater scrutiny from tax and regulatory authorities. [And] They could also lose out in government tenders".<ref name="expul"/> Some see the crisis as originating with Britain's decision to grant Putin's former patron, Russian billionaire [[Boris Berezovsky]], political asylum in 2003.<ref name="expul"/> Earlier in 2007 Berezovsky called for the overthrow of Putin.<ref name="expul"/> On 10 December, 2007, Russia ordered the [[British Council]] to halt work at its regional offices in what was seen as the latest round of a dispute over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko; Britain said Russia's move was illegal
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

|Alex Goldfarb]].<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6180262.stm In full: Litvinenko statement], BBC News, November 24, 2006</ref> Critics have doubted that Litvinenko is the true author of the released statement.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/investigation/article3098756/?print Soviet Moonwalker is Guilty for Litvinenko Death? Strange Litvinenko Last Will], [[Izvestia]], November 27, 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/PatrickJBuchanan/2006/11/27/is_putin_being_set_up Is Putin being set up?], Townhall.com, November 27, 2006</ref> When asked about the Litvinenko accusations, Putin said that a statement released after death of its author "naturally deserves no comment".<ref name="ru-eu-summit-November-2006-conf">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/11/24/2355_type82914type82915_114506.shtml Joint Press Conference after Russia-EU Summit], Helsinki, Finland, November 24, 2006</ref> The expulsions is seen as "the biggest rift since the countries expelled each other's diplomats in 1996 after a spying dispute."<ref name="expul"/> In response to the situation Putin stated "I think we will overcome this mini-crisis. Russian-British relations will develop normally. On both the Russian side and the British side, we are interested in the development of those relations."<ref name="expul"/> Despite this British Ambassador [[Tony Brenton]] was told by the Russian Foreign Ministry that UK diplomats would be given 10 days before they were expelled in response. The Russian government also announced it would suspend issuing visas to UK officials and froze cooperation on counterterrorism in response to Britain suspending contacts with their Federal Security Service.<ref name="expul"/> Alexander Shokhin, president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs warned that British investors in Russia will "face greater scrutiny from tax and regulatory authorities. [And] They could also lose out in government tenders".<ref name="expul"/> Some see the crisis as originating with Britain's decision to grant Putin's former patron, Russian billionaire [[Boris Berezovsky]], political asylum in 2003.<ref name="expul"/> Earlier in 2007 Berezovsky called for the overthrow of Putin.<ref name="expul"/> On 10 December, 2007, Russia ordered the [[British Council]] to halt work at its regional offices in what was seen as the latest round of a dispute over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko; Britain said Russia's move was illegal
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |Alex Goldfarb]].<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6180262.stm In full: Litvinenko statement], BBC News, November 24, 2006</ref> Critics have doubted that Litvinenko is the true author of the released statement.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/investigation/article3098756/?print Soviet Moonwalker is Guilty for Litvinenko Death? Strange Litvinenko Last Will], [[Izvestia]], November 27, 2006</ref><ref>[http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/PatrickJBuchanan/2006/11/27/is_putin_being_set_up Is Putin being set up?], Townhall.com, November 27, 2006</ref> When asked about the Litvinenko accusations, Putin said that a statement released after death of its author "naturally deserves no comment".<ref name="ru-eu-summit-November-2006-conf">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/11/24/2355_type82914type82915_114506.shtml Joint Press Conference after Russia-EU Summit], Helsinki, Finland, November 24, 2006</ref> The expulsions is seen as "the biggest rift since the countries expelled each other's diplomats in 1996 after a spying dispute."<ref name="expul"/> In response to the situation Putin stated "I think we will overcome this mini-crisis. Russian-British relations will develop normally. On both the Russian side and the British side, we are interested in the development of those relations."<ref name="expul"/> Despite this British Ambassador [[Tony Brenton]] was told by the Russian Foreign Ministry that UK diplomats would be given 10 days before they were expelled in response. The Russian government also announced it would suspend issuing visas to UK officials and froze cooperation on counterterrorism in response to Britain suspending contacts with their Federal Security Service.<ref name="expul"/> Alexander Shokhin, president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs warned that British investors in Russia will "face greater scrutiny from tax and regulatory authorities. [And] They could also lose out in government tenders".<ref name="expul"/> Some see the crisis as originating with Britain's decision to grant Putin's former patron, Russian billionaire [[Boris Berezovsky]], political asylum in 2003.<ref name="expul"/> Earlier in 2007 Berezovsky called for the overthrow of Putin.<ref name="expul"/> On 10 December, 2007, Russia ordered the [[British Council]] to halt work at its regional offices in what was seen as the latest round of a dispute over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko; Britain said Russia's move was illegal
 | publisher = [[Reuters]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

 | date = December 10, [[2007]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam:  | url = http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSL1288433020071212?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&rpc=22&sp=true
Following the Peace Mission 2007 military exercises jointly conducted by the [[Shanghai Cooperation Organization|SCO]] member states, Putin announced on August 17, 2007 the resumption on a permanent basis of long-distance patrol flights of Russia's strategic bombers that were suspended in 1992.<ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Following the Peace Mission 2007 military exercises jointly conducted by the [[Shanghai Cooperation Organization|SCO]] member states, Putin announced on August 17, 2007 the resumption on a permanent basis of long-distance patrol flights of Russia's strategic bombers that were suspended in 1992.<ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

"heavy-fighters-statement">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/08/17/2033_type82915_141812.shtml Press Statement following the Peace Mission 2007 Counterterrorism Exercises and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit], August 17, 2007, Chelyabinsk Region</ref><ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: "heavy-fighters-statement">[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/08/17/2033_type82915_141812.shtml Press Statement following the Peace Mission 2007 Counterterrorism Exercises and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit], August 17, 2007, Chelyabinsk Region</ref><ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: http://en.rian.ru/russia/20070817/72189719.html Russia restores Soviet-era strategic bomber patrols], August 17, 2007, RIA Novosti, Russia</ref> US State Department spokesman 
was quoted as saying in response that "if Russia feels as though they want to take some of these old aircraft out of mothballs and get them flying again, that's their decision."<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
"rian-heavy-bombers"/> The announcement made during the SCO summit in the light of joint Russian-Chinese military exercises, first-ever in history to be held on the Russian territory,<ref name="km-sco-joint-exercises">[http://student.km.ru/view.asp?id=4BD4CBA669F042EAB8331FB653FC38FE&idrubr=5D21D4E03EB74A98AAA30F8F45C5E31E SCO Scares NATO], August 8, 2007, KM.ru</ref> makes some believe that Putin is inclined to set up an anti-[[NATO]] bloc or the Asian version of [[OPEC]].<ref>[http://www.chas-daily.com/win/2007/08/20/v_034.html?r=3 Russia Over Three Oceans], August 20, 2007, "Chas", Latvia</ref> When presented with the suggestion that "Western observers are already likening the SCO to a military organisation that would stand in opposition to NATO", Putin answered that "this kind of comparison is inappropriate in both form and substance".<ref name="heavy-fighters-statement"/> Russian Chief of the General Staff [[Yury Baluyevsky]] was quoted as saying that "there should be no talk of creating a military or political alliance or union of any kind, because this would contradict the founding principles of SCO".<ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"rian-heavy-bombers"/> The announcement made during the SCO summit in the light of joint Russian-Chinese military exercises, first-ever in history to be held on the Russian territory,<ref name="km-sco-joint-exercises">[http://student.km.ru/view.asp?id=4BD4CBA669F042EAB8331FB653FC38FE&idrubr=5D21D4E03EB74A98AAA30F8F45C5E31E SCO Scares NATO], August 8, 2007, KM.ru</ref> makes some believe that Putin is inclined to set up an anti-[[NATO]] bloc or the Asian version of [[OPEC]].<ref>[http://www.chas-daily.com/win/2007/08/20/v_034.html?r=3 Russia Over Three Oceans], August 20, 2007, "Chas", Latvia</ref> When presented with the suggestion that "Western observers are already likening the SCO to a military organisation that would stand in opposition to NATO", Putin answered that "this kind of comparison is inappropriate in both form and substance".<ref name="heavy-fighters-statement"/> Russian Chief of the General Staff [[Yury Baluyevsky]] was quoted as saying that "there should be no talk of creating a military or political alliance or union of any kind, because this would contradict the founding principles of SCO".<ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

"rian-heavy-bombers"/> The announcement made during the SCO summit in the light of joint Russian-Chinese military exercises, first-ever in history to be held on the Russian territory,<ref name="km-sco-joint-exercises">[http://student.km.ru/view.asp?id=4BD4CBA669F042EAB8331FB653FC38FE&idrubr=5D21D4E03EB74A98AAA30F8F45C5E31E SCO Scares NATO], August 8, 2007, KM.ru</ref> makes some believe that Putin is inclined to set up an anti-[[NATO]] bloc or the Asian version of [[OPEC]].<ref>[http://www.chas-daily.com/win/2007/08/20/v_034.html?r=3 Russia Over Three Oceans], August 20, 2007, "Chas", Latvia</ref> When presented with the suggestion that "Western observers are already likening the SCO to a military organisation that would stand in opposition to NATO", Putin answered that "this kind of comparison is inappropriate in both form and substance".<ref name="heavy-fighters-statement"/> Russian Chief of the General Staff [[Yury Baluyevsky]] was quoted as saying that "there should be no talk of creating a military or political alliance or union of any kind, because this would contradict the founding principles of SCO".<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: "rian-heavy-bombers"/> The announcement made during the SCO summit in the light of joint Russian-Chinese military exercises, first-ever in history to be held on the Russian territory,<ref name="km-sco-joint-exercises">[http://student.km.ru/view.asp?id=4BD4CBA669F042EAB8331FB653FC38FE&idrubr=5D21D4E03EB74A98AAA30F8F45C5E31E SCO Scares NATO], August 8, 2007, KM.ru</ref> makes some believe that Putin is inclined to set up an anti-[[NATO]] bloc or the Asian version of [[OPEC]].<ref>[http://www.chas-daily.com/win/2007/08/20/v_034.html?r=3 Russia Over Three Oceans], August 20, 2007, "Chas", Latvia</ref> When presented with the suggestion that "Western observers are already likening the SCO to a military organisation that would stand in opposition to NATO", Putin answered that "this kind of comparison is inappropriate in both form and substance".<ref name="heavy-fighters-statement"/> Russian Chief of the General Staff [[Yury Baluyevsky]] was quoted as saying that "there should be no talk of creating a military or political alliance or union of any kind, because this would contradict the founding principles of SCO".<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

The resumption of long-distance flights of Russia's strategic bombers was followed by the announcement by Russian Defense Minister [[Anatoliy Serdyukov]] during his meeting with Putin on Decemer 5, 2007, that 11 ships, including the aircraft carrier [[Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

The resumption of long-distance flights of Russia's strategic bombers was followed by the announcement by Russian Defense Minister [[Anatoliy Serdyukov]] during his meeting with Putin on Decemer 5, 2007, that 11 ships, including the aircraft carrier [[Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

''Kuznetsov'']], would take part in the first major navy sortie into the Mediterranean since Soviet times<ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/05/1940_type63378_153373.shtml Beginning of Meeting with Defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov], December 5, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. The sortie was to be backed up by 47 aircraft, including strategic bombers.<ref>
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

possible spam: http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/05/1940_type63378_153373.shtml Beginning of Meeting with Defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov], December 5, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. The sortie was to be backed up by 47 aircraft, including strategic bombers.<ref>
>> pas d'accents
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071205/wl_nm/russia_navy_dc_3 Guy Faulconbridge. ''Russian navy to start sorties in Mediterranean''] [[Reuters]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> According to Serdyukov, this is an effort to resume regular Russian naval patrols on the world's oceans,<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071205/ap_on_re_eu/russia_navy_1 Mike Eckel. ''Russian navy group goes to Mediterranean ''] [[Associated Press]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> the view that is also supported by Russian media.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/news/2007/12/5/129713.html ''Russia's Navy Has Resumed Presence in World Ocean] Vzglyad.ru ([[Russian language|Russian]]) Dec 5, 2007.</ref> The military analyst from [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] [[Pavel Felgenhauer|Pavel Felgenhauer]] believes that the accident-prone ''Kuznetsov'' is scarcely seaworthy and is more of a menace to her crew than any putative enemy<ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/95/17.html Павел Фельгенгауэр. ''Семь честных слов под килем''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta''
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071205/wl_nm/russia_navy_dc_3 Guy Faulconbridge. ''Russian navy to start sorties in Mediterranean''] [[Reuters]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> According to Serdyukov, this is an effort to resume regular Russian naval patrols on the world's oceans,<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071205/ap_on_re_eu/russia_navy_1 Mike Eckel. ''Russian navy group goes to Mediterranean ''] [[Associated Press]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> the view that is also supported by Russian media.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/news/2007/12/5/129713.html ''Russia's Navy Has Resumed Presence in World Ocean] Vzglyad.ru ([[Russian language|Russian]]) Dec 5, 2007.</ref> The military analyst from [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] [[Pavel Felgenhauer|Pavel Felgenhauer]] believes that the accident-prone ''Kuznetsov'' is scarcely seaworthy and is more of a menace to her crew than any putative enemy<ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/95/17.html Павел Фельгенгауэр. ''Семь честных слов под килем''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071205/wl_nm/russia_navy_dc_3 Guy Faulconbridge. ''Russian navy to start sorties in Mediterranean''] [[Reuters]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> According to Serdyukov, this is an effort to resume regular Russian naval patrols on the world's oceans,<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071205/ap_on_re_eu/russia_navy_1 Mike Eckel. ''Russian navy group goes to Mediterranean ''] [[Associated Press]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> the view that is also supported by Russian media.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/news/2007/12/5/129713.html ''Russia's Navy Has Resumed Presence in World Ocean] Vzglyad.ru ([[Russian language|Russian]]) Dec 5, 2007.</ref> The military analyst from [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] [[Pavel Felgenhauer|Pavel Felgenhauer]] believes that the accident-prone ''Kuznetsov'' is scarcely seaworthy and is more of a menace to her crew than any putative enemy<ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/95/17.html Павел Фельгенгауэр. ''Семь честных слов под килем''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta''
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071205/wl_nm/russia_navy_dc_3 Guy Faulconbridge. ''Russian navy to start sorties in Mediterranean''] [[Reuters]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> According to Serdyukov, this is an effort to resume regular Russian naval patrols on the world's oceans,<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071205/ap_on_re_eu/russia_navy_1 Mike Eckel. ''Russian navy group goes to Mediterranean ''] [[Associated Press]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> the view that is also supported by Russian media.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/news/2007/12/5/129713.html ''Russia's Navy Has Resumed Presence in World Ocean] Vzglyad.ru ([[Russian language|Russian]]) Dec 5, 2007.</ref> The military analyst from [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] [[Pavel Felgenhauer|Pavel Felgenhauer]] believes that the accident-prone ''Kuznetsov'' is scarcely seaworthy and is more of a menace to her crew than any putative enemy<ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/95/17.html Павел Фельгенгауэр. ''Семь честных слов под килем''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta''
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071205/wl_nm/russia_navy_dc_3 Guy Faulconbridge. ''Russian navy to start sorties in Mediterranean''] [[Reuters]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> According to Serdyukov, this is an effort to resume regular Russian naval patrols on the world's oceans,<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071205/ap_on_re_eu/russia_navy_1 Mike Eckel. ''Russian navy group goes to Mediterranean ''] [[Associated Press]] Dec 5, 2007.</ref> the view that is also supported by Russian media.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/news/2007/12/5/129713.html ''Russia's Navy Has Resumed Presence in World Ocean] Vzglyad.ru ([[Russian language|Russian]]) Dec 5, 2007.</ref> The military analyst from [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta'']] [[Pavel Felgenhauer|Pavel Felgenhauer]] believes that the accident-prone ''Kuznetsov'' is scarcely seaworthy and is more of a menace to her crew than any putative enemy<ref>[http://novayagazeta.ru/data/2007/95/17.html Павел Фельгенгауэр. ''Семь честных слов под килем''] [[Novaya gazeta|''Novaya Gazeta''
Spam: -5 /yahoo/;

In September 2007, Putin visited Indonesia and in doing so became the first Russian leader to visit the country in more than 50 years.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: <ref>http://www.brtsis.com/rrubb.htm</ref>
In September 2007 Putin also attended the [[APEC]] meeting held in [[Sydney]], [[Australia]] where he met with Australian Prime Minister [[John Howard]] and signed an uranium trade deal. This was the first visit of a Russian president to Australia.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In September 2007 Putin also attended the [[APEC]] meeting held in [[Sydney]], [[Australia]] where he met with Australian Prime Minister [[John Howard]] and signed an uranium trade deal. This was the first visit of a Russian president to Australia.
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

>> pas d'accents
On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
On October 16, 2007 Putin visited [[Tehran]], [[Iran]] to participate in the Second Caspian Summit,<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran">[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2007/122607.shtml Putin: Iran Has Right to Develop Peaceful Nuclear Programme], October 16, 2007, Rbc.ru</ref> where he met with Iranian leader [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/text/news/2007/10/148432.shtml Putin Positive on Second Caspian Summit Results, Meets With Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad], October 16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref>. Other participants were leaders of [[Azerbaijan]], [[Kazakhstan]], and [[Turkmenistan]].<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/events/chron/2007/10/148247.shtml Visit to Iran. Second Caspian Summit], October 15-16, 2007, Kremlin.ru</ref> This is the first visit of a Russian leader to Iran since [[Joseph Stalin]]'s participation in the [[Tehran Conference]] in 1943.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/237237.html Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In Russian)</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2666142.ece Vladimir Putin defies assassination threats to make historic visit to Tehran], October 16, 2007, The Times (In English)</ref> At a press conference after the summit Putin said that "all our (Caspian) states have the right to develop their peaceful nuclear programmes without any restrictions".<ref>[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/16/2020_type82914type82915_148460.shtml Answer to a Question at the Joint Press Conference Following the Second Caspian Summit], October 16, 2007, Tehran, Kremlin.ru</ref> During the summit it was also agreed that its participants under no circumstances will let any third-party state use their territory as a base for aggression or military action against any other participant.<ref name="rbc-iran-tehran"/>
Spam: +10 /site.*=/; # infobox

>> pas d'accents
On [[October 26]], [[2007]], at a press conference following the 20th Russia-EU Summit in [[Portugal]], Putin proposed to create a Russian-European Institute for Freedom and Democracy headquartered either in Brussels or in one of the European capitals, and added that "we are ready to supply funds for financing it, just as Europe covers the costs of projects in Russia".<ref>[http://kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/26/1918_type82914type82915_149706.shtml Press Statement and Answers to Questions following the 20th Russia-European Union Summit], October 26, 2007, Mafra, Portugal, Kremlin.ru</ref> This newly proposed institution is expected to monitor human rights violations in Europe and contribute to development of European democracy.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3109784/ Russia Will Finance European Democracy], October 29, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On [[October 26]], [[2007]], at a press conference following the 20th Russia-EU Summit in [[Portugal]], Putin proposed to create a Russian-European Institute for Freedom and Democracy headquartered either in Brussels or in one of the European capitals, and added that "we are ready to supply funds for financing it, just as Europe covers the costs of projects in Russia".<ref>[http://kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/26/1918_type82914type82915_149706.shtml Press Statement and Answers to Questions following the 20th Russia-European Union Summit], October 26, 2007, Mafra, Portugal, Kremlin.ru</ref> This newly proposed institution is expected to monitor human rights violations in Europe and contribute to development of European democracy.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3109784/ Russia Will Finance European Democracy], October 29, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

On [[October 26]], [[2007]], at a press conference following the 20th Russia-EU Summit in [[Portugal]], Putin proposed to create a Russian-European Institute for Freedom and Democracy headquartered either in Brussels or in one of the European capitals, and added that "we are ready to supply funds for financing it, just as Europe covers the costs of projects in Russia".<ref>[http://kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/26/1918_type82914type82915_149706.shtml Press Statement and Answers to Questions following the 20th Russia-European Union Summit], October 26, 2007, Mafra, Portugal, Kremlin.ru</ref> This newly proposed institution is expected to monitor human rights violations in Europe and contribute to development of European democracy.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3109784/ Russia Will Finance European Democracy], October 29, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

On [[October 26]], [[2007]], at a press conference following the 20th Russia-EU Summit in [[Portugal]], Putin proposed to create a Russian-European Institute for Freedom and Democracy headquartered either in Brussels or in one of the European capitals, and added that "we are ready to supply funds for financing it, just as Europe covers the costs of projects in Russia".<ref>[http://kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/26/1918_type82914type82915_149706.shtml Press Statement and Answers to Questions following the 20th Russia-European Union Summit], October 26, 2007, Mafra, Portugal, Kremlin.ru</ref> This newly proposed institution is expected to monitor human rights violations in Europe and contribute to development of European democracy.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3109784/ Russia Will Finance European Democracy], October 29, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: On [[October 26]], [[2007]], at a press conference following the 20th Russia-EU Summit in [[Portugal]], Putin proposed to create a Russian-European Institute for Freedom and Democracy headquartered either in Brussels or in one of the European capitals, and added that "we are ready to supply funds for financing it, just as Europe covers the costs of projects in Russia".<ref>[http://kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/10/26/1918_type82914type82915_149706.shtml Press Statement and Answers to Questions following the 20th Russia-European Union Summit], October 26, 2007, Mafra, Portugal, Kremlin.ru</ref> This newly proposed institution is expected to monitor human rights violations in Europe and contribute to development of European democracy.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3109784/ Russia Will Finance European Democracy], October 29, 2007, Izvestia.ru</ref>
Despite widespread public support in Russia, Putin has many critics. Changes made under Putin’s rule have been criticized by some privately owned Russian media outlets and many Western commentators as anti-democratic.<ref> [http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/15/international/europe/15russia.html?ex
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Despite widespread public support in Russia, Putin has many critics. Changes made under Putin’s rule have been criticized by some privately owned Russian media outlets and many Western commentators as anti-democratic.<ref> [http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/15/international/europe/15russia.html?ex
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

possible spam: Despite widespread public support in Russia, Putin has many critics. Changes made under Putin’s rule have been criticized by some privately owned Russian media outlets and many Western commentators as anti-democratic.<ref> [http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/15/international/europe/15russia.html?ex
>> pas d'accents
rssuserland] </ref><ref>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/world/europe/22russia.html?pagewanted=print</ref><ref>http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/index.cfm?fa=eventDetail&id=745</ref> At the same time, a joint poll by ''World Public Opinion'' in the U. S. and NGO [http://www.levada.ru/eng/ Levada Center] [http://www.levada.ru/eng/opisanie.html] in Russia around June-July 2006 stated that "neither the Russian nor the American publics are convinced Russia is headed in an anti-democratic direction" and "Russians generally support Putin’s concentration of political power and strongly support the re-nationalization of Russia’s oil and gas industry"<ref name="wpo_org_g8">[http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/breuropera/224.php?nid=&id=&pnt=224&lb=breu Russians Support Putin’s Re-Nationalization of Oil, Control of Media, But See Democratic Future] - World Public Opinion.org</ref> Russians generally support political course of Putin and his team.<ref name="wpo_org_g8"/> 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

rssuserland] </ref><ref>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/world/europe/22russia.html?pagewanted=print</ref><ref>http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/index.cfm?fa=eventDetail&id=745</ref> At the same time, a joint poll by ''World Public Opinion'' in the U. S. and NGO [http://www.levada.ru/eng/ Levada Center] [http://www.levada.ru/eng/opisanie.html] in Russia around June-July 2006 stated that "neither the Russian nor the American publics are convinced Russia is headed in an anti-democratic direction" and "Russians generally support Putin’s concentration of political power and strongly support the re-nationalization of Russia’s oil and gas industry"<ref name="wpo_org_g8">[http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/breuropera/224.php?nid=&id=&pnt=224&lb=breu Russians Support Putin’s Re-Nationalization of Oil, Control of Media, But See Democratic Future] - World Public Opinion.org</ref> Russians generally support political course of Putin and his team.<ref name="wpo_org_g8"/> 
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

rssuserland] </ref><ref>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/world/europe/22russia.html?pagewanted=print</ref><ref>http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/index.cfm?fa=eventDetail&id=745</ref> At the same time, a joint poll by ''World Public Opinion'' in the U. S. and NGO [http://www.levada.ru/eng/ Levada Center] [http://www.levada.ru/eng/opisanie.html] in Russia around June-July 2006 stated that "neither the Russian nor the American publics are convinced Russia is headed in an anti-democratic direction" and "Russians generally support Putin’s concentration of political power and strongly support the re-nationalization of Russia’s oil and gas industry"<ref name="wpo_org_g8">[http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/breuropera/224.php?nid=&id=&pnt=224&lb=breu Russians Support Putin’s Re-Nationalization of Oil, Control of Media, But See Democratic Future] - World Public Opinion.org</ref> Russians generally support political course of Putin and his team.<ref name="wpo_org_g8"/> 
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

rssuserland] </ref><ref>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/world/europe/22russia.html?pagewanted=print</ref><ref>http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/index.cfm?fa=eventDetail&id=745</ref> At the same time, a joint poll by ''World Public Opinion'' in the U. S. and NGO [http://www.levada.ru/eng/ Levada Center] [http://www.levada.ru/eng/opisanie.html] in Russia around June-July 2006 stated that "neither the Russian nor the American publics are convinced Russia is headed in an anti-democratic direction" and "Russians generally support Putin’s concentration of political power and strongly support the re-nationalization of Russia’s oil and gas industry"<ref name="wpo_org_g8">[http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/breuropera/224.php?nid=&id=&pnt=224&lb=breu Russians Support Putin’s Re-Nationalization of Oil, Control of Media, But See Democratic Future] - World Public Opinion.org</ref> Russians generally support political course of Putin and his team.<ref name="wpo_org_g8"/> 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: rssuserland] </ref><ref>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/world/europe/22russia.html?pagewanted=print</ref><ref>http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/index.cfm?fa=eventDetail&id=745</ref> At the same time, a joint poll by ''World Public Opinion'' in the U. S. and NGO [http://www.levada.ru/eng/ Levada Center] [http://www.levada.ru/eng/opisanie.html] in Russia around June-July 2006 stated that "neither the Russian nor the American publics are convinced Russia is headed in an anti-democratic direction" and "Russians generally support Putin’s concentration of political power and strongly support the re-nationalization of Russia’s oil and gas industry"<ref name="wpo_org_g8">[http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/breuropera/224.php?nid=&id=&pnt=224&lb=breu Russians Support Putin’s Re-Nationalization of Oil, Control of Media, But See Democratic Future] - World Public Opinion.org</ref> Russians generally support political course of Putin and his team.<ref name="wpo_org_g8"/> 
>> pas d'accents
According to public opinion surveys conducted by [[Levada Center]], Putin's approval rating was 81% in June 2007, and the highest of any leader in the world.<ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6265068.stm</ref> His popularity rose from 31% in August 1999 to 80% in November 1999 and since then it has never fallen below 65%.<ref>[http://www.russiavotes.org/president/putin_performance_trends.php www.russiavotes.org]</ref> Observers see Putin's high approval ratings as a consequence of higher living standards that improved during his rule and Russia's reassertion of itself on the world scene,<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/05/AR2007100501672.html Putin Cements His Grip], October 6, 2007, The Washington Post</ref><ref>[http://www.oprosy.info/news.php?extend.25 Quarter of Russians Think Living Standards Improved During Putin's Rule], Oprosy.info, March 27, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/10/11/focus/297786 Living Standards of Russians Improved], October 10, 2007, RBC Daily</ref> as well as the uniformly positive and extensive coverage that Putin receives from the state-controlled media.<ref>http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

According to public opinion surveys conducted by [[Levada Center]], Putin's approval rating was 81% in June 2007, and the highest of any leader in the world.<ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6265068.stm</ref> His popularity rose from 31% in August 1999 to 80% in November 1999 and since then it has never fallen below 65%.<ref>[http://www.russiavotes.org/president/putin_performance_trends.php www.russiavotes.org]</ref> Observers see Putin's high approval ratings as a consequence of higher living standards that improved during his rule and Russia's reassertion of itself on the world scene,<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/05/AR2007100501672.html Putin Cements His Grip], October 6, 2007, The Washington Post</ref><ref>[http://www.oprosy.info/news.php?extend.25 Quarter of Russians Think Living Standards Improved During Putin's Rule], Oprosy.info, March 27, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/10/11/focus/297786 Living Standards of Russians Improved], October 10, 2007, RBC Daily</ref> as well as the uniformly positive and extensive coverage that Putin receives from the state-controlled media.<ref>http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

According to public opinion surveys conducted by [[Levada Center]], Putin's approval rating was 81% in June 2007, and the highest of any leader in the world.<ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6265068.stm</ref> His popularity rose from 31% in August 1999 to 80% in November 1999 and since then it has never fallen below 65%.<ref>[http://www.russiavotes.org/president/putin_performance_trends.php www.russiavotes.org]</ref> Observers see Putin's high approval ratings as a consequence of higher living standards that improved during his rule and Russia's reassertion of itself on the world scene,<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/05/AR2007100501672.html Putin Cements His Grip], October 6, 2007, The Washington Post</ref><ref>[http://www.oprosy.info/news.php?extend.25 Quarter of Russians Think Living Standards Improved During Putin's Rule], Oprosy.info, March 27, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/10/11/focus/297786 Living Standards of Russians Improved], October 10, 2007, RBC Daily</ref> as well as the uniformly positive and extensive coverage that Putin receives from the state-controlled media.<ref>http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: According to public opinion surveys conducted by [[Levada Center]], Putin's approval rating was 81% in June 2007, and the highest of any leader in the world.<ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6265068.stm</ref> His popularity rose from 31% in August 1999 to 80% in November 1999 and since then it has never fallen below 65%.<ref>[http://www.russiavotes.org/president/putin_performance_trends.php www.russiavotes.org]</ref> Observers see Putin's high approval ratings as a consequence of higher living standards that improved during his rule and Russia's reassertion of itself on the world scene,<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/05/AR2007100501672.html Putin Cements His Grip], October 6, 2007, The Washington Post</ref><ref>[http://www.oprosy.info/news.php?extend.25 Quarter of Russians Think Living Standards Improved During Putin's Rule], Oprosy.info, March 27, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2007/10/11/focus/297786 Living Standards of Russians Improved], October 10, 2007, RBC Daily</ref> as well as the uniformly positive and extensive coverage that Putin receives from the state-controlled media.<ref>http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId
possible spam: 16816197</ref><ref>http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4159/is_20031207/ai_n12748240</ref> Most Russians are also deeply disillusioned with the West after all the hardships of 90s,<ref name
"norman_stone_timesonline">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article2994651.ece No wonder they like Putin] by [[Norman Stone]], December 4, 2007, The Times</ref><ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"norman_stone_timesonline">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article2994651.ece No wonder they like Putin] by [[Norman Stone]], December 4, 2007, The Times</ref><ref name
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

"norman_stone_timesonline">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article2994651.ece No wonder they like Putin] by [[Norman Stone]], December 4, 2007, The Times</ref><ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: "norman_stone_timesonline">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article2994651.ece No wonder they like Putin] by [[Norman Stone]], December 4, 2007, The Times</ref><ref name
"disillusioned"/> and they no longer trust pro-western democrats that were removed from the political scene under Putin's rule.<ref name
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"disillusioned"/> and they no longer trust pro-western democrats that were removed from the political scene under Putin's rule.<ref name
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
"disillusioned">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1844508.ece Putin the Terrible, we love you], May 27, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref> Critics of Putin are seldom seen on two major national TV channels, [[Channel One]] and [[RTR]]. They do get some exposure through independent media, which include the national [[Ren-TV]] channel <ref>[http://www.spinwatch.org/content/view/2296/9/ Major Russian TV Station is Accused of Censorship]</ref>, the [[Echo of Moscow]] radio station <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/11/08/asia/russia.php Dissent and satire still alive in Russia]</ref> and, as a prominent example among print media, [[Nezavisimaya Gazeta]].<ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/09/c62560bd-8b07-40ba-83a7-5ae15cc70b70.html Russia: 'Nezavisimaya Gazeta' is Worth Watching Again]</ref> Internet site [[Inosmi.ru]] delivers selected translations into Russian from foreign and Western media online on a daily basis and has a daily audience of 70000-90000 visitors, most of them Russians.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/238111.html Yaroslav Ognev: InoSMI Reader Is Inosmified Person], November 30, 2007, InoSMI.ru</ref> However, most Russians, especially outside large cities, have very little access to any independent media and receive almost all news from the state outlets.<ref>http://www.cpj.org/Briefings/2000/Russia_sept00/Russia_sept00.html</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"disillusioned">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1844508.ece Putin the Terrible, we love you], May 27, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref> Critics of Putin are seldom seen on two major national TV channels, [[Channel One]] and [[RTR]]. They do get some exposure through independent media, which include the national [[Ren-TV]] channel <ref>[http://www.spinwatch.org/content/view/2296/9/ Major Russian TV Station is Accused of Censorship]</ref>, the [[Echo of Moscow]] radio station <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/11/08/asia/russia.php Dissent and satire still alive in Russia]</ref> and, as a prominent example among print media, [[Nezavisimaya Gazeta]].<ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/09/c62560bd-8b07-40ba-83a7-5ae15cc70b70.html Russia: 'Nezavisimaya Gazeta' is Worth Watching Again]</ref> Internet site [[Inosmi.ru]] delivers selected translations into Russian from foreign and Western media online on a daily basis and has a daily audience of 70000-90000 visitors, most of them Russians.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/238111.html Yaroslav Ognev: InoSMI Reader Is Inosmified Person], November 30, 2007, InoSMI.ru</ref> However, most Russians, especially outside large cities, have very little access to any independent media and receive almost all news from the state outlets.<ref>http://www.cpj.org/Briefings/2000/Russia_sept00/Russia_sept00.html</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

"disillusioned">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1844508.ece Putin the Terrible, we love you], May 27, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref> Critics of Putin are seldom seen on two major national TV channels, [[Channel One]] and [[RTR]]. They do get some exposure through independent media, which include the national [[Ren-TV]] channel <ref>[http://www.spinwatch.org/content/view/2296/9/ Major Russian TV Station is Accused of Censorship]</ref>, the [[Echo of Moscow]] radio station <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/11/08/asia/russia.php Dissent and satire still alive in Russia]</ref> and, as a prominent example among print media, [[Nezavisimaya Gazeta]].<ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/09/c62560bd-8b07-40ba-83a7-5ae15cc70b70.html Russia: 'Nezavisimaya Gazeta' is Worth Watching Again]</ref> Internet site [[Inosmi.ru]] delivers selected translations into Russian from foreign and Western media online on a daily basis and has a daily audience of 70000-90000 visitors, most of them Russians.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/238111.html Yaroslav Ognev: InoSMI Reader Is Inosmified Person], November 30, 2007, InoSMI.ru</ref> However, most Russians, especially outside large cities, have very little access to any independent media and receive almost all news from the state outlets.<ref>http://www.cpj.org/Briefings/2000/Russia_sept00/Russia_sept00.html</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: "disillusioned">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1844508.ece Putin the Terrible, we love you], May 27, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref> Critics of Putin are seldom seen on two major national TV channels, [[Channel One]] and [[RTR]]. They do get some exposure through independent media, which include the national [[Ren-TV]] channel <ref>[http://www.spinwatch.org/content/view/2296/9/ Major Russian TV Station is Accused of Censorship]</ref>, the [[Echo of Moscow]] radio station <ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/11/08/asia/russia.php Dissent and satire still alive in Russia]</ref> and, as a prominent example among print media, [[Nezavisimaya Gazeta]].<ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/09/c62560bd-8b07-40ba-83a7-5ae15cc70b70.html Russia: 'Nezavisimaya Gazeta' is Worth Watching Again]</ref> Internet site [[Inosmi.ru]] delivers selected translations into Russian from foreign and Western media online on a daily basis and has a daily audience of 70000-90000 visitors, most of them Russians.<ref>[http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/238111.html Yaroslav Ognev: InoSMI Reader Is Inosmified Person], November 30, 2007, InoSMI.ru</ref> However, most Russians, especially outside large cities, have very little access to any independent media and receive almost all news from the state outlets.<ref>http://www.cpj.org/Briefings/2000/Russia_sept00/Russia_sept00.html</ref>
>> pas d'accents
In 2006 and 2007 [[Dissenters' March]]es were organized by the opposition group [[Other Russia]],<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/world/europe/10kasparov.html?ex=1331182800&en=2f3ff57730367a82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]</ref> led by former chess champion [[Garry Kasparov]] and national-bolshevist leader [[Eduard Limonov]]. Demonstrations in several Russian cities were met by police action, which included interfering with the travel of the protesters and the arrests of as many as 150 people.<ref>http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2449990.ece</ref> The Dissenters' Marches have received little support among the Russian general public, according to popular polls. <ref>[http://www.regnum.ru/news/district-volga/kostroma/851572.html VCIOM: Dissenters' Marches Do Not Interest Russians], Regnum.ru, July 3, 2007</ref> The Dissenters' March in Samara held in May 2007 during the Russia-EU summit attracted more journalists providing coverage of the event than actual participants<ref>[http://www.rian.ru/society/20070518/65712907.html There Were Fewer Dissenters' March Participants Than Journalists], RIA News Agency, May 18, 2007</ref>, although the government allegedly prevented opposition leader Kasparov from reaching Samara.{{Fact|date=November 2007}} When asked in what way the Dissenters' Marches bother him, Putin answered that such marches "shall not prevent other citizens from living a normal life".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/05/18/2256_type82914type82915_129689.shtml Joint press conference after Russia-EU summit], Samara, May 18, 2007</ref> During the Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg on March 3, 2007, the protesters blocked automobile traffic on Nevsky Prospect, the central street of the city, much to the disturbance of local drivers.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news128585 100 People Arrested During Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg], Izvestia, March 5, 2007</ref><ref name="matvienko">[http://www.rg.ru/2007/03/05/piter-marsh.html Guests from Moscow], RG.ru, March 5, 2007</ref> The Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, commented on the event that "it is important to give everyone the opportunity to criticize the authorities, but this should be done in a civilized fashion".<ref name="matvienko"/> When asked about Kasparov's arrest, Putin noted that during his arrest Kasparov was speaking English rather than Russian, and suggested that his voice was targeting Western audience rather than his own people.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en"/><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru"/> Putin argued that the one who aspires to become a leader of his own country should think of interests of his own people and speak in their native language.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en">[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/12/19/1618_type82916_154779.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in English)</ref><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru">[http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/19/1607_type63379_154772.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in Russian)</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In 2006 and 2007 [[Dissenters' March]]es were organized by the opposition group [[Other Russia]],<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/world/europe/10kasparov.html?ex=1331182800&en=2f3ff57730367a82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]</ref> led by former chess champion [[Garry Kasparov]] and national-bolshevist leader [[Eduard Limonov]]. Demonstrations in several Russian cities were met by police action, which included interfering with the travel of the protesters and the arrests of as many as 150 people.<ref>http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2449990.ece</ref> The Dissenters' Marches have received little support among the Russian general public, according to popular polls. <ref>[http://www.regnum.ru/news/district-volga/kostroma/851572.html VCIOM: Dissenters' Marches Do Not Interest Russians], Regnum.ru, July 3, 2007</ref> The Dissenters' March in Samara held in May 2007 during the Russia-EU summit attracted more journalists providing coverage of the event than actual participants<ref>[http://www.rian.ru/society/20070518/65712907.html There Were Fewer Dissenters' March Participants Than Journalists], RIA News Agency, May 18, 2007</ref>, although the government allegedly prevented opposition leader Kasparov from reaching Samara.{{Fact|date=November 2007}} When asked in what way the Dissenters' Marches bother him, Putin answered that such marches "shall not prevent other citizens from living a normal life".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/05/18/2256_type82914type82915_129689.shtml Joint press conference after Russia-EU summit], Samara, May 18, 2007</ref> During the Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg on March 3, 2007, the protesters blocked automobile traffic on Nevsky Prospect, the central street of the city, much to the disturbance of local drivers.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news128585 100 People Arrested During Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg], Izvestia, March 5, 2007</ref><ref name="matvienko">[http://www.rg.ru/2007/03/05/piter-marsh.html Guests from Moscow], RG.ru, March 5, 2007</ref> The Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, commented on the event that "it is important to give everyone the opportunity to criticize the authorities, but this should be done in a civilized fashion".<ref name="matvienko"/> When asked about Kasparov's arrest, Putin noted that during his arrest Kasparov was speaking English rather than Russian, and suggested that his voice was targeting Western audience rather than his own people.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en"/><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru"/> Putin argued that the one who aspires to become a leader of his own country should think of interests of his own people and speak in their native language.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en">[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/12/19/1618_type82916_154779.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in English)</ref><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru">[http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/19/1607_type63379_154772.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in Russian)</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

In 2006 and 2007 [[Dissenters' March]]es were organized by the opposition group [[Other Russia]],<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/world/europe/10kasparov.html?ex=1331182800&en=2f3ff57730367a82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]</ref> led by former chess champion [[Garry Kasparov]] and national-bolshevist leader [[Eduard Limonov]]. Demonstrations in several Russian cities were met by police action, which included interfering with the travel of the protesters and the arrests of as many as 150 people.<ref>http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2449990.ece</ref> The Dissenters' Marches have received little support among the Russian general public, according to popular polls. <ref>[http://www.regnum.ru/news/district-volga/kostroma/851572.html VCIOM: Dissenters' Marches Do Not Interest Russians], Regnum.ru, July 3, 2007</ref> The Dissenters' March in Samara held in May 2007 during the Russia-EU summit attracted more journalists providing coverage of the event than actual participants<ref>[http://www.rian.ru/society/20070518/65712907.html There Were Fewer Dissenters' March Participants Than Journalists], RIA News Agency, May 18, 2007</ref>, although the government allegedly prevented opposition leader Kasparov from reaching Samara.{{Fact|date=November 2007}} When asked in what way the Dissenters' Marches bother him, Putin answered that such marches "shall not prevent other citizens from living a normal life".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/05/18/2256_type82914type82915_129689.shtml Joint press conference after Russia-EU summit], Samara, May 18, 2007</ref> During the Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg on March 3, 2007, the protesters blocked automobile traffic on Nevsky Prospect, the central street of the city, much to the disturbance of local drivers.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news128585 100 People Arrested During Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg], Izvestia, March 5, 2007</ref><ref name="matvienko">[http://www.rg.ru/2007/03/05/piter-marsh.html Guests from Moscow], RG.ru, March 5, 2007</ref> The Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, commented on the event that "it is important to give everyone the opportunity to criticize the authorities, but this should be done in a civilized fashion".<ref name="matvienko"/> When asked about Kasparov's arrest, Putin noted that during his arrest Kasparov was speaking English rather than Russian, and suggested that his voice was targeting Western audience rather than his own people.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en"/><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru"/> Putin argued that the one who aspires to become a leader of his own country should think of interests of his own people and speak in their native language.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en">[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/12/19/1618_type82916_154779.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in English)</ref><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru">[http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/19/1607_type63379_154772.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in Russian)</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

In 2006 and 2007 [[Dissenters' March]]es were organized by the opposition group [[Other Russia]],<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/world/europe/10kasparov.html?ex=1331182800&en=2f3ff57730367a82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]</ref> led by former chess champion [[Garry Kasparov]] and national-bolshevist leader [[Eduard Limonov]]. Demonstrations in several Russian cities were met by police action, which included interfering with the travel of the protesters and the arrests of as many as 150 people.<ref>http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2449990.ece</ref> The Dissenters' Marches have received little support among the Russian general public, according to popular polls. <ref>[http://www.regnum.ru/news/district-volga/kostroma/851572.html VCIOM: Dissenters' Marches Do Not Interest Russians], Regnum.ru, July 3, 2007</ref> The Dissenters' March in Samara held in May 2007 during the Russia-EU summit attracted more journalists providing coverage of the event than actual participants<ref>[http://www.rian.ru/society/20070518/65712907.html There Were Fewer Dissenters' March Participants Than Journalists], RIA News Agency, May 18, 2007</ref>, although the government allegedly prevented opposition leader Kasparov from reaching Samara.{{Fact|date=November 2007}} When asked in what way the Dissenters' Marches bother him, Putin answered that such marches "shall not prevent other citizens from living a normal life".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/05/18/2256_type82914type82915_129689.shtml Joint press conference after Russia-EU summit], Samara, May 18, 2007</ref> During the Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg on March 3, 2007, the protesters blocked automobile traffic on Nevsky Prospect, the central street of the city, much to the disturbance of local drivers.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news128585 100 People Arrested During Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg], Izvestia, March 5, 2007</ref><ref name="matvienko">[http://www.rg.ru/2007/03/05/piter-marsh.html Guests from Moscow], RG.ru, March 5, 2007</ref> The Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, commented on the event that "it is important to give everyone the opportunity to criticize the authorities, but this should be done in a civilized fashion".<ref name="matvienko"/> When asked about Kasparov's arrest, Putin noted that during his arrest Kasparov was speaking English rather than Russian, and suggested that his voice was targeting Western audience rather than his own people.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en"/><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru"/> Putin argued that the one who aspires to become a leader of his own country should think of interests of his own people and speak in their native language.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en">[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/12/19/1618_type82916_154779.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in English)</ref><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru">[http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/19/1607_type63379_154772.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in Russian)</ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

In 2006 and 2007 [[Dissenters' March]]es were organized by the opposition group [[Other Russia]],<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/world/europe/10kasparov.html?ex=1331182800&en=2f3ff57730367a82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]</ref> led by former chess champion [[Garry Kasparov]] and national-bolshevist leader [[Eduard Limonov]]. Demonstrations in several Russian cities were met by police action, which included interfering with the travel of the protesters and the arrests of as many as 150 people.<ref>http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2449990.ece</ref> The Dissenters' Marches have received little support among the Russian general public, according to popular polls. <ref>[http://www.regnum.ru/news/district-volga/kostroma/851572.html VCIOM: Dissenters' Marches Do Not Interest Russians], Regnum.ru, July 3, 2007</ref> The Dissenters' March in Samara held in May 2007 during the Russia-EU summit attracted more journalists providing coverage of the event than actual participants<ref>[http://www.rian.ru/society/20070518/65712907.html There Were Fewer Dissenters' March Participants Than Journalists], RIA News Agency, May 18, 2007</ref>, although the government allegedly prevented opposition leader Kasparov from reaching Samara.{{Fact|date=November 2007}} When asked in what way the Dissenters' Marches bother him, Putin answered that such marches "shall not prevent other citizens from living a normal life".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/05/18/2256_type82914type82915_129689.shtml Joint press conference after Russia-EU summit], Samara, May 18, 2007</ref> During the Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg on March 3, 2007, the protesters blocked automobile traffic on Nevsky Prospect, the central street of the city, much to the disturbance of local drivers.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news128585 100 People Arrested During Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg], Izvestia, March 5, 2007</ref><ref name="matvienko">[http://www.rg.ru/2007/03/05/piter-marsh.html Guests from Moscow], RG.ru, March 5, 2007</ref> The Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, commented on the event that "it is important to give everyone the opportunity to criticize the authorities, but this should be done in a civilized fashion".<ref name="matvienko"/> When asked about Kasparov's arrest, Putin noted that during his arrest Kasparov was speaking English rather than Russian, and suggested that his voice was targeting Western audience rather than his own people.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en"/><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru"/> Putin argued that the one who aspires to become a leader of his own country should think of interests of his own people and speak in their native language.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en">[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/12/19/1618_type82916_154779.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in English)</ref><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru">[http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/19/1607_type63379_154772.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in Russian)</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: In 2006 and 2007 [[Dissenters' March]]es were organized by the opposition group [[Other Russia]],<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/10/world/europe/10kasparov.html?ex=1331182800&en=2f3ff57730367a82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]</ref> led by former chess champion [[Garry Kasparov]] and national-bolshevist leader [[Eduard Limonov]]. Demonstrations in several Russian cities were met by police action, which included interfering with the travel of the protesters and the arrests of as many as 150 people.<ref>http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article2449990.ece</ref> The Dissenters' Marches have received little support among the Russian general public, according to popular polls. <ref>[http://www.regnum.ru/news/district-volga/kostroma/851572.html VCIOM: Dissenters' Marches Do Not Interest Russians], Regnum.ru, July 3, 2007</ref> The Dissenters' March in Samara held in May 2007 during the Russia-EU summit attracted more journalists providing coverage of the event than actual participants<ref>[http://www.rian.ru/society/20070518/65712907.html There Were Fewer Dissenters' March Participants Than Journalists], RIA News Agency, May 18, 2007</ref>, although the government allegedly prevented opposition leader Kasparov from reaching Samara.{{Fact|date=November 2007}} When asked in what way the Dissenters' Marches bother him, Putin answered that such marches "shall not prevent other citizens from living a normal life".<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/05/18/2256_type82914type82915_129689.shtml Joint press conference after Russia-EU summit], Samara, May 18, 2007</ref> During the Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg on March 3, 2007, the protesters blocked automobile traffic on Nevsky Prospect, the central street of the city, much to the disturbance of local drivers.<ref>[http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news128585 100 People Arrested During Dissenters' March in St. Petersburg], Izvestia, March 5, 2007</ref><ref name="matvienko">[http://www.rg.ru/2007/03/05/piter-marsh.html Guests from Moscow], RG.ru, March 5, 2007</ref> The Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, commented on the event that "it is important to give everyone the opportunity to criticize the authorities, but this should be done in a civilized fashion".<ref name="matvienko"/> When asked about Kasparov's arrest, Putin noted that during his arrest Kasparov was speaking English rather than Russian, and suggested that his voice was targeting Western audience rather than his own people.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en"/><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru"/> Putin argued that the one who aspires to become a leader of his own country should think of interests of his own people and speak in their native language.<ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_en">[http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/12/19/1618_type82916_154779.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in English)</ref><ref name="time_manazine_dec_19_2007_ru">[http://president.kremlin.ru/appears/2007/12/19/1607_type63379_154772.shtml Interview with Time Magazine], published on December 19, 2007, Kremlin.ru (in Russian)</ref>
>> pas d'accents
In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: In early 2005, a youth organization called ''[[Nashi (Ours)|Nashi]]'' (meaning 'Ours') was created in Russia, which positions itself as a democratic antifascist organization. Its creation was encouraged by some of the most senior figures in the Administration of the President,<ref name="Hammershlag">{{cite news|title=Putin's children|author=Michael Hammerschlag|date=July 5, 2007|url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/05/opinion/edhammer.php|publisher=International Herald Tribune}}</ref> and by 2007 it grew to some 120,000 members (between the ages of 17 and 25). This organization has been often referred to as "Putin Youth" and "loyal youth brigade" in the Western media.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3007107.ece 'Putin Youth' opens new campaign against British interests], December 6, 2007, The Times</ref><ref>[http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20071206
>> pas d'accents
0439-russia-youth-putin.html Thousands march in latest youth rally for Putin], December 6, 2007, San Diego Union Tribune</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2368176.ece Putin’s fanatical youth brigade targets Britain], September 2, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref><ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/11/6DA2C406-09AB-4778-AA77-956F03C9ACEE.html Pro-Putin Youth Group Looks To Preempt Postelection Rallies], November 30, 2007, Radio Free Europe</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/25/wmoscow225.xml Pro-Putin youth out to take Duma by storm], November 25, 2007, Telegraph</ref> One of Nashi's major tasks was to prevent a repeat of the 2004 [[Orange Revolution]] during the Russian elections: as its leader [[Vasily Yakemenko]] said, "the enemies must not perform unconstitutional takeovers".<ref>[http://gzt.ru/society/2006/01/26/214345.html Interview with Vasily Yakemenko], Gzt. Ru, [[January 26]], [[2006]]</ref> Kremlin adviser, Sergei Markov said about the activists of Nashi: "They want Russia to be a modern, strong and free country... Their ideology is clear — it is modernization of the country and preservation of its sovereignty with that."<ref>[http://www.svoboda.org/ll/grani/0405/ll.041905-1.asp Discussion of speech freedom at Russian Radio Freedom], [[April 19]], [[2005]]</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

0439-russia-youth-putin.html Thousands march in latest youth rally for Putin], December 6, 2007, San Diego Union Tribune</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2368176.ece Putin’s fanatical youth brigade targets Britain], September 2, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref><ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/11/6DA2C406-09AB-4778-AA77-956F03C9ACEE.html Pro-Putin Youth Group Looks To Preempt Postelection Rallies], November 30, 2007, Radio Free Europe</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/25/wmoscow225.xml Pro-Putin youth out to take Duma by storm], November 25, 2007, Telegraph</ref> One of Nashi's major tasks was to prevent a repeat of the 2004 [[Orange Revolution]] during the Russian elections: as its leader [[Vasily Yakemenko]] said, "the enemies must not perform unconstitutional takeovers".<ref>[http://gzt.ru/society/2006/01/26/214345.html Interview with Vasily Yakemenko], Gzt. Ru, [[January 26]], [[2006]]</ref> Kremlin adviser, Sergei Markov said about the activists of Nashi: "They want Russia to be a modern, strong and free country... Their ideology is clear — it is modernization of the country and preservation of its sovereignty with that."<ref>[http://www.svoboda.org/ll/grani/0405/ll.041905-1.asp Discussion of speech freedom at Russian Radio Freedom], [[April 19]], [[2005]]</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

0439-russia-youth-putin.html Thousands march in latest youth rally for Putin], December 6, 2007, San Diego Union Tribune</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2368176.ece Putin’s fanatical youth brigade targets Britain], September 2, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref><ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/11/6DA2C406-09AB-4778-AA77-956F03C9ACEE.html Pro-Putin Youth Group Looks To Preempt Postelection Rallies], November 30, 2007, Radio Free Europe</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/25/wmoscow225.xml Pro-Putin youth out to take Duma by storm], November 25, 2007, Telegraph</ref> One of Nashi's major tasks was to prevent a repeat of the 2004 [[Orange Revolution]] during the Russian elections: as its leader [[Vasily Yakemenko]] said, "the enemies must not perform unconstitutional takeovers".<ref>[http://gzt.ru/society/2006/01/26/214345.html Interview with Vasily Yakemenko], Gzt. Ru, [[January 26]], [[2006]]</ref> Kremlin adviser, Sergei Markov said about the activists of Nashi: "They want Russia to be a modern, strong and free country... Their ideology is clear — it is modernization of the country and preservation of its sovereignty with that."<ref>[http://www.svoboda.org/ll/grani/0405/ll.041905-1.asp Discussion of speech freedom at Russian Radio Freedom], [[April 19]], [[2005]]</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: 0439-russia-youth-putin.html Thousands march in latest youth rally for Putin], December 6, 2007, San Diego Union Tribune</ref><ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2368176.ece Putin’s fanatical youth brigade targets Britain], September 2, 2007, The Sunday Times</ref><ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/11/6DA2C406-09AB-4778-AA77-956F03C9ACEE.html Pro-Putin Youth Group Looks To Preempt Postelection Rallies], November 30, 2007, Radio Free Europe</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/25/wmoscow225.xml Pro-Putin youth out to take Duma by storm], November 25, 2007, Telegraph</ref> One of Nashi's major tasks was to prevent a repeat of the 2004 [[Orange Revolution]] during the Russian elections: as its leader [[Vasily Yakemenko]] said, "the enemies must not perform unconstitutional takeovers".<ref>[http://gzt.ru/society/2006/01/26/214345.html Interview with Vasily Yakemenko], Gzt. Ru, [[January 26]], [[2006]]</ref> Kremlin adviser, Sergei Markov said about the activists of Nashi: "They want Russia to be a modern, strong and free country... Their ideology is clear — it is modernization of the country and preservation of its sovereignty with that."<ref>[http://www.svoboda.org/ll/grani/0405/ll.041905-1.asp Discussion of speech freedom at Russian Radio Freedom], [[April 19]], [[2005]]</ref>
>> pas d'accents
According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: According to the official data submitted during the [[Russian legislative election, 2007]] Putin's wealth is quite trivial. His wealth is limited to approximately 3.7 million [[Russian rouble|roubles]] (approximately $150 thousand) in bank accounts, a private 77.4 square meters apartment in Saint Petersburg, 260 [[shares]] of ''Bank Saint Petersburg'' (with the December 2007 market price $5.36 per share[http://www.quote.ru/fterm/emitent.shtml?49/1249]) and two [[Volga_%28automobile%29#GAZ-21|Volga M21]] cars of 1960's that he inherited from his father and does not [[vehicle registration|register]] for on-road use. Putin's total 2006 income totaled to 2 million rubles (approximately $80 thousand).<ref>[http://www.rg.ru/2007/10/27/vibori.html ЦИК зарегистрировал список "ЕР" ] [[Rossiyskaya Gazeta]] N 4504 [[27 October]] [[2007]] {{ru icon}}</ref> According to the official data Putin certainly did not make into the top 100 most wealthy [[Duma]] candidates of his own [[United Russia]] party.<ref>[http://www.vz.ru/politics/2007/10/26/120491.html ЦИК раскрыл доходы Путина] [[Vzglyad]] [[26 October]] [[2007]] </ref>
On the other hand, there have been allegations that Putin secretly owns a very large fortune.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

According to former [[Speaker of the Duma|Chairman]] of the Russian [[State Duma]] [[Ivan Rybkin]]<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

 | title = ''Do not attempt to adjust your set''.
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

 | publisher = [[Radio Free Europe]] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam:  | url = http://www.rferl.org/reports/mm/2004/02/3-130204.asp 
possible spam: |url= http://www.ng.ru/politics/2004-02-03/2_rybkin.html
|title= ''Рыбкин собрал компромат на президента. Экс-глава Совбеза России «рассекречивает» бизнесменов из кремлевского окружения.''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

|title= ''Рыбкин собрал компромат на президента. Экс-глава Совбеза России «рассекречивает» бизнесменов из кремлевского окружения.''
+2 /«/ # Guillemets français, bon signe

|title= ''Рыбкин собрал компромат на президента. Экс-глава Совбеза России «рассекречивает» бизнесменов из кремлевского окружения.''
+2 /»/ # Guillemets français, bon signe

|publisher=''Nezavisimaya Gazeta'' newspaper 
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

|quote= Now it is Putin who is Russia's biggest business oligarch. 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref> , and Russian [[political scientist]] [[Stanislav Belkovsky]]<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

 | title = Warum Putin gar nicht Prasident bleiben will
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

 | publisher =[[Die Welt]] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam:  | url = http://www.welt.de/politik/article1352592/Warum_Putin_gar_nicht_Praesident_bleiben_will.html
possible spam: |url= http://www.jamestown.org/edm/article.php?article_id=2372600
|title=Staniskav Belkovsky: PUTIN WILL LEAVE POWER COMPLETELY 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

|title=Staniskav Belkovsky: PUTIN WILL LEAVE POWER COMPLETELY 
/\bPU?TA?IN/, score=-10
>> pas d'accents
}}</ref>, Putin controls a 4.5% stake in [[Gazprom]], 37% in [[Surgutneftegaz]] and 50% in the oil-trading company [[Gunvor]] run by a close friend of Putin — [[Gennady Timchenko]].<ref>[http://www.wps.ru/en/pp/story/2007/03/12.html Gennadi Timchenko: Russia's most low-profile billionaire] ''Sobesednik'' № 10, March 7, 2007</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/finance/01nov2007/gunvor.html Миллиардер Тимченко, "друг Путина", стал одним из крупнейших в мире продавцов нефти.] NEWSru.com 1 ноября 2007 г.</ref> The aggregate estimated value of these holdings would easily make Putin Russia's richest person. "Putin's total personal fortune would amount to no less than $41 billion, placing him among the 10 richest in the world," says the Swedish economist [[Anders Aslund]].<ref> [http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/11/28/006.html Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth], by [[Anders Aslund]], [[The Moscow Times]], November 28, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/11/AR2007121101833_pf.html ''Russia's New Oligarchy. For Putin and Friends, a Gusher of Questionable Deals.''] by [[Anders Åslund]], [[The Washington Post]], December 12, 2007.</ref> In December, 2007, Belkovsky elaborated on his claims: "Putin's name doesn't appear on any shareholders' register, of course. There is a non-transparent scheme of successive ownership of offshore companies and funds. The final point is in Zug [in Switzerland] and Liechtenstein. Vladimir Putin should be the beneficiary owner."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,2230924,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12 ''Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune''.] by Luke Harding [[The Guardian]] December 21, 2007.</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

}}</ref>, Putin controls a 4.5% stake in [[Gazprom]], 37% in [[Surgutneftegaz]] and 50% in the oil-trading company [[Gunvor]] run by a close friend of Putin — [[Gennady Timchenko]].<ref>[http://www.wps.ru/en/pp/story/2007/03/12.html Gennadi Timchenko: Russia's most low-profile billionaire] ''Sobesednik'' № 10, March 7, 2007</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/finance/01nov2007/gunvor.html Миллиардер Тимченко, "друг Путина", стал одним из крупнейших в мире продавцов нефти.] NEWSru.com 1 ноября 2007 г.</ref> The aggregate estimated value of these holdings would easily make Putin Russia's richest person. "Putin's total personal fortune would amount to no less than $41 billion, placing him among the 10 richest in the world," says the Swedish economist [[Anders Aslund]].<ref> [http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/11/28/006.html Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth], by [[Anders Aslund]], [[The Moscow Times]], November 28, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/11/AR2007121101833_pf.html ''Russia's New Oligarchy. For Putin and Friends, a Gusher of Questionable Deals.''] by [[Anders Åslund]], [[The Washington Post]], December 12, 2007.</ref> In December, 2007, Belkovsky elaborated on his claims: "Putin's name doesn't appear on any shareholders' register, of course. There is a non-transparent scheme of successive ownership of offshore companies and funds. The final point is in Zug [in Switzerland] and Liechtenstein. Vladimir Putin should be the beneficiary owner."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,2230924,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12 ''Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune''.] by Luke Harding [[The Guardian]] December 21, 2007.</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

}}</ref>, Putin controls a 4.5% stake in [[Gazprom]], 37% in [[Surgutneftegaz]] and 50% in the oil-trading company [[Gunvor]] run by a close friend of Putin — [[Gennady Timchenko]].<ref>[http://www.wps.ru/en/pp/story/2007/03/12.html Gennadi Timchenko: Russia's most low-profile billionaire] ''Sobesednik'' № 10, March 7, 2007</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/finance/01nov2007/gunvor.html Миллиардер Тимченко, "друг Путина", стал одним из крупнейших в мире продавцов нефти.] NEWSru.com 1 ноября 2007 г.</ref> The aggregate estimated value of these holdings would easily make Putin Russia's richest person. "Putin's total personal fortune would amount to no less than $41 billion, placing him among the 10 richest in the world," says the Swedish economist [[Anders Aslund]].<ref> [http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/11/28/006.html Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth], by [[Anders Aslund]], [[The Moscow Times]], November 28, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/11/AR2007121101833_pf.html ''Russia's New Oligarchy. For Putin and Friends, a Gusher of Questionable Deals.''] by [[Anders Åslund]], [[The Washington Post]], December 12, 2007.</ref> In December, 2007, Belkovsky elaborated on his claims: "Putin's name doesn't appear on any shareholders' register, of course. There is a non-transparent scheme of successive ownership of offshore companies and funds. The final point is in Zug [in Switzerland] and Liechtenstein. Vladimir Putin should be the beneficiary owner."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,2230924,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12 ''Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune''.] by Luke Harding [[The Guardian]] December 21, 2007.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

}}</ref>, Putin controls a 4.5% stake in [[Gazprom]], 37% in [[Surgutneftegaz]] and 50% in the oil-trading company [[Gunvor]] run by a close friend of Putin — [[Gennady Timchenko]].<ref>[http://www.wps.ru/en/pp/story/2007/03/12.html Gennadi Timchenko: Russia's most low-profile billionaire] ''Sobesednik'' № 10, March 7, 2007</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/finance/01nov2007/gunvor.html Миллиардер Тимченко, "друг Путина", стал одним из крупнейших в мире продавцов нефти.] NEWSru.com 1 ноября 2007 г.</ref> The aggregate estimated value of these holdings would easily make Putin Russia's richest person. "Putin's total personal fortune would amount to no less than $41 billion, placing him among the 10 richest in the world," says the Swedish economist [[Anders Aslund]].<ref> [http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/11/28/006.html Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth], by [[Anders Aslund]], [[The Moscow Times]], November 28, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/11/AR2007121101833_pf.html ''Russia's New Oligarchy. For Putin and Friends, a Gusher of Questionable Deals.''] by [[Anders Åslund]], [[The Washington Post]], December 12, 2007.</ref> In December, 2007, Belkovsky elaborated on his claims: "Putin's name doesn't appear on any shareholders' register, of course. There is a non-transparent scheme of successive ownership of offshore companies and funds. The final point is in Zug [in Switzerland] and Liechtenstein. Vladimir Putin should be the beneficiary owner."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,2230924,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12 ''Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune''.] by Luke Harding [[The Guardian]] December 21, 2007.</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: }}</ref>, Putin controls a 4.5% stake in [[Gazprom]], 37% in [[Surgutneftegaz]] and 50% in the oil-trading company [[Gunvor]] run by a close friend of Putin — [[Gennady Timchenko]].<ref>[http://www.wps.ru/en/pp/story/2007/03/12.html Gennadi Timchenko: Russia's most low-profile billionaire] ''Sobesednik'' № 10, March 7, 2007</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/finance/01nov2007/gunvor.html Миллиардер Тимченко, "друг Путина", стал одним из крупнейших в мире продавцов нефти.] NEWSru.com 1 ноября 2007 г.</ref> The aggregate estimated value of these holdings would easily make Putin Russia's richest person. "Putin's total personal fortune would amount to no less than $41 billion, placing him among the 10 richest in the world," says the Swedish economist [[Anders Aslund]].<ref> [http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/11/28/006.html Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth], by [[Anders Aslund]], [[The Moscow Times]], November 28, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/11/AR2007121101833_pf.html ''Russia's New Oligarchy. For Putin and Friends, a Gusher of Questionable Deals.''] by [[Anders Åslund]], [[The Washington Post]], December 12, 2007.</ref> In December, 2007, Belkovsky elaborated on his claims: "Putin's name doesn't appear on any shareholders' register, of course. There is a non-transparent scheme of successive ownership of offshore companies and funds. The final point is in Zug [in Switzerland] and Liechtenstein. Vladimir Putin should be the beneficiary owner."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,2230924,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12 ''Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune''.] by Luke Harding [[The Guardian]] December 21, 2007.</ref>
Putin is not included into the world list of billionaires compiled by [[Forbes]]<ref name=Forbes2007>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin is not included into the world list of billionaires compiled by [[Forbes]]<ref name=Forbes2007>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

>> pas d'accents
</ref> or the list of Russian billionaires compiled by the ''Finance'' magazine.<ref name=Finance>{{cite web |url=http://www.finansmag.ru/48991/49005/49030/print/ |title=Rating of Russian Billionaires |accessdate=2007-06-03 |author=Finance magazine 2007|authorlink= |coauthors= |year=2007 |month=January |format= |work= |publisher=FinansMag.ru |pages= |language=Russian |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= }}</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

</ref> or the list of Russian billionaires compiled by the ''Finance'' magazine.<ref name=Finance>{{cite web |url=http://www.finansmag.ru/48991/49005/49030/print/ |title=Rating of Russian Billionaires |accessdate=2007-06-03 |author=Finance magazine 2007|authorlink= |coauthors= |year=2007 |month=January |format= |work= |publisher=FinansMag.ru |pages= |language=Russian |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= }}</ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

possible spam: </ref> or the list of Russian billionaires compiled by the ''Finance'' magazine.<ref name=Finance>{{cite web |url=http://www.finansmag.ru/48991/49005/49030/print/ |title=Rating of Russian Billionaires |accessdate=2007-06-03 |author=Finance magazine 2007|authorlink= |coauthors= |year=2007 |month=January |format= |work= |publisher=FinansMag.ru |pages= |language=Russian |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= }}</ref>
== Critical views of Putin ==
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

in his book "Age of Turbulence" had the following comments on Putin.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

in his book "Age of Turbulence" had the following comments on Putin.
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
"The Russian economy is today best described as a market economy backed by a still imperfect rule of law. A significant segment of the nation's most valued assets is in the hands of the state or of Kremlin allies. Political control has been reinforced through control of the major media operations, with most of the remainder "encouraged" to censor themselves. Putin and his policies remain immensely popular. Objections from the Russian public are few; apparently the chaos of Yeltsin's democracy - including financial defaults that savaged people's savings - left a residue of profound discomfort. A&nbsp;poll in 2006 reported that almost half of the Russian people value material well-being over freedom and human rights: democracy and freedom of speech are not high priorities. Given a choice between the democratic freedoms and economic instability of the Yeltsin years and the stability and authoritarianism that have emerged under Putin, for now most Russians prefer Putin." Greenspan went on to say that eventually there would be a backlash. 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

"The Russian economy is today best described as a market economy backed by a still imperfect rule of law. A significant segment of the nation's most valued assets is in the hands of the state or of Kremlin allies. Political control has been reinforced through control of the major media operations, with most of the remainder "encouraged" to censor themselves. Putin and his policies remain immensely popular. Objections from the Russian public are few; apparently the chaos of Yeltsin's democracy - including financial defaults that savaged people's savings - left a residue of profound discomfort. A&nbsp;poll in 2006 reported that almost half of the Russian people value material well-being over freedom and human rights: democracy and freedom of speech are not high priorities. Given a choice between the democratic freedoms and economic instability of the Yeltsin years and the stability and authoritarianism that have emerged under Putin, for now most Russians prefer Putin." Greenspan went on to say that eventually there would be a backlash. 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

>> pas d'accents
Russian economist and politician [[Egor Gaidar]] in 2007 book "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia"<ref name=Gaidar>E. Gaidar. "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia.", 2007. Pages 432-433, 436-437. [http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2766377/ Buy], [http://www.socioline.ru/_seminar/library/misc/gaidar.djvu download].</ref> made the following comment on the current political system in Russia:
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Russian economist and politician [[Egor Gaidar]] in 2007 book "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia"<ref name=Gaidar>E. Gaidar. "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia.", 2007. Pages 432-433, 436-437. [http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2766377/ Buy], [http://www.socioline.ru/_seminar/library/misc/gaidar.djvu download].</ref> made the following comment on the current political system in Russia:
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Russian economist and politician [[Egor Gaidar]] in 2007 book "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia"<ref name=Gaidar>E. Gaidar. "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia.", 2007. Pages 432-433, 436-437. [http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2766377/ Buy], [http://www.socioline.ru/_seminar/library/misc/gaidar.djvu download].</ref> made the following comment on the current political system in Russia:
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: Russian economist and politician [[Egor Gaidar]] in 2007 book "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia"<ref name=Gaidar>E. Gaidar. "Death of the Empire. Lessons for the contemporary Russia.", 2007. Pages 432-433, 436-437. [http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2766377/ Buy], [http://www.socioline.ru/_seminar/library/misc/gaidar.djvu download].</ref> made the following comment on the current political system in Russia:
>> pas d'accents
>> pas d'accents
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

>> pas d'accents
The [[Constitution of Russia|Constitution]] imposes consecutive [[term limit]]s that prevent Putin from running for re-election again in 2008, although he would be allowed to run for President in the following presidential election, scheduled for 2012. On [[November 26]] [[2007]], [[Federation Council of Russia|Federation Council]] Speaker [[Sergei Mironov]] was quoted by ''[[Interfax]]'' news agency, saying that the fact that the [[Russian presidential election, 2008|election day]] had been set to [[March 2]] [[2008]], would allow Putin, who is required by term limits to leave office when his second term ends in May 2008, the option of resigning early and then running again. <ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/11/27/011.html Presidential Vote Set for March 2], The Moscow Times, November 27, 2007.</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

The [[Constitution of Russia|Constitution]] imposes consecutive [[term limit]]s that prevent Putin from running for re-election again in 2008, although he would be allowed to run for President in the following presidential election, scheduled for 2012. On [[November 26]] [[2007]], [[Federation Council of Russia|Federation Council]] Speaker [[Sergei Mironov]] was quoted by ''[[Interfax]]'' news agency, saying that the fact that the [[Russian presidential election, 2008|election day]] had been set to [[March 2]] [[2008]], would allow Putin, who is required by term limits to leave office when his second term ends in May 2008, the option of resigning early and then running again. <ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/11/27/011.html Presidential Vote Set for March 2], The Moscow Times, November 27, 2007.</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

The [[Constitution of Russia|Constitution]] imposes consecutive [[term limit]]s that prevent Putin from running for re-election again in 2008, although he would be allowed to run for President in the following presidential election, scheduled for 2012. On [[November 26]] [[2007]], [[Federation Council of Russia|Federation Council]] Speaker [[Sergei Mironov]] was quoted by ''[[Interfax]]'' news agency, saying that the fact that the [[Russian presidential election, 2008|election day]] had been set to [[March 2]] [[2008]], would allow Putin, who is required by term limits to leave office when his second term ends in May 2008, the option of resigning early and then running again. <ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/11/27/011.html Presidential Vote Set for March 2], The Moscow Times, November 27, 2007.</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

The [[Constitution of Russia|Constitution]] imposes consecutive [[term limit]]s that prevent Putin from running for re-election again in 2008, although he would be allowed to run for President in the following presidential election, scheduled for 2012. On [[November 26]] [[2007]], [[Federation Council of Russia|Federation Council]] Speaker [[Sergei Mironov]] was quoted by ''[[Interfax]]'' news agency, saying that the fact that the [[Russian presidential election, 2008|election day]] had been set to [[March 2]] [[2008]], would allow Putin, who is required by term limits to leave office when his second term ends in May 2008, the option of resigning early and then running again. <ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/11/27/011.html Presidential Vote Set for March 2], The Moscow Times, November 27, 2007.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: The [[Constitution of Russia|Constitution]] imposes consecutive [[term limit]]s that prevent Putin from running for re-election again in 2008, although he would be allowed to run for President in the following presidential election, scheduled for 2012. On [[November 26]] [[2007]], [[Federation Council of Russia|Federation Council]] Speaker [[Sergei Mironov]] was quoted by ''[[Interfax]]'' news agency, saying that the fact that the [[Russian presidential election, 2008|election day]] had been set to [[March 2]] [[2008]], would allow Putin, who is required by term limits to leave office when his second term ends in May 2008, the option of resigning early and then running again. <ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/11/27/011.html Presidential Vote Set for March 2], The Moscow Times, November 27, 2007.</ref>
>> pas d'accents
There are speculations in some media that Putin might be planning to have an influential role in the government preceding the elections <ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aSWAv95PAixI&refer=europe]</ref>, however on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin publicly rebuked such speculations: "there will be no successors. There will be candidates for the post of the President of the Russian Federation." <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml]</ref>. 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

There are speculations in some media that Putin might be planning to have an influential role in the government preceding the elections <ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aSWAv95PAixI&refer=europe]</ref>, however on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin publicly rebuked such speculations: "there will be no successors. There will be candidates for the post of the President of the Russian Federation." <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml]</ref>. 
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

There are speculations in some media that Putin might be planning to have an influential role in the government preceding the elections <ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aSWAv95PAixI&refer=europe]</ref>, however on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin publicly rebuked such speculations: "there will be no successors. There will be candidates for the post of the President of the Russian Federation." <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml]</ref>. 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

There are speculations in some media that Putin might be planning to have an influential role in the government preceding the elections <ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aSWAv95PAixI&refer=europe]</ref>, however on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin publicly rebuked such speculations: "there will be no successors. There will be candidates for the post of the President of the Russian Federation." <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml]</ref>. 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: There are speculations in some media that Putin might be planning to have an influential role in the government preceding the elections <ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aSWAv95PAixI&refer=europe]</ref>, however on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin publicly rebuked such speculations: "there will be no successors. There will be candidates for the post of the President of the Russian Federation." <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml]</ref>. 
On [[1 October]] [[2007]], Putin announced he would run as first on the list for United Russia and might consider becoming [[Prime Minister of Russia]].<ref>http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aJTN3aKtVF40&refer=europe</ref> <ref>BBC News: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7022474.stm Putin eyes prime minister's job]</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On [[1 October]] [[2007]], Putin announced he would run as first on the list for United Russia and might consider becoming [[Prime Minister of Russia]].<ref>http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aJTN3aKtVF40&refer=europe</ref> <ref>BBC News: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7022474.stm Putin eyes prime minister's job]</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

On [[1 October]] [[2007]], Putin announced he would run as first on the list for United Russia and might consider becoming [[Prime Minister of Russia]].<ref>http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aJTN3aKtVF40&refer=europe</ref> <ref>BBC News: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7022474.stm Putin eyes prime minister's job]</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: On [[1 October]] [[2007]], Putin announced he would run as first on the list for United Russia and might consider becoming [[Prime Minister of Russia]].<ref>http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aJTN3aKtVF40&refer=europe</ref> <ref>BBC News: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7022474.stm Putin eyes prime minister's job]</ref>
On [[December 10]], 2007, Putin backed First deputy prime-minister and chairman of [[Gazprom]] [[Dmitry Medvedev]]'s candidature for presidential election, nominated by Putin's ''United Russia'' party, as well as [[Agrarian Party of Russia|Agrarian Party]], liberal [[Civilian Power]] and pro-Kremlin socialistic [[Fair Russia]]. <ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On [[December 10]], 2007, Putin backed First deputy prime-minister and chairman of [[Gazprom]] [[Dmitry Medvedev]]'s candidature for presidential election, nominated by Putin's ''United Russia'' party, as well as [[Agrarian Party of Russia|Agrarian Party]], liberal [[Civilian Power]] and pro-Kremlin socialistic [[Fair Russia]]. <ref>{{cite web
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

On [[December 10]], 2007, Putin backed First deputy prime-minister and chairman of [[Gazprom]] [[Dmitry Medvedev]]'s candidature for presidential election, nominated by Putin's ''United Russia'' party, as well as [[Agrarian Party of Russia|Agrarian Party]], liberal [[Civilian Power]] and pro-Kremlin socialistic [[Fair Russia]]. <ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

 | title = Putin sees Medvedev as successor.
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

 | publisher = [[BBC World]] 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam:  | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm
>> pas d'accents
 | accessdate = 2007-12-10}}</ref> <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm Putin sees Medvedev as successor]</ref> It has been long believed by political analysts that Putin's choice of a successor will coast to an easy election-day victory as pre-election opinion polls have indicated that a substantial majority of potential voters will back Putin's chosen candidate for president.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/10/AR2007121000330.html], Washington Post, December 10, 2007.</ref> Medvedev announced in his first speech since his own nomination that as President, he will nominate Vladimir Putin to the post of [[prime minister]] to head the Russian government, if the latter was willing to accept it.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/europe/medvedev-speech.html], Washington Post, December 11, 2007.</ref> Although constitutionally barred from a third consecutive presidential term, such a role would arguably allow Putin to continue as a national leader, and to take up again the presidency later if he so chose. Some analysts have been quick to point out that such a statement shows that Medvedev recognizes that he would only be a [[figurehead (metaphor)|figurehead]] president.<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-12-11-russia-medvedev-putin_N.htm?csp=34 Medvedev: Putin should be Russia's prime minister] [[USA Today]], December 11, 2007.</ref> Anders Åslund warns that the transfer-of-power operation is still far from being a foregone conclusion.<ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/12/14/006.html ''Putin's Three-Ring Circus''.] By [[Anders Åslund]] [[The Moscow Times]] December 14, 2007. Issue 3807. Page 8.</ref> Notwithstanding such views, Putin has pledged that he would accept the position of prime minister should Medvedev be elected president. Although Putin has pledged not to change the distribution of authority between president and prime minister, many analysts are expecting a shift in the center of power from the presidency to the prime minister post should Putin assumes the latter under a Medvedev presidency.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_eu/russia_putin;_ylt=Ag0fbOASQNiLdv8w1LB9gESs0NUE Putin seeks prime minister's post] Associated Press, December 17, 2007.</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

 | accessdate = 2007-12-10}}</ref> <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm Putin sees Medvedev as successor]</ref> It has been long believed by political analysts that Putin's choice of a successor will coast to an easy election-day victory as pre-election opinion polls have indicated that a substantial majority of potential voters will back Putin's chosen candidate for president.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/10/AR2007121000330.html], Washington Post, December 10, 2007.</ref> Medvedev announced in his first speech since his own nomination that as President, he will nominate Vladimir Putin to the post of [[prime minister]] to head the Russian government, if the latter was willing to accept it.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/europe/medvedev-speech.html], Washington Post, December 11, 2007.</ref> Although constitutionally barred from a third consecutive presidential term, such a role would arguably allow Putin to continue as a national leader, and to take up again the presidency later if he so chose. Some analysts have been quick to point out that such a statement shows that Medvedev recognizes that he would only be a [[figurehead (metaphor)|figurehead]] president.<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-12-11-russia-medvedev-putin_N.htm?csp=34 Medvedev: Putin should be Russia's prime minister] [[USA Today]], December 11, 2007.</ref> Anders Åslund warns that the transfer-of-power operation is still far from being a foregone conclusion.<ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/12/14/006.html ''Putin's Three-Ring Circus''.] By [[Anders Åslund]] [[The Moscow Times]] December 14, 2007. Issue 3807. Page 8.</ref> Notwithstanding such views, Putin has pledged that he would accept the position of prime minister should Medvedev be elected president. Although Putin has pledged not to change the distribution of authority between president and prime minister, many analysts are expecting a shift in the center of power from the presidency to the prime minister post should Putin assumes the latter under a Medvedev presidency.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_eu/russia_putin;_ylt=Ag0fbOASQNiLdv8w1LB9gESs0NUE Putin seeks prime minister's post] Associated Press, December 17, 2007.</ref>
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

 | accessdate = 2007-12-10}}</ref> <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm Putin sees Medvedev as successor]</ref> It has been long believed by political analysts that Putin's choice of a successor will coast to an easy election-day victory as pre-election opinion polls have indicated that a substantial majority of potential voters will back Putin's chosen candidate for president.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/10/AR2007121000330.html], Washington Post, December 10, 2007.</ref> Medvedev announced in his first speech since his own nomination that as President, he will nominate Vladimir Putin to the post of [[prime minister]] to head the Russian government, if the latter was willing to accept it.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/europe/medvedev-speech.html], Washington Post, December 11, 2007.</ref> Although constitutionally barred from a third consecutive presidential term, such a role would arguably allow Putin to continue as a national leader, and to take up again the presidency later if he so chose. Some analysts have been quick to point out that such a statement shows that Medvedev recognizes that he would only be a [[figurehead (metaphor)|figurehead]] president.<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-12-11-russia-medvedev-putin_N.htm?csp=34 Medvedev: Putin should be Russia's prime minister] [[USA Today]], December 11, 2007.</ref> Anders Åslund warns that the transfer-of-power operation is still far from being a foregone conclusion.<ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/12/14/006.html ''Putin's Three-Ring Circus''.] By [[Anders Åslund]] [[The Moscow Times]] December 14, 2007. Issue 3807. Page 8.</ref> Notwithstanding such views, Putin has pledged that he would accept the position of prime minister should Medvedev be elected president. Although Putin has pledged not to change the distribution of authority between president and prime minister, many analysts are expecting a shift in the center of power from the presidency to the prime minister post should Putin assumes the latter under a Medvedev presidency.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_eu/russia_putin;_ylt=Ag0fbOASQNiLdv8w1LB9gESs0NUE Putin seeks prime minister's post] Associated Press, December 17, 2007.</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

 | accessdate = 2007-12-10}}</ref> <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm Putin sees Medvedev as successor]</ref> It has been long believed by political analysts that Putin's choice of a successor will coast to an easy election-day victory as pre-election opinion polls have indicated that a substantial majority of potential voters will back Putin's chosen candidate for president.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/10/AR2007121000330.html], Washington Post, December 10, 2007.</ref> Medvedev announced in his first speech since his own nomination that as President, he will nominate Vladimir Putin to the post of [[prime minister]] to head the Russian government, if the latter was willing to accept it.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/europe/medvedev-speech.html], Washington Post, December 11, 2007.</ref> Although constitutionally barred from a third consecutive presidential term, such a role would arguably allow Putin to continue as a national leader, and to take up again the presidency later if he so chose. Some analysts have been quick to point out that such a statement shows that Medvedev recognizes that he would only be a [[figurehead (metaphor)|figurehead]] president.<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-12-11-russia-medvedev-putin_N.htm?csp=34 Medvedev: Putin should be Russia's prime minister] [[USA Today]], December 11, 2007.</ref> Anders Åslund warns that the transfer-of-power operation is still far from being a foregone conclusion.<ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/12/14/006.html ''Putin's Three-Ring Circus''.] By [[Anders Åslund]] [[The Moscow Times]] December 14, 2007. Issue 3807. Page 8.</ref> Notwithstanding such views, Putin has pledged that he would accept the position of prime minister should Medvedev be elected president. Although Putin has pledged not to change the distribution of authority between president and prime minister, many analysts are expecting a shift in the center of power from the presidency to the prime minister post should Putin assumes the latter under a Medvedev presidency.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_eu/russia_putin;_ylt=Ag0fbOASQNiLdv8w1LB9gESs0NUE Putin seeks prime minister's post] Associated Press, December 17, 2007.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam:  | accessdate = 2007-12-10}}</ref> <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm Putin sees Medvedev as successor]</ref> It has been long believed by political analysts that Putin's choice of a successor will coast to an easy election-day victory as pre-election opinion polls have indicated that a substantial majority of potential voters will back Putin's chosen candidate for president.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/10/AR2007121000330.html], Washington Post, December 10, 2007.</ref> Medvedev announced in his first speech since his own nomination that as President, he will nominate Vladimir Putin to the post of [[prime minister]] to head the Russian government, if the latter was willing to accept it.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/europe/medvedev-speech.html], Washington Post, December 11, 2007.</ref> Although constitutionally barred from a third consecutive presidential term, such a role would arguably allow Putin to continue as a national leader, and to take up again the presidency later if he so chose. Some analysts have been quick to point out that such a statement shows that Medvedev recognizes that he would only be a [[figurehead (metaphor)|figurehead]] president.<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-12-11-russia-medvedev-putin_N.htm?csp=34 Medvedev: Putin should be Russia's prime minister] [[USA Today]], December 11, 2007.</ref> Anders Åslund warns that the transfer-of-power operation is still far from being a foregone conclusion.<ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/12/14/006.html ''Putin's Three-Ring Circus''.] By [[Anders Åslund]] [[The Moscow Times]] December 14, 2007. Issue 3807. Page 8.</ref> Notwithstanding such views, Putin has pledged that he would accept the position of prime minister should Medvedev be elected president. Although Putin has pledged not to change the distribution of authority between president and prime minister, many analysts are expecting a shift in the center of power from the presidency to the prime minister post should Putin assumes the latter under a Medvedev presidency.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_eu/russia_putin;_ylt=Ag0fbOASQNiLdv8w1LB9gESs0NUE Putin seeks prime minister's post] Associated Press, December 17, 2007.</ref>
 | accessdate = 2007-12-10}}</ref> <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7136347.stm Putin sees Medvedev as successor]</ref> It has been long believed by political analysts that Putin's choice of a successor will coast to an easy election-day victory as pre-election opinion polls have indicated that a substantial majority of potential voters will back Putin's chosen candidate for president.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/10/AR2007121000330.html], Washington Post, December 10, 2007.</ref> Medvedev announced in his first speech since his own nomination that as President, he will nominate Vladimir Putin to the post of [[prime minister]] to head the Russian government, if the latter was willing to accept it.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/europe/medvedev-speech.html], Washington Post, December 11, 2007.</ref> Although constitutionally barred from a third consecutive presidential term, such a role would arguably allow Putin to continue as a national leader, and to take up again the presidency later if he so chose. Some analysts have been quick to point out that such a statement shows that Medvedev recognizes that he would only be a [[figurehead (metaphor)|figurehead]] president.<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-12-11-russia-medvedev-putin_N.htm?csp=34 Medvedev: Putin should be Russia's prime minister] [[USA Today]], December 11, 2007.</ref> Anders Åslund warns that the transfer-of-power operation is still far from being a foregone conclusion.<ref>[http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/12/14/006.html ''Putin's Three-Ring Circus''.] By [[Anders Åslund]] [[The Moscow Times]] December 14, 2007. Issue 3807. Page 8.</ref> Notwithstanding such views, Putin has pledged that he would accept the position of prime minister should Medvedev be elected president. Although Putin has pledged not to change the distribution of authority between president and prime minister, many analysts are expecting a shift in the center of power from the presidency to the prime minister post should Putin assumes the latter under a Medvedev presidency.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_eu/russia_putin;_ylt=Ag0fbOASQNiLdv8w1LB9gESs0NUE Putin seeks prime minister's post] Associated Press, December 17, 2007.</ref>
Spam: -5 /yahoo/;

>> pas d'accents
On December 11, 2007, a Kremlin official confirmed that Putin and [[Belarus|Belarusian]] President [[Alexander Lukashenko]] had discussed plans to consolidate their two countries into a new merger-state, just days before their scheduled two-day meeting.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL1161130720071211 Russia's Putin discusses union plan with Belarus] [[Reuters]] Dec 11, 2007</ref> Were such a union to come into existence, it would necessitate a freshly drafted constitution for the new union-state, essentially giving Putin the avenue which he needs to legally circumvent the current term-limit constitutionally imposed upon him.<ref>[http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1210/p01s02-woeu.html ''Putin eyes full merger with Belarus. The union, to be agreed on this week, could enable Russia's popular president to retain power by creating a new Constitution.'' By Fred Weir] [[Christian Science Monitor]] December 10, 2007</ref> Such speculations were rebutted by Belarusian President Lukashenko on December 14, 2007.<ref>[http://www.kyivpost.com/bn/28001/ Putin in Belarus to discuss issues on union state with Russia.] [[Kyiv Post]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

On December 11, 2007, a Kremlin official confirmed that Putin and [[Belarus|Belarusian]] President [[Alexander Lukashenko]] had discussed plans to consolidate their two countries into a new merger-state, just days before their scheduled two-day meeting.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL1161130720071211 Russia's Putin discusses union plan with Belarus] [[Reuters]] Dec 11, 2007</ref> Were such a union to come into existence, it would necessitate a freshly drafted constitution for the new union-state, essentially giving Putin the avenue which he needs to legally circumvent the current term-limit constitutionally imposed upon him.<ref>[http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1210/p01s02-woeu.html ''Putin eyes full merger with Belarus. The union, to be agreed on this week, could enable Russia's popular president to retain power by creating a new Constitution.'' By Fred Weir] [[Christian Science Monitor]] December 10, 2007</ref> Such speculations were rebutted by Belarusian President Lukashenko on December 14, 2007.<ref>[http://www.kyivpost.com/bn/28001/ Putin in Belarus to discuss issues on union state with Russia.] [[Kyiv Post]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

On December 11, 2007, a Kremlin official confirmed that Putin and [[Belarus|Belarusian]] President [[Alexander Lukashenko]] had discussed plans to consolidate their two countries into a new merger-state, just days before their scheduled two-day meeting.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL1161130720071211 Russia's Putin discusses union plan with Belarus] [[Reuters]] Dec 11, 2007</ref> Were such a union to come into existence, it would necessitate a freshly drafted constitution for the new union-state, essentially giving Putin the avenue which he needs to legally circumvent the current term-limit constitutionally imposed upon him.<ref>[http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1210/p01s02-woeu.html ''Putin eyes full merger with Belarus. The union, to be agreed on this week, could enable Russia's popular president to retain power by creating a new Constitution.'' By Fred Weir] [[Christian Science Monitor]] December 10, 2007</ref> Such speculations were rebutted by Belarusian President Lukashenko on December 14, 2007.<ref>[http://www.kyivpost.com/bn/28001/ Putin in Belarus to discuss issues on union state with Russia.] [[Kyiv Post]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

On December 11, 2007, a Kremlin official confirmed that Putin and [[Belarus|Belarusian]] President [[Alexander Lukashenko]] had discussed plans to consolidate their two countries into a new merger-state, just days before their scheduled two-day meeting.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL1161130720071211 Russia's Putin discusses union plan with Belarus] [[Reuters]] Dec 11, 2007</ref> Were such a union to come into existence, it would necessitate a freshly drafted constitution for the new union-state, essentially giving Putin the avenue which he needs to legally circumvent the current term-limit constitutionally imposed upon him.<ref>[http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1210/p01s02-woeu.html ''Putin eyes full merger with Belarus. The union, to be agreed on this week, could enable Russia's popular president to retain power by creating a new Constitution.'' By Fred Weir] [[Christian Science Monitor]] December 10, 2007</ref> Such speculations were rebutted by Belarusian President Lukashenko on December 14, 2007.<ref>[http://www.kyivpost.com/bn/28001/ Putin in Belarus to discuss issues on union state with Russia.] [[Kyiv Post]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: On December 11, 2007, a Kremlin official confirmed that Putin and [[Belarus|Belarusian]] President [[Alexander Lukashenko]] had discussed plans to consolidate their two countries into a new merger-state, just days before their scheduled two-day meeting.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL1161130720071211 Russia's Putin discusses union plan with Belarus] [[Reuters]] Dec 11, 2007</ref> Were such a union to come into existence, it would necessitate a freshly drafted constitution for the new union-state, essentially giving Putin the avenue which he needs to legally circumvent the current term-limit constitutionally imposed upon him.<ref>[http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1210/p01s02-woeu.html ''Putin eyes full merger with Belarus. The union, to be agreed on this week, could enable Russia's popular president to retain power by creating a new Constitution.'' By Fred Weir] [[Christian Science Monitor]] December 10, 2007</ref> Such speculations were rebutted by Belarusian President Lukashenko on December 14, 2007.<ref>[http://www.kyivpost.com/bn/28001/ Putin in Belarus to discuss issues on union state with Russia.] [[Kyiv Post]] Dec 14, 2007.</ref>
At the [[United Russia]] party congress on [[2007-12-17]], Medvedev was officially nominated and Putin agreed to become PM if Medvedev won the election.<ref>http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/12/17/putin.russia.ap/index.html</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

At the [[United Russia]] party congress on [[2007-12-17]], Medvedev was officially nominated and Putin agreed to become PM if Medvedev won the election.<ref>http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/12/17/putin.russia.ap/index.html</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

At the [[United Russia]] party congress on [[2007-12-17]], Medvedev was officially nominated and Putin agreed to become PM if Medvedev won the election.<ref>http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/12/17/putin.russia.ap/index.html</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: At the [[United Russia]] party congress on [[2007-12-17]], Medvedev was officially nominated and Putin agreed to become PM if Medvedev won the election.<ref>http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/12/17/putin.russia.ap/index.html</ref>
>> pas d'accents
At the time that Medvedev formally registered his candidacy with the [[Central Election Commission of Russia|Central Election Commission]] on December 20, 2007, he announced that if elected, he would be stepping down as [[Chair (official)|chairman]] of the [[Board of Directors]] of [[Gazprom]], since under the current laws, the president is not permitted to hold another post.<ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aO3DYm6Qk.Nc Medvedev Registers for Russian Presidency, Will Leave Gazprom],Bloomberg, December 20, 2007.</ref> Sources close to Gazprom and Medvedev have told the [[Vedomosti]] newspaper that Medvedev may be replaced by Putin at Gazprom.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071221/wl_nm/putin_gazprom_dc_2 Putin may become Gazprom chairman], Reuters, December 21, 2007.</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

At the time that Medvedev formally registered his candidacy with the [[Central Election Commission of Russia|Central Election Commission]] on December 20, 2007, he announced that if elected, he would be stepping down as [[Chair (official)|chairman]] of the [[Board of Directors]] of [[Gazprom]], since under the current laws, the president is not permitted to hold another post.<ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aO3DYm6Qk.Nc Medvedev Registers for Russian Presidency, Will Leave Gazprom],Bloomberg, December 20, 2007.</ref> Sources close to Gazprom and Medvedev have told the [[Vedomosti]] newspaper that Medvedev may be replaced by Putin at Gazprom.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071221/wl_nm/putin_gazprom_dc_2 Putin may become Gazprom chairman], Reuters, December 21, 2007.</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

At the time that Medvedev formally registered his candidacy with the [[Central Election Commission of Russia|Central Election Commission]] on December 20, 2007, he announced that if elected, he would be stepping down as [[Chair (official)|chairman]] of the [[Board of Directors]] of [[Gazprom]], since under the current laws, the president is not permitted to hold another post.<ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aO3DYm6Qk.Nc Medvedev Registers for Russian Presidency, Will Leave Gazprom],Bloomberg, December 20, 2007.</ref> Sources close to Gazprom and Medvedev have told the [[Vedomosti]] newspaper that Medvedev may be replaced by Putin at Gazprom.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071221/wl_nm/putin_gazprom_dc_2 Putin may become Gazprom chairman], Reuters, December 21, 2007.</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: At the time that Medvedev formally registered his candidacy with the [[Central Election Commission of Russia|Central Election Commission]] on December 20, 2007, he announced that if elected, he would be stepping down as [[Chair (official)|chairman]] of the [[Board of Directors]] of [[Gazprom]], since under the current laws, the president is not permitted to hold another post.<ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aO3DYm6Qk.Nc Medvedev Registers for Russian Presidency, Will Leave Gazprom],Bloomberg, December 20, 2007.</ref> Sources close to Gazprom and Medvedev have told the [[Vedomosti]] newspaper that Medvedev may be replaced by Putin at Gazprom.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071221/wl_nm/putin_gazprom_dc_2 Putin may become Gazprom chairman], Reuters, December 21, 2007.</ref>
At the time that Medvedev formally registered his candidacy with the [[Central Election Commission of Russia|Central Election Commission]] on December 20, 2007, he announced that if elected, he would be stepping down as [[Chair (official)|chairman]] of the [[Board of Directors]] of [[Gazprom]], since under the current laws, the president is not permitted to hold another post.<ref>[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aO3DYm6Qk.Nc Medvedev Registers for Russian Presidency, Will Leave Gazprom],Bloomberg, December 20, 2007.</ref> Sources close to Gazprom and Medvedev have told the [[Vedomosti]] newspaper that Medvedev may be replaced by Putin at Gazprom.<ref>[http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071221/wl_nm/putin_gazprom_dc_2 Putin may become Gazprom chairman], Reuters, December 21, 2007.</ref>
Spam: -5 /yahoo/;

>> pas d'accents
One of Putin's favorite sports is the [[martial art]] of [[judo]]. Putin began training in [[Sambo (martial art)|sambo]] (a Soviet [[martial art]] developed for the [[Red Army]] and the [[NKVD]]) at the age of 14, before switching to [[judo]], which he continues to practice today.<ref>[http://www.npr.org/news/specials/putin/nprinterview.html Vladimir Putin: the NPR interview] U.S. radio station [[National Public Radio]] [[New York]] ([[November 15]], [[2001]])</ref> Putin won competitions in his hometown of [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]), including the senior championship of Leningrad. He is the President of the [[Yawara Dojo]], the same [[St. Petersburg]] [[dojo]] he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as ''Judo with Vladimir Putin'' and in English under the title ''[[Judo: History, Theory, Practice]].''<ref>{{cite book | last=Putin | first=Vladimir V. | coauthors=Vasilii Shestakov, Alexey Levitsky, Aleksei Levitskii | year=2004 | month=July | title=Judo: History, Theory, Practice | publisher=North Atlantic Books | id=ISBN 1-55643-445-6 }}</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

One of Putin's favorite sports is the [[martial art]] of [[judo]]. Putin began training in [[Sambo (martial art)|sambo]] (a Soviet [[martial art]] developed for the [[Red Army]] and the [[NKVD]]) at the age of 14, before switching to [[judo]], which he continues to practice today.<ref>[http://www.npr.org/news/specials/putin/nprinterview.html Vladimir Putin: the NPR interview] U.S. radio station [[National Public Radio]] [[New York]] ([[November 15]], [[2001]])</ref> Putin won competitions in his hometown of [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]), including the senior championship of Leningrad. He is the President of the [[Yawara Dojo]], the same [[St. Petersburg]] [[dojo]] he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as ''Judo with Vladimir Putin'' and in English under the title ''[[Judo: History, Theory, Practice]].''<ref>{{cite book | last=Putin | first=Vladimir V. | coauthors=Vasilii Shestakov, Alexey Levitsky, Aleksei Levitskii | year=2004 | month=July | title=Judo: History, Theory, Practice | publisher=North Atlantic Books | id=ISBN 1-55643-445-6 }}</ref>
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

One of Putin's favorite sports is the [[martial art]] of [[judo]]. Putin began training in [[Sambo (martial art)|sambo]] (a Soviet [[martial art]] developed for the [[Red Army]] and the [[NKVD]]) at the age of 14, before switching to [[judo]], which he continues to practice today.<ref>[http://www.npr.org/news/specials/putin/nprinterview.html Vladimir Putin: the NPR interview] U.S. radio station [[National Public Radio]] [[New York]] ([[November 15]], [[2001]])</ref> Putin won competitions in his hometown of [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]), including the senior championship of Leningrad. He is the President of the [[Yawara Dojo]], the same [[St. Petersburg]] [[dojo]] he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as ''Judo with Vladimir Putin'' and in English under the title ''[[Judo: History, Theory, Practice]].''<ref>{{cite book | last=Putin | first=Vladimir V. | coauthors=Vasilii Shestakov, Alexey Levitsky, Aleksei Levitskii | year=2004 | month=July | title=Judo: History, Theory, Practice | publisher=North Atlantic Books | id=ISBN 1-55643-445-6 }}</ref>
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

One of Putin's favorite sports is the [[martial art]] of [[judo]]. Putin began training in [[Sambo (martial art)|sambo]] (a Soviet [[martial art]] developed for the [[Red Army]] and the [[NKVD]]) at the age of 14, before switching to [[judo]], which he continues to practice today.<ref>[http://www.npr.org/news/specials/putin/nprinterview.html Vladimir Putin: the NPR interview] U.S. radio station [[National Public Radio]] [[New York]] ([[November 15]], [[2001]])</ref> Putin won competitions in his hometown of [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]), including the senior championship of Leningrad. He is the President of the [[Yawara Dojo]], the same [[St. Petersburg]] [[dojo]] he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as ''Judo with Vladimir Putin'' and in English under the title ''[[Judo: History, Theory, Practice]].''<ref>{{cite book | last=Putin | first=Vladimir V. | coauthors=Vasilii Shestakov, Alexey Levitsky, Aleksei Levitskii | year=2004 | month=July | title=Judo: History, Theory, Practice | publisher=North Atlantic Books | id=ISBN 1-55643-445-6 }}</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

One of Putin's favorite sports is the [[martial art]] of [[judo]]. Putin began training in [[Sambo (martial art)|sambo]] (a Soviet [[martial art]] developed for the [[Red Army]] and the [[NKVD]]) at the age of 14, before switching to [[judo]], which he continues to practice today.<ref>[http://www.npr.org/news/specials/putin/nprinterview.html Vladimir Putin: the NPR interview] U.S. radio station [[National Public Radio]] [[New York]] ([[November 15]], [[2001]])</ref> Putin won competitions in his hometown of [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]), including the senior championship of Leningrad. He is the President of the [[Yawara Dojo]], the same [[St. Petersburg]] [[dojo]] he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as ''Judo with Vladimir Putin'' and in English under the title ''[[Judo: History, Theory, Practice]].''<ref>{{cite book | last=Putin | first=Vladimir V. | coauthors=Vasilii Shestakov, Alexey Levitsky, Aleksei Levitskii | year=2004 | month=July | title=Judo: History, Theory, Practice | publisher=North Atlantic Books | id=ISBN 1-55643-445-6 }}</ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

possible spam: One of Putin's favorite sports is the [[martial art]] of [[judo]]. Putin began training in [[Sambo (martial art)|sambo]] (a Soviet [[martial art]] developed for the [[Red Army]] and the [[NKVD]]) at the age of 14, before switching to [[judo]], which he continues to practice today.<ref>[http://www.npr.org/news/specials/putin/nprinterview.html Vladimir Putin: the NPR interview] U.S. radio station [[National Public Radio]] [[New York]] ([[November 15]], [[2001]])</ref> Putin won competitions in his hometown of [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]] (now [[Saint Petersburg]]), including the senior championship of Leningrad. He is the President of the [[Yawara Dojo]], the same [[St. Petersburg]] [[dojo]] he practiced at when young. Putin co-authored a book on his favorite sport, published in Russian as ''Judo with Vladimir Putin'' and in English under the title ''[[Judo: History, Theory, Practice]].''<ref>{{cite book | last=Putin | first=Vladimir V. | coauthors=Vasilii Shestakov, Alexey Levitsky, Aleksei Levitskii | year=2004 | month=July | title=Judo: History, Theory, Practice | publisher=North Atlantic Books | id=ISBN 1-55643-445-6 }}</ref>
>> pas d'accents
Though he is not the first [[world leader]] to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin is a [[Black belt (martial arts)|black belt]] (6th dan) and is best known for his [[Harai Goshi]] (sweeping hip throw).<ref name="judo">{{cite web | url=http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html | title=Presidential Judo | author=Tom Ross | work=FightingArts.com}}</ref> Vladimir Putin is [[Master of Sports]] (Soviet and Russian sport title) in [[Judo]] and [[Sambo (martial art)|Sambo]]. After a state visit to [[Japan]], Putin was invited to the [[Kodokan]] Institute where he showed the students and Japanese officials different judo techniques.<ref name="judo" /> 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Though he is not the first [[world leader]] to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin is a [[Black belt (martial arts)|black belt]] (6th dan) and is best known for his [[Harai Goshi]] (sweeping hip throw).<ref name="judo">{{cite web | url=http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html | title=Presidential Judo | author=Tom Ross | work=FightingArts.com}}</ref> Vladimir Putin is [[Master of Sports]] (Soviet and Russian sport title) in [[Judo]] and [[Sambo (martial art)|Sambo]]. After a state visit to [[Japan]], Putin was invited to the [[Kodokan]] Institute where he showed the students and Japanese officials different judo techniques.<ref name="judo" /> 
+1 /^[A-Z][a-z].*[.?]\b/ # Line starts with normal sentence

Though he is not the first [[world leader]] to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin is a [[Black belt (martial arts)|black belt]] (6th dan) and is best known for his [[Harai Goshi]] (sweeping hip throw).<ref name="judo">{{cite web | url=http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html | title=Presidential Judo | author=Tom Ross | work=FightingArts.com}}</ref> Vladimir Putin is [[Master of Sports]] (Soviet and Russian sport title) in [[Judo]] and [[Sambo (martial art)|Sambo]]. After a state visit to [[Japan]], Putin was invited to the [[Kodokan]] Institute where he showed the students and Japanese officials different judo techniques.<ref name="judo" /> 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Though he is not the first [[world leader]] to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin is a [[Black belt (martial arts)|black belt]] (6th dan) and is best known for his [[Harai Goshi]] (sweeping hip throw).<ref name="judo">{{cite web | url=http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html | title=Presidential Judo | author=Tom Ross | work=FightingArts.com}}</ref> Vladimir Putin is [[Master of Sports]] (Soviet and Russian sport title) in [[Judo]] and [[Sambo (martial art)|Sambo]]. After a state visit to [[Japan]], Putin was invited to the [[Kodokan]] Institute where he showed the students and Japanese officials different judo techniques.<ref name="judo" /> 
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

Though he is not the first [[world leader]] to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin is a [[Black belt (martial arts)|black belt]] (6th dan) and is best known for his [[Harai Goshi]] (sweeping hip throw).<ref name="judo">{{cite web | url=http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html | title=Presidential Judo | author=Tom Ross | work=FightingArts.com}}</ref> Vladimir Putin is [[Master of Sports]] (Soviet and Russian sport title) in [[Judo]] and [[Sambo (martial art)|Sambo]]. After a state visit to [[Japan]], Putin was invited to the [[Kodokan]] Institute where he showed the students and Japanese officials different judo techniques.<ref name="judo" /> 
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: Though he is not the first [[world leader]] to practice judo, Putin is the first leader to move forward into the advanced levels. Currently, Putin is a [[Black belt (martial arts)|black belt]] (6th dan) and is best known for his [[Harai Goshi]] (sweeping hip throw).<ref name="judo">{{cite web | url=http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html | title=Presidential Judo | author=Tom Ross | work=FightingArts.com}}</ref> Vladimir Putin is [[Master of Sports]] (Soviet and Russian sport title) in [[Judo]] and [[Sambo (martial art)|Sambo]]. After a state visit to [[Japan]], Putin was invited to the [[Kodokan]] Institute where he showed the students and Japanese officials different judo techniques.<ref name="judo" /> 
Putin is also a fan of [[Mixed Martial Arts]], and of famous Russian MMA fighter [[Fedor Emelianenko]]. He attended the [[BODOG Fight]] event in St. Petersburg.{{Fact|date=October 2007}}
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

Putin is also a fan of [[Mixed Martial Arts]], and of famous Russian MMA fighter [[Fedor Emelianenko]]. He attended the [[BODOG Fight]] event in St. Petersburg.{{Fact|date=October 2007}}
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

Putin is also a fan of [[Mixed Martial Arts]], and of famous Russian MMA fighter [[Fedor Emelianenko]]. He attended the [[BODOG Fight]] event in St. Petersburg.{{Fact|date=October 2007}}
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

* In 2001 Germany awarded Vladimir Putin a special class of the Grand Cross [[Bundesverdienstkreuz]].{{Fact|date=December 2007}}
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

* In 2001 Germany awarded Vladimir Putin a special class of the Grand Cross [[Bundesverdienstkreuz]].{{Fact|date=December 2007}}
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

* In 2001 Germany awarded Vladimir Putin a special class of the Grand Cross [[Bundesverdienstkreuz]].{{Fact|date=December 2007}}
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

>> pas d'accents
* In September 2006, France's president [[Jacques Chirac]] awarded Vladimir Putin the insignia of an honorary Knight (Chevalier) of the [[Legion d'Honneur]], the highest French decoration, to celebrate his contribution to the friendship between the two countries. This decoration is usually awarded to the heads of state considered as very close to France.<ref>http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhvhv_chirac-decore-poutine</ref> 
-1 /\bfrenchi?e?s?\b/

* In September 2006, France's president [[Jacques Chirac]] awarded Vladimir Putin the insignia of an honorary Knight (Chevalier) of the [[Legion d'Honneur]], the highest French decoration, to celebrate his contribution to the friendship between the two countries. This decoration is usually awarded to the heads of state considered as very close to France.<ref>http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhvhv_chirac-decore-poutine</ref> 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

* In September 2006, France's president [[Jacques Chirac]] awarded Vladimir Putin the insignia of an honorary Knight (Chevalier) of the [[Legion d'Honneur]], the highest French decoration, to celebrate his contribution to the friendship between the two countries. This decoration is usually awarded to the heads of state considered as very close to France.<ref>http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhvhv_chirac-decore-poutine</ref> 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: * In September 2006, France's president [[Jacques Chirac]] awarded Vladimir Putin the insignia of an honorary Knight (Chevalier) of the [[Legion d'Honneur]], the highest French decoration, to celebrate his contribution to the friendship between the two countries. This decoration is usually awarded to the heads of state considered as very close to France.<ref>http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhvhv_chirac-decore-poutine</ref> 
* On [[February 12]], [[2007]] [[Saudi Arabia|Saudi]] [[Abdullah of Saudi Arabia|King Abdullah]] awarded Putin the King Abdul Aziz Award, Saudi Arabia's top civilian decoration.{{Fact|date=December 2007}} 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

* On [[February 12]], [[2007]] [[Saudi Arabia|Saudi]] [[Abdullah of Saudi Arabia|King Abdullah]] awarded Putin the King Abdul Aziz Award, Saudi Arabia's top civilian decoration.{{Fact|date=December 2007}} 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

* On [[February 12]], [[2007]] [[Saudi Arabia|Saudi]] [[Abdullah of Saudi Arabia|King Abdullah]] awarded Putin the King Abdul Aziz Award, Saudi Arabia's top civilian decoration.{{Fact|date=December 2007}} 
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

* On [[September 10]], [[2007]] [[United Arab Emirates|UAE]] President [[Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan]] awarded Putin the Order of Zayed, UAE's top civilian decoration.<ref>[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/10/09/2007/117887.shtml Putin Receives Top UAE's Decoration, Order of Zayed], Rbc.ru, Septempber 10, 2007</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

* On [[September 10]], [[2007]] [[United Arab Emirates|UAE]] President [[Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan]] awarded Putin the Order of Zayed, UAE's top civilian decoration.<ref>[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/10/09/2007/117887.shtml Putin Receives Top UAE's Decoration, Order of Zayed], Rbc.ru, Septempber 10, 2007</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: * On [[September 10]], [[2007]] [[United Arab Emirates|UAE]] President [[Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan]] awarded Putin the Order of Zayed, UAE's top civilian decoration.<ref>[http://top.rbc.ru/politics/10/09/2007/117887.shtml Putin Receives Top UAE's Decoration, Order of Zayed], Rbc.ru, Septempber 10, 2007</ref>
* In December 2007 Putin was named [[Person of the Year (Expert magazine)]] by [[Expert magazine]], influential and respected Russian business weekly.{{fact | date=December 2007}}
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

* In December 2007 Putin was named [[Person of the Year (Expert magazine)]] by [[Expert magazine]], influential and respected Russian business weekly.{{fact | date=December 2007}}
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

* In December 2007 Putin was named [[Person of the Year (Expert magazine)]] by [[Expert magazine]], influential and respected Russian business weekly.{{fact | date=December 2007}}
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

:''See also: [[Putinisms]]''
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

:''See also: [[Putinisms]]''
+1 /''/ # Markup is good

:''See also: [[Putinisms]]''
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

*In a transcript<ref name="nbc-interview-2006">{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |url= http://kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/07/12/1443_type82916_108525.shtml
|date=July 12, 2006}}</ref> published on [[July 12]], [[2006]], Putin is reported to have responded to U.S. Vice President [[Dick Cheney]]'s political criticism by saying, "I think the statements of your Vice-President of this sort are the same as an [[Dick Cheney hunting incident|unsuccessful hunting shot]]."<ref name="nbc-interview-2006"/><ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

|date=July 12, 2006}}</ref> published on [[July 12]], [[2006]], Putin is reported to have responded to U.S. Vice President [[Dick Cheney]]'s political criticism by saying, "I think the statements of your Vice-President of this sort are the same as an [[Dick Cheney hunting incident|unsuccessful hunting shot]]."<ref name="nbc-interview-2006"/><ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

|date=July 12, 2006}}</ref> published on [[July 12]], [[2006]], Putin is reported to have responded to U.S. Vice President [[Dick Cheney]]'s political criticism by saying, "I think the statements of your Vice-President of this sort are the same as an [[Dick Cheney hunting incident|unsuccessful hunting shot]]."<ref name="nbc-interview-2006"/><ref>{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |url= http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2266739,00.html
|title=Putin has fun with Cheney hunting accident}}</ref> U.S. President George W. Bush later remarked that the comment was "pretty clever, actually, quite humorous." [http://www.abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=2187443]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

|title=Putin has fun with Cheney hunting accident}}</ref> U.S. President George W. Bush later remarked that the comment was "pretty clever, actually, quite humorous." [http://www.abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=2187443]
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |title=Putin has fun with Cheney hunting accident}}</ref> U.S. President George W. Bush later remarked that the comment was "pretty clever, actually, quite humorous." [http://www.abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=2187443]
*In response to Bush's accusations during the press conference at the [[32nd G8 summit]] held in July of 2006, concerning the decline of democracy in modern Russia, when Bush said that Iraq is a good example to follow, Putin stated, "We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly."<ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*In response to Bush's accusations during the press conference at the [[32nd G8 summit]] held in July of 2006, concerning the decline of democracy in modern Russia, when Bush said that Iraq is a good example to follow, Putin stated, "We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly."<ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

*In response to Bush's accusations during the press conference at the [[32nd G8 summit]] held in July of 2006, concerning the decline of democracy in modern Russia, when Bush said that Iraq is a good example to follow, Putin stated, "We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly."<ref>{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: |url= http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/07/15/1636_type82914type82915_108744.shtml
>> pas d'accents
*At a press conference on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin was asked for his opinion on homosexuality in the midst of a row over the decision by [[Moscow]] [[Mayor]] [[Yury Luzhkov]] to ban a gay rights parade in Moscow. Putin said: "My approach toward gay parades and sexual minorities is very simple. It is directly linked to my responsibilities. One of the key problems of our country is the demographic problem." After the audience burst out in laughter, Putin added, "I respect the freedom of people in all respects."<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml Transcript of Press Conference with the Russian and Foreign Media], February 1, 2007</ref><ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bgay\b/ # Peut être un nom de famille

*At a press conference on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin was asked for his opinion on homosexuality in the midst of a row over the decision by [[Moscow]] [[Mayor]] [[Yury Luzhkov]] to ban a gay rights parade in Moscow. Putin said: "My approach toward gay parades and sexual minorities is very simple. It is directly linked to my responsibilities. One of the key problems of our country is the demographic problem." After the audience burst out in laughter, Putin added, "I respect the freedom of people in all respects."<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml Transcript of Press Conference with the Russian and Foreign Media], February 1, 2007</ref><ref>{{cite web
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*At a press conference on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin was asked for his opinion on homosexuality in the midst of a row over the decision by [[Moscow]] [[Mayor]] [[Yury Luzhkov]] to ban a gay rights parade in Moscow. Putin said: "My approach toward gay parades and sexual minorities is very simple. It is directly linked to my responsibilities. One of the key problems of our country is the demographic problem." After the audience burst out in laughter, Putin added, "I respect the freedom of people in all respects."<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml Transcript of Press Conference with the Russian and Foreign Media], February 1, 2007</ref><ref>{{cite web
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

*At a press conference on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin was asked for his opinion on homosexuality in the midst of a row over the decision by [[Moscow]] [[Mayor]] [[Yury Luzhkov]] to ban a gay rights parade in Moscow. Putin said: "My approach toward gay parades and sexual minorities is very simple. It is directly linked to my responsibilities. One of the key problems of our country is the demographic problem." After the audience burst out in laughter, Putin added, "I respect the freedom of people in all respects."<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml Transcript of Press Conference with the Russian and Foreign Media], February 1, 2007</ref><ref>{{cite web
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: *At a press conference on [[February 1]], [[2007]] Putin was asked for his opinion on homosexuality in the midst of a row over the decision by [[Moscow]] [[Mayor]] [[Yury Luzhkov]] to ban a gay rights parade in Moscow. Putin said: "My approach toward gay parades and sexual minorities is very simple. It is directly linked to my responsibilities. One of the key problems of our country is the demographic problem." After the audience burst out in laughter, Putin added, "I respect the freedom of people in all respects."<ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/02/01/1309_type82915type82917_117600.shtml Transcript of Press Conference with the Russian and Foreign Media], February 1, 2007</ref><ref>{{cite web
possible spam: |url=http://gaycitynews.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=18352281&BRD=2729&PAG=461&dept_id=569346&rfi=6
Spam: +10 /site.*=/; # infobox

>> pas d'accents
*During his terms in office Putin has made [http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/sdocs/speeches.shtml?stype=70029 8 annual addresses] to the [[Federal Assembly of Russia]], speaking on the situation in Russia and on guidelines of the internal and foreign policy of the State (as prescribed in [http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-05.htm Article 84.f of the Constitution]). The 2007 election campaign of the [[United Russia]] party went under the slogan "Putin's Plan: Russia's Victory". When asked on the "Putin's plan", Vladimir Putin said the last five Addresses contained some key parts "devoted to the state’s medium-term development", and "if all these key ideas were put together to build a coherent system, it can become the country's development plan in the medium-term". <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/09/14/1801_type82917type84779_144106.shtml Meeting with Members of the Valdai International Discussion Club], September 2007, Kremlin.Ru</ref>
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*During his terms in office Putin has made [http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/sdocs/speeches.shtml?stype=70029 8 annual addresses] to the [[Federal Assembly of Russia]], speaking on the situation in Russia and on guidelines of the internal and foreign policy of the State (as prescribed in [http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-05.htm Article 84.f of the Constitution]). The 2007 election campaign of the [[United Russia]] party went under the slogan "Putin's Plan: Russia's Victory". When asked on the "Putin's plan", Vladimir Putin said the last five Addresses contained some key parts "devoted to the state’s medium-term development", and "if all these key ideas were put together to build a coherent system, it can become the country's development plan in the medium-term". <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/09/14/1801_type82917type84779_144106.shtml Meeting with Members of the Valdai International Discussion Club], September 2007, Kremlin.Ru</ref>
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

*During his terms in office Putin has made [http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/sdocs/speeches.shtml?stype=70029 8 annual addresses] to the [[Federal Assembly of Russia]], speaking on the situation in Russia and on guidelines of the internal and foreign policy of the State (as prescribed in [http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-05.htm Article 84.f of the Constitution]). The 2007 election campaign of the [[United Russia]] party went under the slogan "Putin's Plan: Russia's Victory". When asked on the "Putin's plan", Vladimir Putin said the last five Addresses contained some key parts "devoted to the state’s medium-term development", and "if all these key ideas were put together to build a coherent system, it can become the country's development plan in the medium-term". <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/09/14/1801_type82917type84779_144106.shtml Meeting with Members of the Valdai International Discussion Club], September 2007, Kremlin.Ru</ref>
+1 /"/ # Guillemets droits

possible spam: *During his terms in office Putin has made [http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/sdocs/speeches.shtml?stype=70029 8 annual addresses] to the [[Federal Assembly of Russia]], speaking on the situation in Russia and on guidelines of the internal and foreign policy of the State (as prescribed in [http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-05.htm Article 84.f of the Constitution]). The 2007 election campaign of the [[United Russia]] party went under the slogan "Putin's Plan: Russia's Victory". When asked on the "Putin's plan", Vladimir Putin said the last five Addresses contained some key parts "devoted to the state’s medium-term development", and "if all these key ideas were put together to build a coherent system, it can become the country's development plan in the medium-term". <ref>[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2007/09/14/1801_type82917type84779_144106.shtml Meeting with Members of the Valdai International Discussion Club], September 2007, Kremlin.Ru</ref>
+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

+5 /\{\{.+\}\}/ # Templates are good

possible spam: *[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/ The official site of the President of the Russian Federation]
possible spam: *[http://kremlin.ru/eng/articles/about_sp.shtml Speeches by the President] at the official [http://kremlin.ru/eng/ website].
>> pas d'accents
possible spam: *Artiom Malgin, Jaroslav Skvortsov, Alexandr Tchechevishnikov (Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO); published by the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies, Warsaw: [http://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/page.php?p1=532b5f727bb6c829189a19b74e0865c1&uid=c237f3846ffa15542d54070ab2bdcf60 Aims, Priorities and Tasks: Attempt at a Systematic Analysis of the Presidential Speeches In Russia (2000 – 2005)], XV Economic Forum Krynica 7-10 September, 2005
*Artiom Malgin, Jaroslav Skvortsov, Alexandr Tchechevishnikov (Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO); published by the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies, Warsaw: [http://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/page.php?p1=532b5f727bb6c829189a19b74e0865c1&uid=c237f3846ffa15542d54070ab2bdcf60 Aims, Priorities and Tasks: Attempt at a Systematic Analysis of the Presidential Speeches In Russia (2000 – 2005)], XV Economic Forum Krynica 7-10 September, 2005
Spam: -1 /forum/;

*[http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200503/starobin The Accidental Autocrat], in [[The Atlantic Monthly]], March 2005 (may require subscription)
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200503/starobin The Accidental Autocrat], in [[The Atlantic Monthly]], March 2005 (may require subscription)
*[http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Central_Asia/IB17Ag02.html Russia as friend, not foe], in [[Asia Times]] by Nicolai N. Petro, February 2007
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Central_Asia/IB17Ag02.html Russia as friend, not foe], in [[Asia Times]] by Nicolai N. Petro, February 2007
possible spam: *[http://www.saag.org/papers17/paper1682.html Russia's Foreign Policy in a resurgent mode: An Analysis]
*[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/07/06/2312_type82917type84779_108352.shtml Transcript of the Interactive Webcast] with the President, [[July 6]], [[2006]] ([http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/5153854.stm BBC version]).
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/07/06/2312_type82917type84779_108352.shtml Transcript of the Interactive Webcast] with the President, [[July 6]], [[2006]] ([http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/5153854.stm BBC version]).
*[http://www.russianspy.org/category/vladimir-putin/ RussianSpy: Vladimir Putin]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: *[http://www.russianspy.org/category/vladimir-putin/ RussianSpy: Vladimir Putin]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/415124.stm BBC &ndash; Vladimir Putin: Spy turned politician]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: *[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/415124.stm BBC &ndash; Vladimir Putin: Spy turned politician]
*[http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/060915a.aspx CBNnews.com &ndash; Putin: Russia’s Next Czar? ]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: *[http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/060915a.aspx CBNnews.com &ndash; Putin: Russia’s Next Czar? ]
*[http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html Putin and his judo activities]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: *[http://www.fightingarts.com/content01/putin.html Putin and his judo activities]
possible spam: *[http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html Transcript of an interview with Larry King, September 2000]
possible spam: *[http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,1834009,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1 Guardian — How I learned to love Vlad], by Nick P. Walsh
possible spam: *[http://politicalworld.wordpress.com/2006/12/18/russia-to-be-feared-for-now/ Russia - To Be Feared... For Now]
*[http://www.robertamsterdam.com/2007/04/putins_russia_riches_rights_ri_1.htm?Putin Putin's Russia]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

possible spam: *[http://www.robertamsterdam.com/2007/04/putins_russia_riches_rights_ri_1.htm?Putin Putin's Russia]
*{{cite news|first= |last= |author=[[Anatol Lieven]] |url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/05/11/opinion/edlieven.php|title=Putin versus Cheney |work= |publisher= International Herald Tribune|pages= |page= |date=May 11, 2006 |accessdate= }}
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*{{cite news|first= |last= |author=[[Anatol Lieven]] |url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/05/11/opinion/edlieven.php|title=Putin versus Cheney |work= |publisher= International Herald Tribune|pages= |page= |date=May 11, 2006 |accessdate= }}
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

*{{cite news|first= |last= |author=[[Anatol Lieven]] |url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/05/11/opinion/edlieven.php|title=Putin versus Cheney |work= |publisher= International Herald Tribune|pages= |page= |date=May 11, 2006 |accessdate= }}
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possible spam: *{{cite news|first= |last= |author=[[Anatol Lieven]] |url= http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/05/11/opinion/edlieven.php|title=Putin versus Cheney |work= |publisher= International Herald Tribune|pages= |page= |date=May 11, 2006 |accessdate= }}
*[http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19003 Putin's Duality] by [[Ion Mihai Pacepa]], [[FrontPageMag.com|FrontPageMagazine]], [[August 5]], [[2005]]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*[http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19003 Putin's Duality] by [[Ion Mihai Pacepa]], [[FrontPageMag.com|FrontPageMagazine]], [[August 5]], [[2005]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19003 Putin's Duality] by [[Ion Mihai Pacepa]], [[FrontPageMag.com|FrontPageMagazine]], [[August 5]], [[2005]]
*[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=483321&in_page_id=1770 Putin has been vilified by the West - but he is still a great leader], by [[John Laughland]], [[Daily Mail]], [[September 22]], [[2007]]
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=483321&in_page_id=1770 Putin has been vilified by the West - but he is still a great leader], by [[John Laughland]], [[Daily Mail]], [[September 22]], [[2007]]
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=483321&in_page_id=1770 Putin has been vilified by the West - but he is still a great leader], by [[John Laughland]], [[Daily Mail]], [[September 22]], [[2007]]
*[http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2007/gb20070912_967309.htm?chan=search Putin Positions Himself for Influence], by [[Jason Bush]], [[Business Week]], September 12, 2007
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*[http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2007/gb20070912_967309.htm?chan=search Putin Positions Himself for Influence], by [[Jason Bush]], [[Business Week]], September 12, 2007
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2007/gb20070912_967309.htm?chan=search Putin Positions Himself for Influence], by [[Jason Bush]], [[Business Week]], September 12, 2007
*[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/80e5e8a8-a81d-11dc-9485-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1 An apparatchik president? Why Russia expects Putin to stay on at Medvedev’s side] by [[Neil Buckley]] and [[Catherine Belton]], [[Financial Times]], December 11, 2007 
-5 /\bpu?ta?in/

*[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/80e5e8a8-a81d-11dc-9485-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1 An apparatchik president? Why Russia expects Putin to stay on at Medvedev’s side] by [[Neil Buckley]] and [[Catherine Belton]], [[Financial Times]], December 11, 2007 
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

possible spam: *[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/80e5e8a8-a81d-11dc-9485-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1 An apparatchik president? Why Russia expects Putin to stay on at Medvedev’s side] by [[Neil Buckley]] and [[Catherine Belton]], [[Financial Times]], December 11, 2007 
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{{succession box | before = N/A|title = Head of the Committee for External Relations of the [[Saint Petersburg|St. Petersburg]] City Administration| years = [[June 28]][[1991]]-1996| after = [[Gennadiy Tkachyov]]}}
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{{succession box | before = N/A|title = Head of the Committee for External Relations of the [[Saint Petersburg|St. Petersburg]] City Administration| years = [[June 28]][[1991]]-1996| after = [[Gennadiy Tkachyov]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Alexei Kudrin]]|title = Chief of the Control Directorate of the [[Russian presidential administration]]|years = [[March 26]][[1997]]-May 1998| after = [[Nikolay Patrushev]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Alexei Kudrin]]|title = Chief of the Control Directorate of the [[Russian presidential administration]]|years = [[March 26]][[1997]]-May 1998| after = [[Nikolay Patrushev]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Nikolay Kovalev (FSB)|Nikolay Kovalyov]]|title = Director of [[FSB (Russia)|FSB]] | years = [[July 25]][[1998]] - [[August 9]][[1999]]| after = [[Nikolay Patrushev]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Nikolay Kovalev (FSB)|Nikolay Kovalyov]]|title = Director of [[FSB (Russia)|FSB]] | years = [[July 25]][[1998]] - [[August 9]][[1999]]| after = [[Nikolay Patrushev]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Nikolai Bordyuzha]]|title = Secretary of the [[Security Council of the Russian Federation]]| years = [[March 29]][[1999]]-[[November 15]][[1999]]| after = [[Sergei Ivanov]]}}
+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

{{succession box | before = [[Nikolai Bordyuzha]]|title = Secretary of the [[Security Council of the Russian Federation]]| years = [[March 29]][[1999]]-[[November 15]][[1999]]| after = [[Sergei Ivanov]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Sergei Stepashin]] | title = [[Prime Minister of Russia]]|years = [[August 9]], [[1999]]–[[May 7]], [[2000]]| after = [[Mikhail Kasyanov]]}}
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{{succession box | before = [[Sergei Stepashin]] | title = [[Prime Minister of Russia]]|years = [[August 9]], [[1999]]–[[May 7]], [[2000]]| after = [[Mikhail Kasyanov]]}}
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{{incumbent succession box | before = [[Boris Yeltsin]] | title = [[President of Russia]]|start=[[May 7]], [[2000]] <br>(acting president from [[December 31]], [[1999]])</br>| }}
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{{incumbent succession box | before = [[Boris Yeltsin]] | title = [[President of Russia]]|start=[[May 7]], [[2000]] <br>(acting president from [[December 31]], [[1999]])</br>| }}
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<!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]] -->
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|NAME= Putin, Vladimir
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|SHORT DESCRIPTION= 2nd [[President of the Russian Federation]]
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|DATE OF BIRTH= [[October 7]] [[1952]]
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|PLACE OF BIRTH= [[Saint Petersburg|Leningrad]], [[Soviet Union]]
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[[Category:1952 births|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:1952 births|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Vladimir Putin|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Alumni of St. Petersburg State University|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Alumni of St. Petersburg State University|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Beslan school hostage crisis|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Beslan school hostage crisis|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Current national leaders|Putin]]
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[[Category:Current national leaders|Putin]]
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[[Category:KGB officers|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:KGB officers|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Living people|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Living people|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Moscow theater hostage crisis|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Moscow theater hostage crisis|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:People of the Chechen wars|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:People from Saint Petersburg|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:People from Saint Petersburg|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Acting Presidents of the Russian Federation|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Acting Presidents of the Russian Federation|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Presidents of the Russian Federation|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Presidents of the Russian Federation|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Prime Ministers of Russian Federation|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Prime Ministers of Russian Federation|Putin, Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Russian judoka|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Russian judoka|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Russian Orthodox Christians|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Russian Orthodox Christians|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Russian sambo practitioners|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Russian sambo practitioners|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[Category:Time magazine Persons of the Year|Putin,Vladimir]]
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[[fr:Vladimir Poutine]]
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_CONTENT_ -620, -134, 0
Gros ajout : +5
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Score final: vandalisme = -615, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Utilisateur:Moez

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Utilisateur:Moez&diff=24288926&oldid=24248724&rcid=24284919
Détection du contenu:

Je me decrit en 4 mots : je suce des graines
-1 /\bsuce\b/

Je me decrit en 4 mots : je suce des graines
-30 /\b(je|tu) suces?/

_CONTENT_ -32, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Nouveau total : -52
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -53, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -53, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Dan AYNKROD

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dan_AYNKROD&diff=24289041&oldid=24289028&rcid=24285036
Détection du contenu:

-10 /[A-Z\s]{40,}/ # Too many caps + whitespace

-10 /\b[A-Z]{20,}\b/ # Too many caps

_CONTENT_ -20, 0, 0
Total précédent : -10
Nouveau total : -30

Score final: vandalisme = -30, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Jordane

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jordane&rcid=24285437
Détection du contenu:

ces une belle fille qui est une chanseus[e][[Image:Exemple.jpg]] qui est une ptostituer [[Image:Exemple.jpg]]
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ces une belle fille qui est une chanseus[e][[Image:Exemple.jpg]] qui est une ptostituer [[Image:Exemple.jpg]]
erreur: -25 /Image:Exemple\d?\.jpg/

_CONTENT_ 1, 0, -25
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1

Score final: vandalisme = 0, erreurs = -25

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Lune

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lune&diff=24289931&oldid=24178083&rcid=24285982
Détection du contenu:

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erreur: -25 /\[\[Media:Exemple\.ogg\]\]/

+1 /\[\[.+\]\]/ # Wikilinks are good

erreur: -25 /\[\[Titre du lien\]\]/

_CONTENT_ 2, 0, -50

Score final: vandalisme = 2, erreurs = -50

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Kelly la conne

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kelly_la_conne&rcid=24286473
Détection du contenu:

>> pas d'accents
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Kelly est conne 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-12 /[^A-Z]{1000,}/ # Long section without caps

Kelly est conne hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
-1 /[^\.\?,;:|\(\)"«»]{200,}/ # Long section without punctuation

_CONTENT_ -35, 0, 0
Gros ajout : +5
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
Nouveau total : -31

Score final: vandalisme = -31, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Palindrome

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Palindrome&diff=24290742&oldid=24098023&rcid=24286800
Détection du contenu:

* Mon cul luc nom.
-1 /\b(ma|mon|mes|moi)\b/ # "ma, mon, mes, moi" dans un article

* Mon cul luc nom.
-1 /\bculs?\b/

* Mon cul luc nom.
-30 /\b(mon|ton) (anus|cul?)\b/

_CONTENT_ -32, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -32

Score final: vandalisme = -32, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Pikachu

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pikachu&diff=24291437&oldid=23813632&rcid=24287508
Détection du contenu:

gros tas de marde embulant
-10 /\bm[ae]+rde/

gros tas de marde embulant
-10 /\bgros tas\b/

gros tas de marde embulant
-30 /(de|de la|dla|grosses?) m[ae]+r+de\b/

_CONTENT_ -50, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -50

Score final: vandalisme = -50, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Jeff Gordon

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jeff_Gordon&diff=24291586&oldid=23916254&rcid=24287658
Détection du contenu:

-10 /([g-zG-Z])\1{5}/ # même lettre 5 fois de suite

-5 /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{10,}/i; # No vowels

_CONTENT_ -15, 0, 0
Total précédent : -50
Nouveau total : -65

Score final: vandalisme = -65, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Grotte des Planches

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Grotte_des_Planches&rcid=24289561
Détection du contenu:

la grotte des planches, lieu a visiter absolument!!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/; # Plein de "!" dans un article

la grotte des planches, lieu a visiter absolument!!!!!!!!
/!{5,}/, score=-15
la grotte des planches, lieu a visiter absolument!!!!!!!!
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

la grotte des planches, lieu a visiter absolument!!!!!!!!
-10 /!{5,}/ # Way too many !'s

_CONTENT_ -36, 0, 0
nouvelle page sans résumé : -1
nouvelle page courte : -1
Nouveau total : -38

Score final: vandalisme = -38, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Zak

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zak&rcid=24289634
Détection du contenu:

moi !!!ÈÊ444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
-1 /\b(ma|mon|mes|moi)\b/ # "ma, mon, mes, moi" dans un article

moi !!!ÈÊ444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
-10 /([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4})\1{10}/ # même séquence de lettres 10 fois de suite

moi !!!ÈÊ444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

-10 /([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4})\1{10}/ # même séquence de lettres 10 fois de suite

_CONTENT_ -22, 0, 0
nouvelle page courte : -1
Nouveau total : -23

Score final: vandalisme = -23, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Alexandre Daigle

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alexandre_Daigle&diff=24294102&oldid=24137748&rcid=24290200
Détection du contenu:

+1 /''/ # Markup is good

est le plus beau, sexy, intelligent, genereux, serviable, gentil, persevairant, drole et parfais... C
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

est le gars ideal!!!
-1 /!!/ # Too many !'s

ostie de calisse de tabarnak de ciboire de crist...
-3 /\btabarna/

ostie de calisse de tabarnak de ciboire de crist...
-3 /\b(de)?caliss/

ostie de calisse de tabarnak de ciboire de crist...
-10 /\bosti/

Merci d'avoir lue cette ecrit qui s'avere 
-5 /\bmerci\b/

+1 /''/ # Markup is good

_CONTENT_ -21, 0, 0
Grosse suppression : -10
contenu remplacé : -10
Nouveau total : -41

Score final: vandalisme = -41, erreurs = 0

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur Langage SMS

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Langage_SMS&diff=24295500&oldid=24295387&rcid=24291673
Détection du contenu:

# element 1/
erreur: -25 /# element [1-3]\b/

# element 2 
erreur: -25 /# element [1-3]\b/

sa va ? (
-1 /^[a-z].+[.?!][\s$]/ # Line starts with lower case and looks complete, does not work well with a sentence fragment

# element 3 
erreur: -25 /# element [1-3]\b/

slt :
-5 /\bslt\b/

-5 /\bsalut\b/i; # "salut" dans un article

_CONTENT_ -11, 0, -75
Grosse suppression : -3
Total précédent : -12
Nouveau total : -26
Révocation précédente par des humains : nouveau score = -27, nouveau seuil = -6

Score final: vandalisme = -27, erreurs = -75

[modifier] Révocation de (d · c · b) sur John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Diff : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Fitzgerald_Kennedy&diff=24295642&oldid=24289133&rcid=24291816
Détection du contenu:

Il etait un vrai mangeux de marde!
-10 /\bm[ae]+rde/

Il etait un vrai mangeux de marde!
-30 /(de|de la|dla|grosses?) m[ae]+r+de\b/

_CONTENT_ -40, 0, 0
Nouveau total : -40

Score final: vandalisme = -40, erreurs = 0